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Posts posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. My thoughts based on last nights win..


    -Loved Lapo's game plan. People complain about the dink and dunk but it was important to get into a rhythm early and move the ball, and most importantly.. Keep our defense off the field. Thought we did a nice job of getting our play makers the ball. Smith on a shovel pass, Harris on a swing pass, Davis on a hook. Head and shoulders more creative then our Offence in the past.

    -Drew Willy. I thought he was effective. Nearly 300 yards passing, 1 TD (NOT IN THE FOURTH QUARTER!!) Completed 75 percent of his passes. Now I know the game plan was simple but I thought considering how disasterous his career has been against Hamilton and how aggressive their defense plays I thought Willy did a good job of getting the ball out quickly. He looked a lot more confident in the pocket too. Now there's still accuracy issues where the ball has been either off the mark, or under/over thrown but this is the most comfortable and efficient i've seen Willy look since 2015's game opener. 

    -Andrew Harris. Continues to be worth the big money. The guy NEEDS to be involved in our offense. Great safety valve for Willy in the passing game, and had a couple of huge runs in the fourth quarter to take some time off the clock. He has come as advertised.

    -Receiving core is an area of strength. Davis and Adams continue to impress. Smith and Willy finally looked to develop some chemistry. I can honestly see Smith catching a 100 balls this season. He's so good in the short game. Dressler looked a little rusty but it's to be expected.

    -O-line effort was much better. Only gave up two sacks against an aggressive Hamilton defense. Goosen was a noticeable weak spot though.

    -Pressure? I thought the Bombers did a great job of getting to Masoli. Front four played MUCH better, and a lot of creative blitzes made Masoli's life miserable.

    Leggett- What can you say. The guy is a baller. He just has a knack for being in the right spot, his defensive instincts are so good. Two INT, one pick six, one sack, and 5 tackles. Game changing type of player.

    -Secondary.  I thought the secondary struggled a little. I was surprised to see Randle get beaten so badly on that dropped end zone pass to Underwood. Owens looked good last night, the guy can still ball. Fantuz and Tasker are also extremely good.

    -Special teams. Thought we did a great job at containing Banks minus the one missed field goal, Mcduffie continues to impress, I think he'll return one to the house before too long. Waggoner continues to impress on the teams, and a heads up play by Macho on the kick off.

    -O'shea. Finally! One of his best coached games since joining the Bombers. Seems like we always come out short on the challenges but we actually went 2/2 last night. Huge monkey off his back. The whole team looked hungry and focused last night.  Good Job coach! 

  2. People seem very happy about this. I like MP, you can plug him anywhere in the line up and he'll provide good energy, and he'll capitalize on his scoring chances. I'll never forget the game he scored 4 goals and almost potted a 5th! However I think on a good offensive team he belongs on the 3rd line. Not sure I like over 4 million for 4 years, but these are the glue guys that make teams good and they certainly don't come cheap. So overall decent signing!

  3. 27 minutes ago, gcdrought said:

    What part of "Saskatchewan, 3-15 last year, will win more games than the Bombers this year" is so difficult to understand.  There is no reference WHATSOEVER that the Bombers will win fewer games than Saskatchewan did in 2015.  I think the hiring of a proven winner, Chris Jones, will start to pay dividends.  It may take a little time with the 75% roster turnover, but my guess is it'll happen.

    I definitely miss read what you said. You need a hug though bud.

  4. 3 minutes ago, gcdrought said:

    Lol I don't mind being called almost 100% factually incorrect, but it's cheesy to not provide specifics.  Joe Mack was brought back after 23 years of non-involvement with the CFL and made GM/VP Football Operations and assigned the task of re-building the team.  So that one was correct.  And Wade Miller, who had no track record of management success in the CFL, was made President and CEO of the Bombers, and he said that he wanted to restore a winning attitude and winning culture within the organization.  So that one was correct as well.  As was the reference to Chris Jones winning in the past.  As was the reference to the Board hiring Mack and Miller.

