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the watcher

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Posts posted by the watcher

  1. 32 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Paul Gosar Spoke At A White Nationalist Conference. The GOP Doesn't Care.

    Last week a sitting U.S. congressman delivered a keynote speech at a white nationalist conference in Florida. 

    “Wow, what a group,” Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) said as he took his place behind a podium emblazoned with the letters “AFPAC” — an acronym for America First Political Action Conference, the second annual gathering of the white nationalist “groyper” movement. 

    After speaking about “cancel culture,” Big Tech’s supposed censorship of right-wingers, and the need for a big border wall to keep “America First,” Gosar said goodbye to the AFPAC crowd, who’d traveled from across the country to attend the secret gathering inside the Hilton Orlando. 

    “May God bless you,” Gosar said. “And may God bless the United States of America.”

    The crowd — a motley crew of unabashed racists and anti-Semites — broke into a chant of “Gosar! Gosar!” to which the congressman responded with a wave, a smile and what looked like an earnest, heartfelt “Thank you.” 

    Paul Gosar Spoke At A White Nationalist Conference. The GOP Doesn't Care. | HuffPost Canada (huffingtonpost.ca)

    I've been a history/ religion/ political buff all my life. I find it fascinating,  especially the story behind everything . But when I read things like this I don't know if the US survives it. At least the US we know now. In all what's happened since November the crucial point was the vote to impeach in the Senate. They had their chance to say the country is more important than me. And they failed. They had a chance to step back, to pull their country back from the precipice and they chose power and money. I really believe they are f##ked.  I suppose I should still hold out hope for them because when I grew up I would never have thought that the violence in  Ireland could reach some sort of settlement . But the US has a long way to go. Crap like you just posted ( not your posting if you know what I mean  )  shows just how far they need to travel. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, JCon said:

    They've turned politics into sports. You may not always like the players but you always support your "team". It's kind of gross, pathetic and definitely anti-democratic. 

    We have it to a degree in Canada but it's not institutionalized like it is down south. There are plenty of partisans that would never vote any other way than for their "party". 

    And the demonization of the other party is killing them. Its pretty easy now to look at the Republicans and do that but it is that hate of the other side by both parties that got them there.  The very fact that Trump came close to winning again and during the pandemic should shake he Democratic Party to its core. But it won't.  

    I see similarities ( not as extreme ) in Canada. We elected a Prime Minister based on his name and looks because of the demonization of Harper.  I had a relative that called him a Nazi and a Dictator when he porogued parliament yet was perfectly happy when Truedeau did it. It's never a good thing to get that view. I struggle not doing it with our current Federal Gov.  but I keep working on it. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Things under the Tsars were at least equally dire. For a brief period, Russia was a democracy and things improved until Lenin seized on Marxist philosophy and altered it to fit his agenda. The cannibalism and such was under the Stalin regime. The western democracies very briefly supported the "white Russians" but quickly decided that they didn't want to be in the middle of another war. Did you know that the US actually landed troops in Russia at that time? Lenin decided that democracy was too slow and beyond the understanding of the peasants and chose to exterminate anyone who disagreed with him and Trotsky. 

    Again, in France, the revolution initially produced a wave of optimism but all too soon it went from liberty, equality and fraternity to revenge. We humans seem to be overly fond of revenge for offences real or imagined. 

    I always figured you could blame communisms failure  on Lenin' s Vanguard Party idea.  Which may be comparable to what the US has now with their 2 parties. Here in Canada we have a long history of new parties springing up both Federal and Provincal that change the political scene and the county's mindset . And don't forget what the great philosopher Shrek   said " Change is good donkey "  Parties like, CCF/ NDP , THE BLOC, Reform, Social Credit, the Quebec Sepratists have made huge changes to our society even when they don't hold power. The US has lost that ability to foster new ideas. It is basicly a bunch of people ( mostly old white men ) clinging on to power and wealth at any cost including the failure of their country.

  4. So it's March 4th.  Has Trump been inaugurated as President and the clone been tossed from office yet ? Honestly who the hell makes this crap up and what's in the water that people actually believe it ? It would be completely hilarious and entertaining if they didn't have nuclear weapons.  The rest of the world needs to take them away like a parent takes sharp scissors away from a kid. 

