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Posts posted by B-F-F-C

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    Does anyone seriously think that the Bombers are going to do anything in the playoffs? come on.

    imagine O'Shea job interview for head coach of another team.

    How long were you head coach of the Bombers?

    A. six years

    How many playoff games was the team in over that time?

    A. three.

    Did you win any playoff games?

    A. one. in six years.

    Well, that's all I know to know, you're hired!

    I think people here like O'Shea cause he's a Canadian head coach, and they desperately want to see that work.

    All the other stuff is just word play, stat jumbling, and excuse making. Nothing is ever on O'Shea for some people. silly.







    But luckily for O'Shea the Argos look at things differently.   They look at your playing resume first and foremost.



  2. 1 minute ago, M.Silverback said:

    I don’t know if “you” is me or the collective. I don’t recall many posters saying to play Streveler because he’s “tougher” than Nichols. People said play him because he’s a much better athlete and can make things happen running. That’s where he’s better than Nichols. Both are tough. QB’s are the toughest players on any football team without question. 

    "You" is the term used for the group on here who questioned Nichol's toughness and called him injury prone.

  3. 1 minute ago, AKAChip said:

    Again, regardless of what his CFL QB career ends up looking like, he is undeniably supremely talented and athletic. His shortcomings fall elsewhere. 

    Quite possibly true but all we're interested in is his ability to lead this team and become an effective and successful QB for this team.  

  4. 1 minute ago, AKAChip said:

    Talent is not something Streveler is lacking either. 

    Oh I'm sure he can probably tap dance or sing but you need skill to be effective as a QB in the CFL.  Maybe in the NCAA you can win some games with 200+ team rushing games but in the CFL you have to throw the ball downfield.   

  5. 10 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    I will tell you this: is everyone on this team had the heart and will that Streveler and Harris have (Including the coordinators) they'd probably never lose a game. 

    Just can not see Streveler ever succeeding with a guy like Lapo running the offense for him. He is too much a competitor to play in that passive bullcrap game Lapo loves. He needs someone like khari who will give him the green light to be aggressive and force the issue. That's just the kind of guy Streveler is. play it safe isn't his thing. 

    Heart is a great attribute to have but it must also be accompanied by skill and talent. 

  6. I thought that one of the things you admired about Streveler and made him so much better than Nichols was that he was "tough" and a warrior.  Now you're bitching about O'Shea because he left in his QB.  Plus I can't see any scenario where Mike O'Shea would put in a player if the player or training staff said he was too injured to play.  You guys know it but aren't willing to admit it. 

    You guys love to spin things to fit you're personal biases or agendas. 

  7. 2 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Streveler had a lot of success as a red zone qb last season. I have a hard time believing that he got worse. I'd suspect that teams have just gotten wise to the bombers tendencies. It's the same as happened to the rest of the offense.

    Are you referring to Streveler coming in when the balls within the 3 yards of the goal line and pounding it in on the ground?  

  8. The WBB football club have found themselves in similar financial hardship in the past.   I remember my dad telling me that he received a personal call from the team asking for money to get them out of a cash crunch.  My dad gave them $1000 and in return he was invited to a dinner at Ray & Jerry's with a few Bomber players.  When we were going thru his stuff fter he died I found a letter signed by Earl Lunsford (I believe) thanking him for his support.

    More recently I remember giving the Bombers $100 and in return I received  a "Bomber Hero" certificate. In addition to that when the "Save Our Jets" campaign failed I picked up my refund cheque from the arena and walked across the street and signed it over to the Bombers.  

    Thankfully the current WBB management team now runs the team as a business and it appears the team  is on solid financial footing.  

  9. 16 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    You might want to re watch the game, or maybe it was a completely different game you were watching. In the First half, Steveler had 1 dropped pass in the red zone, one int. Which was a 50/50 ball the rec basically gave up on and a TD pass. In the 2nd half he had one pass attempt in the red zone and it was a throw away after the pocket collapsed and he had to roll out and no one got open. In the 4th everytime they got close to the redzone all they did was run.