    I don't care who you are responding to.  If you are going to call someone almost 100% factually incorrect, at least have the courage to explain why so you can be critiqued as well.  I stand by my comment - 100% by the way - that Mack and Miller were given full authority to make decisions to turn the team around.

    Wait so you fully believe we're going to win 2 or less games this season?

  5. 8 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    There's a lot of younger posters on this site... but I doubt anyone is young enough to not remember Mike Sellers...

    I'll never forget one of my first distinctive YouTube videos being of Mike Sellers running all over the Saskatchewan Rough Riders to rap music. Good times. Sellers truly was too good for the CFL.

  6. 2 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Well said.  That 12 second run off at the end was on him, he wasn't not exhibiting any sort of clock management skill whatsoever.  Tom Brady would have spiked that ball if he had noticed the clock running down, as he would have known he was in field goal range.  That was a ridiculous play call to end the half.  I'd like to know who really was responsible.

    Exactly. It's inexcusable for a 29 year old quarterback to have such poor clock managing skills. These are mistakes rookies make. Not third year starters. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    One of the complaints on the Bombers is that we don't hang onto the ball on offence for any period of time. For the Bombers to fake that FG try is exactly the reason we hired a guy like MOS. Hes sneaky in that regard. It was a play that they practiced and we would have hung onto the ball for a while longer. It failed because Burnett was grabbed coming off the line, or else he had a ton of yardage. 

    O'Shea was completely right to challenge that play. Again, it should have allowed us to hang onto the ball and perhaps even score. Too bad the officials didn't acknowledge that grab on Burnett as being enough to warrant a call. 

    And when was the last time we properly executed a fake field goal/punt? 3rd and medium sure but 3rd and 10.. Not too sure about that one. There certainly wasn't enough of a hold to warrant pass interference on the play. The refs got it right. This sequence of events weren't enough to change the game because lets face it.. The Bombers pulled out a stinker but in a close football game this is the difference between a win and a loss and thats on O'Shea.

  8. I don't know if anyone mentioned this or not but I thought O'Shea really set the tone for Saturday's game in Calgary.

    Promising drive, Willy getting the ball out quick, drive stalls. 52 yard field goal attempt for Medlock who is the best kicker in the CFL. Infact we're paying him big money to hit kicks constantly at this distance. 3rd and 10 and we decide to do a fake field goal. We get one yard on the play and O'Shea decides to use a pointless challenge on pass interference which fails miserably. Sets up Calgary in great field position to get the opening points of the game. These are the kind of sequences that kills a team and momentum. 

  9. 32 minutes ago, Mike said:

    The funny thing is that over on the Stamps forum, they're bemoaning their team too.

    I did not know this but apparently Dave Dickenson isn't very highly regarded as a coach in Calgary.

    I don't think Calgary will be the same dominant team they've been for the past several years. They'll still have a chance every week with Bo. But I think the wheels slowly start to fall off.

  10. Ok ok I admit. Week one was a disappointing out come. But I think there's plenty of good narratives for week two.

    -Will Willy rise to the occasion in week two?

    -Will Lapo's schemes be executed?

    -Will Harris continue to be the work horse we hoped for?

    -Will Willy and Smith find chemistry?

    -Will Dressler have an impact?

    -Will Adams and Davis continue to impress?

    -Will the o-line hold their own?

    -Will the d-line get any pressure on Calgary's suspect o-line?

    -Will Randle continue his dominance?

    -Will we score 30?

    -Will we come out with some urgency in the first half for once?

    -Will we beat Calgary for the second time in Calgary since 2002?

    -Will Medlock make a 60 yard field goal?

    Should be interesting to see how everything unfolds. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, sweep the leg said:

    It's still once more than never.

    You think I was being literal? If that was the case that would mean for me to think we have never beat Calgary in Calgary since the existence of the league. Thats not true even though it feels true right now ;)

  12. 2 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I'll say this....I feel better about this week's game, than I did about last week. I feel like Calgary is going to start off this season on a big slide and all of the horse-f***er media are going to be "O NOES!1! HUFF COME BACK11!!"

