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  1. Sad
    tacklewasher reacted to J5V in Covid-19   
    Your logic is that we brush aside 29 flu deaths to 1 coronavirus death because some people get the flu shot? I can do without that logic.
    Do you realise how ridiculous what you just said is?
    We currently have a 29:1 death ratio, almost exactly the same 29:1 death ratio that we are seeing in Ontario and I expect across the country and maybe the world and for that we are going to:
    collapse the world economy the cost of which will be "at least $1 trillion and possibly $2 trillion world-wide" plunge the world into recession/depression cause world wide supply shortages cause world wide panic buying force the layoff of hundreds of millions of workers world wide cause extreme poverty world wide cause world wide stress, anxiety, depression, suicide cause world wide violence, rioting, theft, looting put troops in the streets world wide and our part in it will be to stand idly by and: (courtesy Health Canada)
    stay at home unless you have to go to work talk to your employer about working at home if possible avoid all non-essential trips in your community do not gather in groups limit contact with people at higher risk, such as older adults and those in poor health go outside to exercise but stay close to home if you leave your home, always keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others, and household contacts (people you live with) do not need to distance from each other unless they are sick or have travelled in the last 14 days All this for a death rate that is 1/29th that of the flu. Yes I realise that may change as the flu season ends but talk about a fail at logic.
    Even if the coronavirus death toll soars to 30 times what it is now we will only just have reached that of the flu. A flu we were happy to live with before destroying the world we knew over coronavirus. 
  2. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Tracker in The RIP 2020 Thread   
    Monty Python may take issue with that.....
  3. Disagree
    tacklewasher reacted to 17to85 in Covid-19   
    OK Boomer
    sorry I don't really mean that, it was just too easy to pass up. 
  4. Thanks
    tacklewasher reacted to SpeedFlex27 in Covid-19   
    Quit making this about ******* Boomers. We're all in this together & your take is just as bad as J5V's. By saying Boomer you imply it's anyone over 55's fault we have a pandemic. You don't like racism when Trump call it the Chinese Virus then quit making it about ageism. Your Boomer comment does not help. 
  5. Sad
    tacklewasher got a reaction from FrostyWinnipeg in The RIP 2020 Thread   
    JR Shaw has died.
  6. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Covid-19   
    All of California under a stay at home order.
  7. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from SpeedFlex27 in Covid-19   
    Boomers are taking this far more seriously than the young. This part of your post was unnecessary. I agree with the rest of your response.
  8. Haha
    tacklewasher got a reaction from GCJenks in Covid-19   
    Doesn't he know he shouldn't be touching his face?
  9. Haha
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Brandon in Covid-19   
    Doesn't he know he shouldn't be touching his face?
  10. Haha
    tacklewasher got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in Covid-19   
    Doesn't he know he shouldn't be touching his face?
  11. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from johnzo in US Politics   
    Do you really think it will matter? Guy is so greasy that none of it sticks.
  12. Agree
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Wanna-B-Fanboy in The Video Game Thread   
    Depends what you are doing. You block and attack right, and you get some awesome slow-mo kills.
    I just hate the spiders.
  13. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from JCon in US Politics   
    Do you really think it will matter? Guy is so greasy that none of it sticks.
  14. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from JCon in The Video Game Thread   
    Depending on what you game like, you can set the difficulty to "Story Mode" and it is pretty easy to get through, plus falling off cliffs doesn't do damage. I did that first and am going through at the next level. It does make it a lot harder as damage does pile up.
    Oh. And learn to block.
  15. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from johnzo in The Video Game Thread   
    I paid full pop for it and am glad I did.
    I was a big fan of KOTOR and Mass Effect (1&2, 3 is stupid) and really liked my first playthrough of Fallen Order. There are some frustrating points (like timing jumps just right from an ice flow) but the story os good and the play is good.
    I don't play multiplayer games.
  16. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from JCon in The Video Game Thread   
    I paid full pop for it and am glad I did.
    I was a big fan of KOTOR and Mass Effect (1&2, 3 is stupid) and really liked my first playthrough of Fallen Order. There are some frustrating points (like timing jumps just right from an ice flow) but the story os good and the play is good.
    I don't play multiplayer games.
  17. Agree
    tacklewasher reacted to TrueBlue4ever in US Politics   
    That's your first mistake in going down the rabbit hole...trying to find "context" in Zontar's posts. Your second mistake is then engaging in a conversation by asking for sources or context. Just accept that it simply is a troll effort designed to deflect, frustrate and obfuscate. Remember, never argue with an idiot, they'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. A simple guide to the methodology:
    1. Avoid the issue - Circuit judge has called out Barr for "misleading". Read between the lines: "You at worst lied about or at best severely underplayed what was in the report to cover for Trump, and redacted material that did not need to be redacted to avoid the truth of the document. So I am going to review the whole unredacted thing to determine what should be made public, not what you decided was in your "sanitized" 4 page summary version, because I don't trust that you had America's interests at heart in seeking the truth." Zontar ignores this and spins the "whastaboutism" of the Tower meeting. Surprised we didn't get a basic "But her e-mails!" rant, an oldey but a goodey for the Trump base.
