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the watcher

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Posts posted by the watcher

  1. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the Fermi paradox. Science and mathematics say there must be other intelligent life in the universe. The paradox is of course , where is it ?  ONE of the many solutions is that no civilization can get past where we are. That it will always destroy itself or collapse.  I'm leaning more that way all the time.  We seem to be reverting to a less logical, intellectual , science based time. Yet we still maintain the ability for ultimate destruction.

  2. " read that the pipeline itself is fine, and was not disabled  at all, and the problem is with the billing system

    caused by corprate malfeasance failing to secure adequately."

    The horrible thing is it doesn't matter anymore.  What's real, what the truth is, what the cause is, really doesn't matter. It will be spun to suit the needs of those in power or with a microphone.

  3. 2 hours ago, Mark F said:

    Bush junior cant leave the USA for fear of arrest for war crimes,


    Trump, always has to outdo everyone........in fear of arrest, he  can't leave Florida. 🤣

    If thjs happens, they should send a bounty hunter. 

    America gets goofier by the hour.

     "But wait ! If you act now we will throw in a free Gaetz. Yes, you heard it right !  A free Gaetz at no extra charge !  That's one authentic Trump and a free Gaetz all for one low, low price. "     Where's the Chamwow guy ?  He may as well do all the news broadcasts.

    They have become a laughing stock. A very well nuclear armed laughing stock.

  4. Just now, Wideleft said:

    Definitely open to interpretation.

    I always find the problem when talk of changing our healthcare system comes up everyone panics because we live so close to one of the worst and most expensive systems to the south of us. Many other countries have good systems that include some forms of private/ user fee type of systems. Many of them cost less than ours and run as or more efficiently. But not all.


  5. 56 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Yeah, if the Dems don't get their **** together and pass some federal guidelines for voter rights to override the crazy amount of voter suppression laws being passed... they are done. Their democracy would likely be toast too... 

    Their system is such a convoluted thing it makes really hard to fix. Maybe they can but I'm not so sure.

  6. 2 hours ago, JCon said:

    Cheney is completely correct but it's wonderful to see such a murderous person tossed from the party her dad used to push his personal agenda. The whole lot of them are horrible, murderous thugs. Burn the whole thing down. 

    It is already  burning down and you ( or me for that matter ) aren't going to like the results. If things proceed as " they " plan  the far right won't be allowed to lose the next  " election ". That's in quotes because it won't really be an election.

  7. 1 minute ago, Wideleft said:

    I'm not convinced a lot of their followers are against that idea.  Far right parallels are everywhere.

    I'll give you that.  It's a fine line between seeing far right boogie men everywhere and ignoring real far right threats. There is no denying it does exist here.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Wideleft said:

    The problem is that historically, this really isn't true either as far as implementing real change and progress goes.  Republicans would not have implemented the Civil Rights Act.  Canadian Conservatives would not have implemented the Canadian Medicare (Harper campaigned on implementing 2-tier health care). 

    "By 1964 the pro-Medicare forces in the country were riding the crest of public opinion during a period when the political culture was moving to the left. The political alignment of national parties saw six years of minority governments over three elections between 1962 and 1968, and this favoured those political forces attempting to move the country in a more progressive direction. The NDP was growing and this strengthened left Liberals who argued that their party must protect their left flank. This in turn encouraged the red Tories within the Progressive Conservatives, who argued that the party must move left to remain electorally competitive. All of this was occurring during a minority situation when an election might occur at any time and no party wanted to be caught on the wrong side of a popular issue like public Medicare.

    It took fierce struggles within both the Liberal and Progressive Conservative parliamentary parties, but in the end the party whips forced the right wing into submission. The National Medical Care Insurance Act was passed in the House of Commons on December 8, 1966, by an overwhelming vote of 177 to 2."  https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/the-birth-of-medicare

    The nature of politics is to target minor malfeasances and the media is partially to blame for playing along and energizing small stories when good policy needs more attention.

    There are some politicians in all parties that push boundaries and break laws, but there is no question that the big picture proves which ideologies lead to which policies.