  5. 3 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    No, but they are the best comparison. Pro football to pro 

    I don't think so. I think the CFLs issues are the size , the TV Money , the fact that it's Canadian not that it's football. The NFL  and the Premier league are comparables.  I think comparing it to the NFL is a " it can't be done excuse " . I also think it happens. The threat of the league folding may be what is needed to push the Gov to pony up some money

  6. On 2021-02-26 at 10:37 PM, Noeller said:

    Football is different because there's way more players and way more staff. The expenses are way higher. The only comparison is NFL and they've obviously got exponentially more money. 

    Every single sport and every single league  is different. They all had issues to overcome. They all had hurdles to leap. They are all managing to find a way. NFL is  not the only comparison .

  7. 6 minutes ago, Eternal optimist said:

    I will definitely be watching more curling now that i know it's a contact sport.

    What's contact  got to do with it. Lots of contact sports are going. All my point was is that NFL, Premier League,  UFC, NHL, AHL, NBA, .......and now curling have figured out ways to run their sports. But somehow it's insurmountable for the CFL ?  

  8. 2 hours ago, Noeller said:

    How on earth is that even remotely comparable...? 

    Because they figured out a way to do it. No provincial playdowns. Changed the structure of the playoffs. Changed the wild card situation. The NHL restructured the entire league due to border issues.  Tons of businesses have totally  changed their business model.  You can't tell me there isn't a way to do this. That's how it is comparable

  9. If curling can go ( and I'm  curling fan ) surely the CFL can go.  I don't really care if it's Ambrosie or some of the more powerful heads of individual teams that get it done. Fans, no fans, Trudeau money , no money, shortened season, regular season  just play some CFL football. Figure it out. Like any big issue in business start with a basic premise " we play football in 2021 " announce it and start working on each issue, one by one .

  10. I agree, somewhat. It's a fine line between punishing those who deserve it and driving the divide deeper. I would really like to see the planners ( Reps, Senators and people in power ) who can be proven guilty severely  punished. They were on the brink of collapse . They have a tentative, fragile reprieve. 

  11. I still believe Trump was a symptom not the disease. ( A bloody awful symptom ) There are root causes in that country that put a corrupt, sociopath, egomaniac in office. I actually hope and believe Biden might be the right guy at the right time. There is an awful lot of healing and knitting to be done to bring that country back from the brink of something ugly. Hopefully today is the start of something. I worry about his age but maybe that age will be a aid. We live far to close and have far to many connections to want to see the next step after the riot. I wish President Biden all the best.

  12. A tale from rural MB:

    We do most of our shopping in Winkler. Here are some things from our last 2 trips. We had things to pick up at Wal-Mart and the maskless lady in front of us was stopped and given the choice of buying one for a buck or leaving . She left. In the entire store there was maybe 2 or 3 that were not masked.Probably %99 compliance.  We went to the Super Store for groceries.Despite the big sign claiming they have made masks mandatory there was no one watching the front. I would estimate less than %50 of customers were wearing masks. Worse yet , maskless staff with carts blocking half the aisle restocking shelves. Canadian Tire ? Maybe % 5 of customers with masks and not a single solitary worker had one on . I have a deep suspicion that comes from management. I fully expect a massive outbreak in Southern Health.

  13. A couple of comments. As far as those that won't get vaccinated, I think it will be way, way less than %20 in Canada.I would be shocked if it was 10. As far as a second wave, if numbers go up we will do what we did at the start.Use Canadian commonsense, be calm and do what's right.If we have to back off on opening , so be it. I hate seeing the idiot behavior and rhetoric creep across the border worse than the disease.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Bad optics, yes but apparently Sophie accepted $1500 in 2008. Margaret Trudeau has been a speaker for WE for the past 10 years. Some of this is old history.

    It's more than bad optics. His mother, brother and wife received money. A total of $300,000 for speaking. He is once again under investigation by the ethics commissioner. Can the ONLY PM to ever be found guilty by the ethics commissioner be found guilty a 3rd time ? Shame on the rudderless conservatives for not being able to field a leader capable of defeating him.

  15. If this Pandemic has done nothing else it has shown the glaring difference in our two countries. Every time I watch the news from South of the border all I can think is " thank God Im on this side of the line ".Ever since Katrina I have been of the mind that we are watching a nation in its death throws. Violence, hate, anger, greed, an inability to pull together even in a time of crisis, a complete lack of empathy for each other. Its one of the few  countries  in the world that has allowed politics to take presidence over fighting the pandemic. Lots of mistakes have been made by many countries but always its been leaders TRYING to do what they think is right and best for their people. The real question for me is how far will the crumble go.

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