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Posts posted by Arnold_Palmer

  1. 47 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Of course you can come back from it. Confidence might be hard to rebuild but it can be done. 

    I'm not sure its confidence. I think its psychological. Hearing foot steps when they aren't there. There was a lot of plays earlier this season where willy 

    1) Rushed the throw before the pressure

    2) didn't properly plant his feet on the deep throw due to "pressure" (remember how effective he was in 2014 on the deep throw)

    3) Not properly stepping into the pocket on passing attempts to buy more time

  2. 38 minutes ago, James said:

    I think Willy is really going to fulfill that potential we all saw in him early on in Toronto. They are a legit organization and coaching staff and he has Ricky Frikin Ray to learn from. I'm not saying we will regret this later on... because I just don't think he would succeed here... but he's going to be super good there IMO

    We'll see. I certainly like Drew Willy. I hope he has a successful career. His biggest problem in Winnipeg was mentally. He was hearing foot steps when they weren't there. He didn't have this problem in 2014, you saw it when he came back from injury in 2015. I'm wondering if this something you can ever come back from. Pocket awareness is a big part of the QB play, hopefully Toronto can protect Drew enough so that he can get over that but it was an alarming sight to see in Winnipeg this year.

  3. Harris is an impossible guy to replace. So much of the offense revolves around him.

    However i'm hoping our play calling is more aggressive against the Argonauts. Typically you use the run to open up the passing game, but i'm hoping we can use the pass to open up the run game and who ever is playing running back. Throw the ball down the field more so that those linebackers are backing off from the line. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Randle for Carter would be trading one of the best leaders in our locker room for one of the dumbest athletes in North America. 


    No thank you.

    Duron Carters Wonderlic score was 39. The average score for a professional WR is 17. Sure he's had his issues in Montreal, but he's the big, physical receiver. It's not like a talented head case hasn't rejuvenated his career before (randy moss)

  5. You CANT compare Bishop to Nichols. Yes Toronto had a great defense in 2007 but we all know Bishop had all the tools but couldn't read a defense. He barely completed 50 percent of his throws in his entire career, and had more INTS then Touchdowns, where Nichols has a quick release, he has a high completion percentage and he doesn't turn over the ball. Basically Toronto won on good defense, and letting Bishop occasionally connect by airing it out.

    Personally I feel like our team is now set up in a good position to win today, but set up even better in the future with a 1st and 3rd round draft pick, and a talented DB under contract. 

  6. You guys are both wrong.

    Noeller- You're allowed to live in another city, and still tolerate another football team. Even if its the Stamps (puke) that doesn't make you any less of a fan.

    Iso- Not knowing who the starting QB from 1942 ALSO doesn't make you less of a fan

    Grow up guys. I thought only Rider fans had this superiority "super fan" attutide.

  7. Quote


    Winnipeg (6-4) – Have things finally turned around in River City? Nothing certain yet, but boy it sure feels like a giant cloud over this franchise has dissipated.

    REASON TO SMILE: Free agency pick-ups have re-vitalized this team at running back, kicker, and in the offensive playbook. A QB who can make plays, strong line play on both sides, and a turnover machine of a defence. Lots of good pieces in play.

    FATAL FLAW: Still not converting enough of those turnovers into 7 points, can’t continue to rely on 6 field goals and 6 turnovers every game as the season progresses, and since the road to glory will ultimately go through Calgary, that doesn’t bode well given how those match-ups went this year.


    I HATE comments like this because in the progression of a season teams change, teams bond, we had a different starting QB, we've had guys step up in our line up that didn't even play last time we faced Calgary. In fact we haven't lost a single game since we played Calgary last.

  8. I fully expect the bombers to come out motivated. Knowing they didn't play very well and capitalize on their chances. I think they come out fired up at home in the banjo bowl and pull out a big win. I don't think Winnipeg plays on auto pilot this weekend. 

  9. It's funny because the league has spoon fed the Riders as "best fans", "Canada's team", etc and they certainly have a lot of good passionate fans. No one will deny that. They've also benefitted from being one of the better teams in the league for the past 15 years. It's funny how sensitive the fan base has become, instead of looking in the mirror and taking blame for the way the team is ran they use every excuse in the book. No other CFL fanbase but the riders buy that " us against the world" bull crap. We've had plenty of down right awful teams over the years, and some questionable calls against us but at the end of the day our fan base has always been able to look in the mirror and take responsibility for where we're at as a football team. 

  10. 11 hours ago, Nolby said:

    My only knock on Nichols is I'd like to see him with a few more tds in the bank than what he's got right now,other than that I have no issues at all with his play. The guy has resurrected our season and ain't giving up the keys to the#1 spot any time soon.

    Sheppard dropped a beautiful pass in the endzone by Nichols, Dressler while not a great throw usually comes up with that catch in the end zone as well. Nichols has been taking care of the football, and coming up big when we need it. You're right, I don't think we'll be seeing Willy any time soon. Not spectacular but like it or not Nichols has played a huge role in our five game winning streak.

  11. Another positive is that we won a football game facing adversity. We could of fell a part when Durant willed the riders back down by 16 points but we came through. This was the first time in our five game winning streak that in the fourth quarter we were in a tight football game. You can bring up the riders record all you want but Labour day is NEVER an easy football game. Our 2011 team with an even better record couldn't win in Saskarchewan, and you knew a Riders team with nothing to lose, and a motivated Duran Durant were going to bring their A game, and they did and we still came out of Saskatchewan with the W. Now we need to take care of next weekend and then we're in a good position in our playoff push. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, Rich said:

    I'm not sure exactly how he does his stats, and what his definition of expected is, but I've done some reading / research on some of the advanced analytics that some NFL sites have been doing.

    Basically what they do, is for every play, they take your down, distance, time remaining in the game, and score, and compare it to the league average of how all teams have done in those situation.

    For example, if you are down by a touchdown in the 4th quarter, on your side of the field, it is 2nd down and 7 to go, how many times have teams converted the first down, how many times have teams punted.  On that drive in that situation, how many teams have gone on to score, etc.   What is the average expected success of that play.  And how do you compare to that average.

    So if we are 14 points above expected with Nichols, it means we are out performing the league average in those (overall) situations by scoring 14 more points than what teams typically score in the situations we've been in.

    Under Willy, we were -11 points.  So given the down, distance, score, etc, we were not scoring as much as league average in those situations.

    I don't know how many conditions (ie. field position, down and distance, point in the game, etc) he takes into account in his analytics.  

    Funny how one or two posters were trying to say Nichols wasn't capitalizing on scoring opportunities.

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