    I think you were missing my point.I dont disagree at all with what you are saying. Who we elect does make a big difference in the direction we go. My point was those who say they are all the same have a certain amount of credence.That at times many politicians lower the bar.   The very fact that Medicare came in here shows that our system works. Our ability and willingness to step outside of the main 2 parties has made huge contributions to the nature and structure of Canadian society. The NDP,  the Quebec separatist movement  , the Reform party, Social Credit party have all , changed  our political scene and our society. But none of this has anything to do with the anti democratic movement in the US. It is different than all the arguments over ideologies that have preceded. There is no convincing middle ground people over  it rather eliminating the votes of those who don't agree... My point was that you can't compare what is going on now in the US with what we see here in Canada now.

  9. I think people say  " both sides are the same " because historically they are not all that wrong. Left, right and center have all been guilty of greasing their and their cohorts  pockets, pandering to their base......And all the other stuff that many politicians fall into. The trouble is what we are seeing in the US is not  the norm. It's outside anything we have seen in many many years. It's an attempt to totally unseat the Democratic process.  It's no longer Republican vs Democrat..  It's Trumpism/Q anon/ nutbar vs democracy.  It's not comparable to anything that's happening here in Canada. I despise our current PM but I've never met a Conservative or NDP who says he didn't win the election. Or who wants to change the rules to guarantee he can't win again. Perhaps the " both sides the same " people just don't see or appreciate  the difference in what's happening to the south.

  10. 17 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Pro-Trump pastor shares bizarre conspiracy theory with his congregation to support his claims that Trump is still president
    A self-proclaimed Christian prophet is circulating an unfounded conspiracy theory that he believes is proof that Donald Trump is still President of the United States.

    According to Newsweek, megachurch pastor Johnny Enlow recently shared a Facebook post with his followers as he explained why he has reason to believe former President Donald Trump is still president. Enlow claims to have had a "vision" of Trump holding "a golden scepter" which he believes is proof that Trump is still in office.

    Enlow claims that in his vision, he could see Trump "seated on a throne holding a golden scepter... [with] a golden crown on his head." He said the vision was Trump's "PRESENT status from heaven's perspective."

    "Heaven does not recognize [Joe Biden] having any scepter nor wearing any crown. From heaven's perspective, there is only the legitimacy of [Trump]. God has assigned a massive contingency of angels to that scepter and to that crown."

    Pro-Trump pastor shares bizarre conspiracy theory with his congregation to support his claims that Trump is still president - Alternet.org

    There has always been screwballs who either make this crap up or actually believe their own delusions. The big difference now is there are millions of others who believe them. 

  11. 19 minutes ago, WildPath said:

    Well.. apparently I was wrong about going to remote learning. Why in the hell would we have to an emergency to prepare other teachers for remote learning and completely change our afternoon plans? We rushed to have things ready to go for other teachers for Monday. What a waste of time for all of us.

    Sorry to misinform everyone.

    There are some reports ( CTV )  saying  it's still being debated. They may do it Monday.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Wideleft said:


    Hey, thanks for that . It's actually good news. That study really doesn't tell us alot about our single dose situation if they included people who hadn't built immunity  yet or possibly got covid before their vaccination. Back to feeling like I have some substantial protection.

  13. 2 minutes ago, JCon said:

    There is no reason for them to wait until 6pm tonight, other than trying to hide. No leadership from this gov't. It's pathetic. 

    Brian said earlier they've done the best they could do. Which, is probably true for this lot. Too bad they won't resign and allow proper leadership to take over this mess. 

    Agreed he doesn't have to make the announcement but the last place that  overworked man needs to be is in friggen court wasting his time on a case that should never have been brought up.

  14. 3 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    There is no other way to put this but it's ******* scary. We're all in danger. So much for getting that first shot into people arms giving us more protection & waiting safely up to 4 months for the second Pfizer shot.  I knew all along that  it was just lying federal & provincial politicians  trying to cover their asses because of the slow vaccine rollouts & their well paid lackey public health officials such as scientists, federal & provincial chief medical officers & doctors just going along with said lie.


