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Posts posted by Judd

  1. 21 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    I dunno 6 million a year for a guy who has one 60 point season isn't the massive steal some people make it seem. He is a winger too let's not forget. It's a good deal but it is incumbent on Ehlers to progress and make it a steal. 

    He's 21,  and had a 64 point season. Even if 65 points is his MAX each year, it's a fair deal. Its fair to say that Ehlers is improving and can definitely be expected to be a 75 point guy.

    I thought the best case scenario for Ehlers would be the Filip Forsberg contract (58 point guy) for 6x6. Ehlers contract is even better. This is an absolute steal of a contract and there's no way around it

  2. 6 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Roberts was one of the best RBs in league history. I don’t even consider these two on the same playing field.

    agreed 100%. Love Harris, but I can't think of any other RB league wide in the last 20 years that I would take over Blink.

    Cornish or Harris. That's a more interesting comparison, imo.

  3. 2 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Can we really expect the "Flagship Franchise" of the CFL to follow the rules like everybody else? I mean that province of 1.16 million drives everything in the league, tv ratings and revenue, gate attendance, merchandise. We all just need to ignore the two "Save Our Riders Telethons" and acknowledge our new Rider overlords. ;)


    Couldn't let it slide for some reason lol 

  4. Had to spend the week in sakabush for work. Needless to say i got my bike stolen and couldn't find a single interesting thing to do.

    Notable suggestions from locals favorite things to do: go for a walk, go to the movie theater, and, "wait till Sunday cause there's a riders game"

    On the drive back i listened to the riders pregame and they had some jewels like "the riders are the second best team in the league" and "the riders have the best secondary in the league" 

    I just cannot reinforce riders success because as soon as they are good TSN gives them hand jobs every day and they go back to thinking they're the greatest fans of all time.

    I hope Calgary just mops the floor with them

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