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  1. Thanks
    Sard got a reaction from Eternal optimist in 2022 Off Season - Back 2 Back Champs Edition   
    It was to even out the divisional games.  As it used to be, teams played 8 games vs. the East and 10 games vs. the west.  With the new way the schedule is setup, there are 8 inter division games and 10 intra division games per team.
  2. Agree
    Sard reacted to 17to85 in Canadian Politics   
    When you have been privileged equality feels like oppression.
  3. Agree
    Sard reacted to Mark H. in Canadian Politics   
    He won't be understanding at all.  This is what's really at the heart of these protests. They are not about vaccines, that's just a smoke screen.  These guys are afraid of their own priveleges being eroded, due to some of the groups you mentioned asserting themselves. Why else are the police playing nice? 
  4. Agree
    Sard reacted to Mark H. in 2022 Off Season - Back 2 Back Champs Edition   
    There were numerous members of this board who were not impressed with the Harris and Lawler situations. But, we were mostly happy with how the team handled it. 
  5. Like
    Sard reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in 2022 Off Season - Back 2 Back Champs Edition   
    There is an "I" in team- it's the A-hole.
  6. Agree
    Sard reacted to Tracker in Covid-19   
    YES!!! Trump did go out of his way to attract and legitimize Nazi and Nazi sympathizers!  His father was a Nazi supporter and was even arrested for that. Trump also called Nazi sympathizers who were dressed as such in Charlotteville (and who killed a counter demostrator) as "very fine people
  7. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in Covid-19   
    You are what you stand next to...... 
    If you see horrible things like Nazi-ism, racism, etc... and you don't do something about it (or at the very least, immediately remove yourself from that situation) then you are part of that problem....
  8. Disagree
    Sard reacted to Brandon in Covid-19   
    It shows that you and him are reaching very hard to make an argument that is it.   
    I'm sorry if you guys live such miserable lives that you have so much hate that you believe everyone is a nazi.   I'm not a religious person but maybe you guys should go to church or find something in which will help remove the bitterness and hatred from within because the tunnel vision or close mindedness is extremely apparent. 
    The point with Trudeau is that I can say he's a racist because what he did was in bad faith and his apologies years later was not made in good faith.  You have zero proof that I am incorrect therefore I can label anyone who voted Liberal as a racist.    Personally I don't think he is a racist but many people do so who is to say that these folks are wrong?    You make fun of me saying this but are completely oblivious at the fact that JCOn and I guess yourself are doing the EXACT same stretch of accusations by calling people Nazis.    
    I feel sorry for you guys and hope that one day you can have an open mind and not tunnel in on the hate so much.    It's sad.  
  9. Agree
    Sard reacted to the watcher in Covid-19   
    I'd hoped to see this opening done alot slower. Start with numbers per sq ft. Then  I guess the cards. Then finally masks. Maybe be all in by May or June. To this old farmer that would be the intelligent way to do it. The one thing I really don't want is to go back to full lockdown because we rushed it. A week or 2 ago they said they wanted to be open by spring. Now its a month ? In my mind this is being rushed due to the pressure from the Anti everything's. And that's wrong. Just like dealing with a bratty kid, you can't give in.
  10. Agree
    Sard reacted to Wideleft in Canadian Politics   
    I cannot trust this decision when the March 15 date is arbitrary.  Shouldn't the announcement also provide an avenue for delay if hospitalization numbers aren't reduced to a specific number in terms of 7-day averages?
  11. Agree
    Sard reacted to JCon in Covid-19   
    They are nazis. Read the MOU. Look at their leaders. 
    And, shame on you for blowing it off. 
  12. Like
    Sard reacted to Bigblue204 in Covid-19   
    This is something I say all the time too. I've come across people who say "I got Covid, it was no big deal I was over it in a week etc Why are we acting scared?" But then they won't get the shot because of the potential of side effects. So when I say "I got the shot, my arm hurt for a bit and it felt like the flu for a day, it was no big deal. Why are we acting scared of it?" They tend to not agree with that stance.
  13. Like
    Sard reacted to Booch in 2021/22 - CFL Offseason - Non-Back-to-Back Grey Cup Champion Thread   
    what a knob
  14. Haha
    Sard reacted to Bigblue204 in 2022 Off Season - Back 2 Back Champs Edition   
    Guys, I've already ended this topic. It's Bryant. end of story. done. over. go buy one. now. stop typing a reply get your CC out.
