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Posts posted by Nickthesizz

  1. Absolute domination until a tipped pass by our backup qb turned into a pick and dropped pass by our kick returner turned into a td.

    Great game by Nichols until the bonehead play.

    The defence was AWESOME, fenner had a huge bounce back game.

    why would we ever listen to what a rider fan thinks, they are delusional.

    Really happy Willie J realized which team he could win with though.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tracker said:

    He wasn't anywhere as noticeable against the Esks as he typically is, so this might explain it. If he cannot go, then who goes in for him? Thank the fates that we have a rather soft game coming up.

    weird what happens when they throw for 400 and nowhere around him.

  3. 2 hours ago, Floyd said:

    Chamblin will be replaced by Popp before Labour Day...  

    BLM playing hurt... Vernon Adams playing confused...  injury saves Franklin from losing his starting gig...

    MLB is an important position... ask Richie Hall... not sure why half the league doesn't seem to feel that way

    Reilly must be under a lot of pressure with that $700k and a ham'n'egger defence - but I remember BC going 0-6 and then winning the GC...  I'm not writing them off

    Hammie starting to roll - congratulations on securing first place in the east

    I do think Fajardo is a legit starter - I just never realized he's the second coming of Jesus...  thanks riderville for clearing that up

    Bombers about to start ballhawking... you can see it coming

    I don't remember this many bad teams in the CFL for a long time...



    Maybe once they sit Fenner.


    I guess that's what happens when almost half of the whole league turns over every year...

  4. 6 hours ago, Zontar said:

    Bombers then Eskimos are supplanting Calgary as class of the West.

    Are Lions getting closer.... or just more of the same.

    CAL won but they ain't what they used to be.

    After crapping out on Jennings and Bridge last year TSN has found a new product to promote and it's Cody Fajardo....until Dom Davis plays again.

    HAM is just fine, thanks .

    TOR and Montreal declared disaster areas.

    1. Winnipeg not the flashiest way to be 2-0 but beating Edmonton this week defaults them in to first in the power rankings, solid everywhere but definitely room for improvement which should be a good sign of things to come.

    2. Hamilton I think they're legit, hopefully the west can knock them down a peg or two though.

    3. Edmonton didn't play a bad game in Winnipeg but couldn't get into the endzone. Lots of yards but nothing to show for it. Will have to improve in the red zone on both sides of the ball.

    4. Calgary Impressive comeback but they definitely have fallen off a bit. We'll see if BLM is back this week but he was not very good again this week. Where do they keep finding these QBs?

    5. Ottawa 2 great games for them, definitely will not be an easy week for the Bombers, gotta get to Davis early and throw off their timing or we could see another big week in terms of yardage.

    6. B.C way better this week but what an epic collapse

    7. Sask I really hope Fajardo is who we think he is when he faces a real defence but he might be legit...

    8. Montreal Terrible, Kavis Reed somehow still has a job.

    9. Toronto actually played a pretty good second half but what a disaster. Terrible decisions by Chamblin, both lines just getting getting destroyed.

    That defence is horrible.



  5. They need to be less predictable when playing with the lead. We play not to lose sometimes. When we’re leading in the 4th everybody and their grandma knows Harris is running on 1st down, second down will be a check down and they can have press coverage and don’t have to worry about anything over the top.

    I agree we also struggle with the 15-20 yard plays, it’s either just enough for a first down or it’s a 50 yard touchdown nothing in between. Maybe if they can improve in those areas we will have a more complete offensive performance.

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