    Study: Single Pfizer dose only 30% effective against U.K. variant so spacing is riskier | Calgary Sun



    Not good news. A single dose does appear to really help if you have previously had Covid.  I'd like to know what effect a single dose has as far as lowering the severity if you contract covid.They appear to just be talking about whether you contract it or not after one shot.  There is no mention of that in any of the reports I've found so far. I don't think it's got alot to do with lying or deceit.  It's got alot to do with this being an issue we have never dealt with before. Most countries have done the same as Canada, just get a single shot into as many as you can. And that comes from someone who thinks that the Feds totally botched creating a made in Canada vaccine. It's just that the experts are often taking their best guess at how to go about fighting this and sometimes it's a swing and a miss. Most wars include lost battles on both sides.

    14 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Trudeau has no global influence. I don't even have a clue how you can come up with a premise like that. The rollout in CANADA has been so slow that we have stretched out our second shot even further than other countries. Most are going 12 weeks. We're the only developed country in the world going 16 weeks. This is some kind of scary... The first time I've actually been worried. 

    The time frame between shots is definatly a concern.

  15. I did a parts / grocery run to Winkler/ Stanley , Manitoba's capital of anti vaccination, Covid denial and anti- masking. It was interesting and I learned a few things. There are 2 types of buisnesses there. Those with masked employees who obviously turf unmasked people. They are busy, and everyone who I saw enter is masked and don't seem to care. The other type of business has unmasked employees,  and don't say a word to unmasked customers. They are busy as well and probably %75 of the customers are unmasked. So it is ALL about enforcement. But apparently it has been left to individual buisnesses to do so. It is obvious to me that its all about leadership. The boss says mask up , everyone masks up. Customers accept it. You dont lose buisness. And like it or not Pallister is our boss and the boss of all those small buisnesses I went into. He has dropped the ball on this. He has failed .All that was needed was direct orders to mask up AND the enforcement to make them do so. The numbers we saw today are not an anomaly.  They will continue to rise. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    Citing Worker Shortage, Montana To Stop Federal Unemployment Benefits

    Montana will cut off federal unemployment benefits nearly three months early and offer “Return to Work Bonuses” as a favor to employers, Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) announced Tuesday. 

    Gianforte said he hears “from too many employers throughout our state who can’t find workers” and added that the state’s suffering from a “labor shortage” made worse by the benefits. 

    Starting June 27, Montana workers will lose the extra $300 per week the federal government has been paying since December. The state will also cancel federal benefits for gig workers and the long-term jobless.

    Montana is the only state saying it will forgo federal benefits, which are scheduled to expire in September, though it’s possible Congress could extend them again. It’s also possible other states could follow Montana’s lead. 

    With Montana’s unemployment rate at 3.8%, compared with 6% nationally, the “vast expansion of federal unemployment benefits is now doing more harm than good,” Gianforte said. 

    Across the country, employers and Republicans are complaining of a worker shortage, even though the unemployment rate remains high and wage growth hasn’t accelerated. Economists say if workers are truly hard to find, the scarcity should be reflected by rising wages.

    Montana 's minimum wage is $ 8.75. an hour.  Or if your business has under $ 110,000 in sales  $ 4.OO , Yes $ 4.00 a friggen hour.  I wonder why they have trouble finding workers ?


  17. 6 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I'm always torn with the stuff. Because really the only way to get rid of taking heads like this, is to completely ignore them. Sure outrage on SM will get one of them fired, but as we've seen....there's always gonna be another one. If no one watches/pays attention via SM, eventually they'll be forced to change what they're broadcasting.....on the other hand, we should probably know what they're rambling about so as to build a defence against it ... 

    I know what you mean BUT there are millions and millions who follow and believe what he says. He stirs them up, and gives them licence to be uncivil in the least and possibly violent to their fellow citizens. I think ignoring most of the nutbars in this country works. In the US I think it just allows them free rein to stir up hatred and violence. It continues the endrun to revolution.

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