    2. Float an alternative conspiracy to distract from the issue at hand - in this case the "fake" Tower meeting. But if you want to follow the "logic" of the Trump Tower meeting, the claim appears to be that the meeting never happened and is another lie of the liberal MSM, with an "independent witness" proving the hoax to add credibility to the claim. Funny, no mention of who this independent source is, or where Zontar is citing that source from (and don't waste your breath asking for one or hold it expecting an answer, Zontar is predictably silent when asked to back up claims - illegal immigrant voting claim the most obvious example).
    3. Point fingers about how the other side is corrupt. "Oooh, they are attacking Barr, but don't forget about CIA leaks which are worse, and bad info upon which warrants were obtained. So none of what you hear matters because it was a house built on sand." Another classic version of this was the anonymous whistleblower about the Ukraine call. "Wait, if they don't testify, then they must be tainted, and their evidence is then phony! WITCH HUNT!!!!!!" Except that isn't how the law works. Tips are nothing more than that - tips. They aren't evidence. They are claims to initiate an investigation. If further investigation turns up something, then you compile that information and present it before a judge with a request to obtain a warrant on the basis that something criminal is afoot. If the judge doesn't see anything substantive to corroborate the original tip, then no warrant and the source is considered not good enough, or not backed up enough. If they do see something, then they grant the warrant. The source never need be identified because they are not giving evidence, they are simply offering something upon which an investigation commences. It is the investigation that gets presented as evidence. The material the source provides gets tested, not the source itself. So it ultimately doesn't even matter if the source was questionable, the judge found there was enough underlying evidence to overcome any deficiencies of the source and grant the warrant anyway. But since the evidence is damning and the GOP can't argue it isn't, you attack the process. Like a tip saying there is a marijuana grow-op at a certain house. Police will take that tip and weigh it with further evidence they gather (maybe they do a drive-by and confirm that the location given is what was described, maybe they smell marijuana around the target house, maybe they use infrared cameras and see high heat signatures, maybe they check hydro and see ridiculously large readings, maybe they do a title search and find the owner has been busted for past grow-ops. So they get a warrant and find a massive grow-op. Now, the court could chuck the warrant if they find that the evidence was obtained badly (we trespassed and looked in a window and saw the plants) and the case could be tossed, but we all still know the guy did it. And the whole Trump saga isn't a criminal case, so the same level of Charter scrutiny doesn't apply anyway. So remember when they attack the process, they want you believe it didn't happen, but they can't say that it didn't happen because it absolutely did and all they have left is to scream "Look! Something shiny! Please focus on that and not the actual crimes which totally happened."
    If all that doesn't work to distract, then the next steps are:
    4. This has been going on forever on both sides, so you are hypocritical for calling out the GOP and not the Dems before them
    5. Yeah, so what, get over it (amazing that we now have a real life precedent for this exact phrase from Mick Mulvaney).
  18. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in US Politics   
    So, instead of a discussion about Warren, this thread gets derailed yet again. Bleh.
    I'm curious where her supporters will go. Some are closer to Sanders in terms of belief's, but I'd think there is a strong urge to just get Biden and be done, as that seems inevitable. Course the same could have been said years ago with Clinton, and we see how that worked out.
  19. Haha
    tacklewasher reacted to bustamente in US Politics   
    With health professionals like this..............Good Luck America
  20. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Wideleft in US Politics   
    This. The candidate should stand on their policy and not engage in mud slinging, while those left behind should be burying Trump in his own ****.
  21. Sad
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Wanna-B-Fanboy in Space is the Place   
    Not likely in our lifetime.
    But even at the prodigious rates it's going through helium, it'll probably be about 100,000 years before it explodes. That's not a guarantee, but it's where the science points right now. Even if that's off by a lot, the odds of Betelgeuse going supernova in the next century are extremely low.
  22. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from The Unknown Poster in The Star Trek Thread!   
    12. And I haven't started watching Picard yet. Have it pvr'd and am going to binge.
  23. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from rebusrankin in The TV Thread   
    Only reason I haven't cut. I can PVR all the CFL games and watch when I want, or delete all the Riders games and watch the rest. But after paying for Center Ice and seeing the Jets current season, it's getting to be JUST the CFL keeping me around.
  24. Like
    tacklewasher got a reaction from Fred C Dobbs in 2019 GREY CUP CHAMPIONS!!!   
    But they do have a better half-time show
  25. Haha
    tacklewasher reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2019 GREY CUP CHAMPIONS!!!   
    But where was J-Lo in the third quarter? No where near the broadcast booth so impossible to conduct an awkward bumbling interview. That's truly the high mark of sports entertainment....
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