    Wishful thinking! We'll do what we typically do in Calgary. Play well, make the Stamps sweat it out for a bit but end up coming short. We never win in Calgary but we'll win the moral department at least!!

  13. 22 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    It would be great to have at least one 6'-4" DB on the roster that could help cover the taller receivers.  It's  a major challenge when a team like Mtl. shows up with a swath of tall lanky receivers and they face an entire secondary of U6ers.  DB's like Demond Washington and Bruce Johnson can play like demons and still get beat regularly if the QB has time to place the ball beyond their upper reaches.

    The reality is. If you're tall and you can cover. You're more then likely going to be in the NFL. A lot of talented players in the secondary here in the CFL but mostly due to the NFL over looking them because of their height.

  14. 1 minute ago, wbbfan said:

    Actually you blame it on the guy getting lit up nearly every game since hes been here. And you see many qbs who play with under performing OL go through that. Khari went through it, ricky ray and ac had it. Ac had it a lot before he landed in mtl with an OL that could block. Any one who want to bench willy or put him on notice needs to go back and watch the time glenn gets vs the time willy gets. Nearly double.

    Really? You cannot compare the two quarterbacks. Glenn has the quickest release in the game. He's never needed a great line to put up good passing numbers. All I see is a quarterback who is ansy in the pocket and hearing foot steps before they're coming. Not a good sign for a guy in his third full season as a starting quarterback.

  15. 4 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    what pray tell do you think hes going to audible to? There isnt time in the cfl for that, nor the personnel on the field to call an audible to counter blitz.

    We ran short outs all game. Only 2 passes made over 16 yards. Thats exactly what you throw against a blitz. Quick outs. You would change your primary read to the hot read and get rid of the ball. He was sacked 5 times with 0 coverage sacks. Hit in the double digits. They didnt establish any run in the first half to prevent mtl from just blitzing. And our ol was giving up pressure down the middle. Re watching the game right now, through the first half hes getting well under 3 seconds of pocket protection before they are on him. Thats only enough for timing routes. His foot work was struggling, didnt set up and throw well, threw off the front foot a couple times etc. Stuff that happens when a qb hears foot steps. 

    And that's exactly the problem. You can't blame that on the coaching, the schemes, the players. Infact this is nearly impossible to fix. It's a mental thing. 

  16. 14 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    A 3 step drop is usually a 2 second play, expecting to hold off a blitz-crazy opponent for 3 seconds is courting disaster.  The 3-step drop has got to become Willy's bread and butter as his ad-libbing skills are poor.

    The reason Kevin Glenn still has a job in this league is his quick release. Only him and his old OC Anthony Calvillo were able to get the ball off that quickly. If there's anyone Drew Willy needs to mold his game off of it's Kevin Glenn. You simply can't get to him the ball is already out of his hands by the time the pocket starts to break down.

  17. 1 minute ago, 17to85 said:

    But he has had all his receivers and rbs changing yearly, new ocs new ols etc. That does make an impact. I will give him more time before determining if he's  going to be OK. Losing sucks but we do need patience.

    We'll see. I thought some of Lapo's schemes were nice. The execuation just wasn't there. Too many over thrown balls, and happy feet in the pocket. Can't blame that OC/player personal 

  18. I think it's time to talk Drew Willy. 

    In 2014 I thought he showed promise. Last year I started noticing the happy feet in the pocket. One thing I really liked about Willy in 2014 was how cool and calm he was, and his pocket awareness. In 2015 you started to see him throwing off his back foot, and moving around when the pressure wasn't there. Personally I think he's taken some big hits and mentally i'm not sure if he can recover. Numbers or not he looked dreadful last night. Can he recover? Is it time to start looking at Nichols or another QB option? To win in the CFL you need solid play from your quarterback. This is Willy's third year here and there's really no excuse for him to be regressing instead of progressing.

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