    I'm not saying he lit it up, but he certainly wasnt horrible.



    8   1 10 M16 Rush (11:46) A. HARRIS Run (16 yds), Touchdown
    52   2 10 M15 Pass (06:45) C. STREVELER Completed Pass to D. WOLITARSKY, caught at M0 (15 yds, 0 YAC), Touchdown

    69 110 M21Pass(00:25) C. STREVELER Pass Intercepted by T. CAMPBELL at M-10 (returned 0 yds), Tackle: D. ADAMS

    86 110M 36Pass(10:02) C. STREVELER Incomplete Pass intended for D. WOLITARSKY at M21


    87   2 10  M36 Pass (09:44) C. STREVELER Incomplete Pass intended for N. DEMSKI at M40

    94 27 M7 Pass(06:37) C. STREVELER Incomplete Pass at M-8, Pass thrown away out of bounds (no intended receiver).

    100 212 M35Pass(03:29) C. STREVELER Incomplete Pass intended for D. ADAMS at M25

    Above are our 6 visits to the red zone with two succesful attempts. One on the ground and the other by way of the pass.  Streveler's success in the red zone is dependant on Harris and his ability to run the ball.  If we get in to a 2nd and long situation our probability of success drops significantly.  Streveler is like a golfer who gets the yips on the green.  

    And I know that your first response will be to blame it on Lapo or the receiver not making a play on the ball.  And yes it's just one game but I believe that if you go back and look at his other games, it will show a tendency in the red zone. When Nichols was playing we were one of the best teams in red zone production. Now not so much.  

    Many of you think I don't like the guy but thats no true.  I hope he becomes our future #1 QB and  takes us to the promised land.  But he's not ready and I wouldn't be comfortable going into next season with him as our #1.  Many of you want to throw Nichols away with the bath water but we still need him for at least 1 more season. 


  10. I hate to say it but this game could be ugly and could end up to be our worst loss of the year.  I had to work last weekend and with thanksgiving I was just able to watch the Als game.   I was completely unimpressed with Streveler's play.  Almost every time we  got in to the red zone he either thru a pick or an off target pass.  He can't play like that against the Stamps.  As  soon as Streveler gets within the 20 yrd line he seems to get jittery and makes poor decisions. Unless he can run it in the probability of scoring goes way down and I don't think we can expect the defence to intercept BLM as often as they did against Adam's.  I like Streveler but he's done nothing to change my mind about his ineffective passing game.  

    So either Streveler has the game of his life or the defence will have to play lights out.  Not confident with either of the two.  I hope I'm wrong though.  


  11. 4 hours ago, M.Silverback said:

    Agree. And things are fluid. So much can happen between now and the off season. Lots of potential moving parts with coaches, QB's, etc. The important thing is that Miller and Walters hopefully know that unless we go on an incredible playoff run, change must happen. Even then, change must happen. I can't see them trotting out the same HC, coordinators, QB's next spring saying "nothing has changed, but things will be different now". 

    My predictions are O'Shea ends up in Toronto - partly his choice, partly the Argos going hard after him, partly the Bombers leaning towards different options - and Khari ends up in Winnipeg. I think his connections to the city, Miller, trump sticking around in Montreal. And basically most of the assistants are then gone. I think somehow Buck sticks around. 

    I think khari stays in Montreal. With a head coaching job and a 3 yr contract he’ll be comfortable enough to uproot his family and move east.  

  12. 3 minutes ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    This makes management look like a joke.  I am in agreement with firing them all now.   Canadian Mafia my azz.  Holy trinity..... holy krap.   I wonder if Streveler and McGuire are seeking any advice on what to do next with their careers.......MOS probably didn't even care because pinball all ready contacted him.... MOS an Streveler to Toronto next year and a grey cup appearance...

    bombers now the proverbial leafs of the cfl..... 

    Overreact much? Seriously you might not want to operate heavy equipment today. 

    No risk move.

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