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Posts posted by tacklewasher

  1. 41 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    So basically the same as here?  Especially from you.  Anyone who disagrees with you is a idiot?  I'll never understand why fans go read the other site and then talk about it on the other.  Sign up and say your piece.  I get venom here but I show up and take it.  I don't hide from it. 

    Too many have been banned from there for saying their peace. Far more than have been banned from here, and for a hell of a lot less.

    No comparison between the two sites as far as that goes.

  2. On 2019-07-23 at 1:50 PM, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Epic Pic, More epic news:




    Jon Stewart... ****, he's awesome.


    Trump signed off on this today.


    Everything else aside, this is a good thing to see happen in the US. About time it got done.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    “That’s an embarrassing game. That’s one of the most embarrassing games I have ever been a part of. (We were) just getting physically manhandled, all 12 guys on the field, offence, defence, special teams. It can’t get worse than that. so it has to get better. It’s up to us to make the changes necessary and figure out how to get better.” - Mike Reilly

    "This is the tipping point of the season. Do we reload and answer or do we wallow in self-pity," said Lions head coach DeVone Claybrooks.

    👁‍🗨 Self-pity oh crooked hat, self-pity.


    I think Reilly is delusional if he thinks it can't get worse. He walked away from the game. Worse is when he gets carted or stretchered off.

    I don't want to see it but it's going to happen.

  4. 9 hours ago, Eternal optimist said:

    Alright tuning in to the BC Lions radio... they mentioned something I thought was interesting, that BC allegedly plans on only dressing 2 QBs (Reilly + backup). Thoughts on this? Is this a normal occurrence, or no? I know I've never heard of it, obviously they're all-in on Reilly, but it isn't that unheard of to have 2 QB injuries in the same game.


    What I heard (or think I heard) is that under the new CBA, they would only be allowed 2 QB's starting in 2020. BC was just moving that way a year early.

    Now I googled it but came up with nothing concrete. It seems weird to me the CBA would go that way.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Logan007 said:

    So I read something from Joe Russo regarding the Cap time travel thing.

    So Cap, after he went back in time to live with Peggy, created a different timeline for himself.  So the timeline that he lived in was different then the main timeline.  He used the Pym particle quantum travel band to get back to his timeline and give Falcon the shield in the end.

    So the Pym particle is their sonic screwdriver. Got it.

  6. I really wish they showed more of the Banner/Hulk storyline. We went from Hulk not wanting to play to Professor Hulk without getting to see any of it. I know it would have added to the length of the movie, but it was a storyline I was looking forward to seeing.


    Was Gamora missing from the funeral scene? I kinda looked at who was there and I don't think she was. I guess she didn't know Stark, so it makes sense.

  7. 36 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    I enjoyed Solo and thought it was a good movie.    The only reason 8 sucked was because they made Luke a whiny baby and killed him off.    Rogue One IMO was light years better then both.

    There was more to dislike about 8 than just Luke. Throwing out Snoke, Reys's parents, Leia floating in space etc. Plus the whole Casino planet session that added little but took so much time.

    I liked Rogue One a lot. It's too bad they all got killed off, but it does make sense from a continuity standpoint.

  8. 1 minute ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Solo was worse in the sense it was terribly boring and convoluted and not on keeping with the characters. 

    But solo only ruined itself. 8 nearly ruined the entire trilogy. 

    Ever have a movie you watched but for the life of you can't remember anything about? For me that was Solo (and Justice League). But you're right. It was just a crappy stand alone. SW8 ruined SW7 and I'm not excited about SW9.

  9. 5 hours ago, Mark F said:

    (not counter to the point at all. I didn't intend  "no discussion" when I posted it.)

    For groceries I have been using reusable bags which most grocery stores sell (they're cheap, and quite sturdy). Many people use them now. 

    Lee Valley tools requires you to bring a bag.... they won't provide a bag.

    example of why this needs to be done: 


    Surely very minor human inconveniences do not overrule the well being of every other creature on this planet.

    I get the reusable bags and have several. But I still get enough plastic ones that I use for kitchen/bathroom garbage cans. And the impulse shopping will be a bit of an issue as well as we are not good about putting the reusable ones back in the car after using them.

  10. On 2019-03-05 at 12:02 PM, Mark F said:

    Thought a thread with good news would be a good idea.

    In December, Associate Minister for the Environment, Eugenie Sage, confirmed the plastic bag phase out for retailers.

    From July 1, 2019, retailers will be prohibited from selling or giving away single-use plastic shopping bags. As of 2018, the nation uses approximately 1.6 billion single-use plastic bags each year.



    Serious question that I hope doesn't counter the point of this thread.

    What will people use for garbage bags going forward? Are the "Kitchen catchers" or whatever that much more environmentally friendly?

  11. 17 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Saw a trucker note on twitter that a checkstop on Hwy 59 was making every motorist blow.  What a waste of time and resources and a trampling of Canadians' rights.

    We should set up FB pages or something to note where they are, not to have drivers avoid them but to encourage sober drivers to go and purposefully drive through them, multiple times even, to show what a waste they are.

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