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  1. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Floyd in Qadr Spooner   
    Matt Nichols playing special teams, a debate about the 'official' status of Geoff Gray's contract, Loffler with a mullet.
    Now GBill settles an argument on a board on which he is boycotting...
    Fk I love this season already.
  2. Like
    GCJenks reacted to rebusrankin in Bomber forum   
    I seem to recall the conversation went something like this:
    Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we... oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. I didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...
  3. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Mark F in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Witzelsucht (from the German witzeln, meaning to joke or wisecrack, and sucht, meaning addiction or yearning) is a set of rare neurological symptoms characterized by a tendency to make puns,
  4. Like
    GCJenks got a reaction from Atomic in CFL Insider Lawless Leaving Canada   
    '88 here. Go Huskies!!!
  5. Like
    GCJenks got a reaction from MOBomberFan in CFL Insider Lawless Leaving Canada   
    '88 here. Go Huskies!!!
  6. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Atomic in CFL Insider Lawless Leaving Canada   
    Pour one out for Silver Heights Collegiate, RIP
  7. Like
    GCJenks reacted to yogi in CFL Draft   
  8. Like
    GCJenks reacted to IC Khari in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    Non issue, it's being handled internally, I've got nothing to say ... ,)
  9. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Mike in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Sucks for them but that's what happens when you're willing to sign anyone and everyone regardless of their background. Sometimes the best defensive back you have decides to go and choke his girlfriend unconscious on a Saturday in April and all of a sudden you've got a massive hole in your starting lineup.
    as for Justin Cox? **** him. Human garbage. 
  10. Like
    GCJenks reacted to HardCoreBlue in Orridge to Step Down as Commissioner   
    How about Matt Dunigan?
    My level of respect for him has increased ever since he went full disclosure of the impacts concussions have had on him and his family and his genuine love for CFL football evident in his broadcasts. Sort of the yes we need to make this game as safe as possible but never stop balling hard. I love watching games he does the colour. 
  11. Like
    GCJenks reacted to lyin' guy in Orridge to Step Down as Commissioner   
    Jock Climie would make a pretty good Commissioner
  12. Like
    GCJenks reacted to wbbfan in Orridge to Step Down as Commissioner   
    He went from president back to coach then to ceo. He took over the front office in 01 and changed to board member in 09. Filling in several other roles in that time. He is far from a fly by front office manager. He essentially ran the team for 8 years. 
    what exactly about clemmons makes you think he'd be the kind of guy to settle for a smile and hand shake education? besides in that era it was the communications degree. Not business. Brand ambassador? Hes a board member. Youre grasping and trying to hammer him into a niche to which he clearly does not fit. This isnt a certain nfl wash out DL who went to florida graduated and could hardly read. 
  13. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Brandon in Orridge to Step Down as Commissioner   
    My main reason is that Clemons absolutely loves the league and would definitely give his 100% for the job.  
    What's wrong with him being a figure head and a guy that is out in the public?   Those are great traits for a being the face of the league. 
    It's not like the guy is a dummy and he is well connected in the Toronto community.  
    He'd be a great choice.
  14. Like
    GCJenks reacted to wbbfan in Orridge to Step Down as Commissioner   
    Well coached the argos, which is basically running a business at the ground level. Then he was president and CEO as well, which is running a business, and a football business from the top.   He also has a degree in economics from william & marry.
    If you want a face of the league, and a guy who isnt learning football/cfl on the fly but lives and breathes it idk how you could do any better. 
  15. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Mr Dee in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
  16. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Tracker in New for 2017 - Family Pricing   
    Why would they have family pricing when not everyone wants to buy a family? Some if us have one already.
  17. Like
    GCJenks reacted to JuranBoldenRules in CFL Combine   
    Except for an entire university campus including a 33000 seat stadium with event space, a 2500 seat gym and a field house.
  18. Like
    GCJenks got a reaction from Noeller in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    While flipping his desk over or slashing his tires sound like fun if you really want to mess him up file a Harassment complaint with HR. How can sending that out be anything but an attack on your for being a Bomber fan? Can't possibly have anything to do with actual work can it?
  19. Like
    GCJenks got a reaction from HardCoreBlue in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    While flipping his desk over or slashing his tires sound like fun if you really want to mess him up file a Harassment complaint with HR. How can sending that out be anything but an attack on your for being a Bomber fan? Can't possibly have anything to do with actual work can it?
  20. Like
    GCJenks got a reaction from Atomic in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    While flipping his desk over or slashing his tires sound like fun if you really want to mess him up file a Harassment complaint with HR. How can sending that out be anything but an attack on your for being a Bomber fan? Can't possibly have anything to do with actual work can it?
  21. Like
    GCJenks reacted to JCon in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    Just stop at "fun" and enjoy life.
  22. Like
    GCJenks reacted to Mike in Game 72 : Wild @ 11 Games Left   
    And what does that have to do with the players?
    I'm not going to boo the players. They're not, as a whole, good enough. But the roster that was out there, even in all of it's unskilled Mark Stuary glory, busted their collective ass last night to go up 4-0 and then to close it out at the end with a 6 on 4 penalty kill. Call me naïve. To an extent, I am. But I'm not going to blame guys like Adam Lowry and Josh Morrissey who are out there laying their bodies on the line for the inactivity of Chevy and his front office.
  23. Like
    GCJenks reacted to mbrg in Around The League Off Season Discussion   
    Only 500k is for being both a coach and GM.
    The extra 250k is for being a deity.
  24. Like
    GCJenks reacted to kelownabomberfan in RethinkIng Paul Maurice....   
    If we let Helle go he'll end up being Devan Dubnyk 2.0 on some other team.  I give you the KBF guarantee on that.
  25. Like
    GCJenks reacted to bearpants in Bombers Off-Season Transactions   
    I've said this about Kyle Walters since day one... he might not always make all the right moves... but he sure as hell won't fail due to lack of effort... 
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