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Posts posted by tacklewasher

  1. 8 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Noeller, it's a song. Written in the 1940's.

    I've never gotten this argument. How is nostalgia a defense of something. I'm ambivalent about the song (I don't particularly like it but don't care enough to get up in arms either way), but why is the fact that it's been playing for years relevant?

    Question comes up a lot in my mind about a lot of things. Some of our traditions are not worth keeping.



  2. I kinda think the important question is can they draw more in Winnipeg (even as a third option) than they can in Cranbrook. Well the Cranbrook area is only 26K people. Sounds like they draw under 2,500 there, so hard not to think they can do better in Winnipeg.

  3. 6 minutes ago, JCon said:

    The X does 4K graphics the best out of all the non-PC systems. Games like RDR2 are simply nicer on the X. But, you need to have the TV and you need to care. 

    S is much cheaper and will play all the games the X will. 

    That's what I'm realizing. I don't have 4K at this point and since I love my 60" plasma so much for sports, and can't see much 4K content coming soon, I'm thinking the S might do.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    One X can render some games at 4k resolutions,   the components might be a slight bit faster also but it's a minimal difference if so.    If you're wanting to play old games you could just find a used xbox 360 for dirt cheap which should play those specific games with backwards compatibility.


    360 won't play KOTOR properly. I know I've tried it in the past and it is unusable.


  5. Got a question I though I might ask here.

    What's the difference between the various xBox units? One S vs One X?

    I looking at getting one to play older games that have been updated (somewhat) to xBox One. Specifically KOTOR and Mass Effect. Just wondering is the One S will be sufficient.

    I'm not looking for online play (can't handle getting ass-whooped by 10 yr olds) and don't play that often, but miss playing KOTOR on the big screen. Just isn't the same on Steam etc.


  6. 6 hours ago, Zontar said:

    The missed call was due to human error. So solution is to add another human? If officials angle of vision is blocked like last week what's stopping it from happening to the extra one? 

    I'm  more worried about a ref being added for one purpose being extremely motivated to make sure he makes calls. I predict some soft calls this weekend.

  7. 3 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Not the Riders, their fans. Honestly I don't give a **** about the team except that I like watching them lose because I know it kicks the ant hill over there and causes their annoying fans to scurry about in a panic. 

    Well, I really think Jones is a **** as well.

  8. 1 hour ago, szaroz71 said:

    I fail to see the need for this in this thread. We have come here and humbly congratulated Bomber fans on the win. Its actually been quite civil. Yet you feel the need to stir things up... craving attention? Things must be pretty quiet over in the Eastside. 

    Funny thing with this, isn't Zontar our resident Hamilton fan?????

  9. 3 hours ago, Mark F said:

    The media gave Trump his chance to win. When he was fringe candidate, they followed him everywhere  he went and reported on him uncritically. 

    The Republicans seem to be out of worthwhile members to put up for office.


    Sad part is the same can be said for the Dems. Trump won more because of hatred for Hillary then anything else, so if they don't come up with a better choice next time around, Trump has a good chance to repeat (and this would be a bad thing).

    Kinda like why I think we will see another term for Trudeau.

  10. 2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yes, I was wholly supportive of the police using the laws already in place in terms of distracted driving.  If they saw someone on their phone and they were all over the road, they could pull them over and ticket them.  They didnt need a new law.  Now, they can argue they made it specific for the purpose of increased fines but I wonder if they made it specific because they could create special projects to target usage regardless of evidence pertaining to safe or unsafe driving and generate a lot of revenue.

    FOr example  before the law, no cop ever write a ticket because he saw someone look at their phone at a red light.  Now they run special projects planting cops on blvds, in busses, in over-passes etc, looking specifically for the magic cell phone, NOT for unsafe driving.

    Kinda my feelings on it. They've taken what should be a safety focused issue and used it as a revenue generator. I'm not arguing that distracted driving hasn't gone up with cell phones, but they really are talking it in the laziest way they can.

  11. 49 minutes ago, JCon said:

    No it's safety. You're operating a moving vehicle. No one being around is not a good excuse.


    At a train, in park, I don't really see the issue. At worse, you're just annoying people and holding up traffic when the train passes. 


  12. 6 hours ago, JCon said:

    It's against the law to be behind the wheel and texting. Whether you're in a parking lot or sitting at a train, you can be ticketed. Only when parked can you use your phone. 


    And, no, you can't just put the vehicle in park anywhere and use your phone (like waiting for a light or train). 

    Which has nothing to do with safety. Just revenue generation.


    The drive through was just stupid and the parking lot was empty.

  13. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    The thing that confuses me (and I certainly dont know anything about geo-politics) is how many people are saying "look you cant cause an international incident over one murder, you cant tick off the Saudi's or they will crush us".  Why is the US so beholden to Saudi Arabia?  Is Saudi Arabia not beholden to the US?

    You know what would happen if they turned off the oil for a week?

  14. 4 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I wouldnt mind this if they didnt play hobo dress up and look to sting drivers at red lights.  That's just not the same thing and I find it somewhat inappropriate for the city to solicit donations pretending to be homeless or in need.  It explains why the city refuses to do anything about the increasing amount of people camped out on blvds though.

    Do they ticket you for texting in a drive through or a parking lot?


    Drive through was (I think) Ontario and the parking lot one I'm thinking about was West Kelowna (BC).

  15. 9 hours ago, Rich said:

    This seems like a waste of the courts time and resources.   Can they not go to the school board or superintendent?  Sounds like they skipped right to court.

    Imagine if every kid who got cut from a team went to court.

    The news piece did say they went to the superintendent first, but they upheld the decision. But I do agree with you that it seems to be a waste of the courts time.

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