  15. Like
    Sard reacted to TrueBlue4ever in Jersey's / Errata   
    How about the GOAT Mike Miller then? Fits that definition to a T. 
  16. Disagree
    Sard reacted to Brandon in Covid-19   
    My mini rant/opinions:
    I've known 5 different sets of people who were double/triple vaxxed and were very cautious and still somehow ended up with COVID.  All recovered fine and moved on with life.  
    This isn't about truckers or nazi or whatever weird comments were above. 
    It's so easy for people to throw stones and say stay at home for another 2 years and do what's right when they have cushy jobs that allow them to stay at home and live that life.     
    I feel mostly sorry for the folks who have lost their jobs and the other ones struggling to get by because hours have been slashed,  I've lived pay cheque to pay cheque back when I was young and believe me it was stressful,  I couldn't imagine doing the same now with a house/wife/kids now to deal with.
    I feel for those who have suffered mental health issues (kids and adults) for being isolated and just because you can be alone in a house for weeks on end,  not everyone is constructed the same way and some are dealing with massive mental health issues.  
    Some people live in distorted reality in which money can be printed and given out with no consequences,  this isn't the reality of the world.   At some point the world needs to move on.  
    People **** on certain political parties,  sure the NDP talks a big game now but if they were in charge and facing the kind of pressures that the Liberals/PC currently are they most definitely would be doing the same thing.  It's easy to talk big when you don't have the consequences to deal with.  Maybe look around the world and see what other countries are doing,  most are moving on with life.
    I think the people complaining simply are entitled and live in a bubble / safe space and think that they deserve to be living in a Utopian society where we can't possibly have to live in a world that faces adversity. 
    I agree that the current situation with ICU and our whole medical system is not where it should be.  Things should of been changed and if not should be in the process of changing on a Federal and Provincial level.
    However the reality is that this requires a tonne of money so you have these options:
    1 - Eliminate free medical care and go fully private  
    2 - Increase taxes heavily to off set costs.
    3 - Roll with what we have in which we don't increase taxes heavily to off set costs and just deal with poor services. 
    4 - Do not increase taxes and create a massive debt for future generations to deal with
    If you are scared to go out,  then be thankful that in todays world you could order basically anything you want online both groceries and products and that you have that option of staying home and staying safe.   You are allowed to wear a mask in public even after the mandate has ended.  
    Maybe reflect and instead of focusing on the 0.005% trouble markers in protests  and maybe your own beliefs as well... maybe consider the 99.9% of the poputation of the country who may think differently.   The vast majority of the population support moving on.   
    This is coming from a white guy with lots of money who works out of home and has no financial issues and loves to stay at home and play video games and not go out.  If someone like me can not think selflishly for himself then surely the naysayers can as well.

    Just my opinions,
  17. Agree
    Sard reacted to iHeart in Covid-19   
    I'm not taking my mask off I don't care if everything is being scaled back
  18. Like
    Sard got a reaction from Bigblue204 in Covid-19   
    I don't think it should necessarily be more than 2 doses, more like a 2nd or 3rd dose within the last x months.  We know that the efficacy of the 2nd dose is good for the first bit but it wanes over time, so fully vaxed would depend on how recently you've been shot.
  19. Agree
    Sard reacted to Noeller in Covid-19   
    sofa king ridiculous.... Omicron still raging, Long-Covid still very much a thing, even for people who had mild initial symptoms........potential for more variants down the road. Just ******* ridiculous. I don't want any part of any of it. 
  20. Like
    Sard reacted to TBURGESS in Jersey's / Errata   
    There are no rules for jersey's for me. Be a fan what ever way you want to. Even if you wear another teams jersey I'm OK with it. I wore Bomber jerseys in pretty much every stadium in the league at one time.
  21. Like
    Sard reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Jersey's / Errata   
    No Love for Jake Thomas?
    Seriously considering him as my next Jersey.
  22. Like
    Sard reacted to bigg jay in 2022 Off Season - Back 2 Back Champs Edition   
  23. Like
    Sard reacted to the watcher in Canadian Politics   
    Goertzen on the radio " alot of people ,depending what SIDE OF THE DISCUSSION  you are on want us to tell the police to end it.  You might like it this time  but next time........ blah blah." These morons don't get it.  First off , what discussion ? The protestors are breaking the law . Laws you enacted. You have a very small minority demanding they control health regulations. Its effecting business and trade. I'm pretty sure if this goes much longer violence will end up happening. It's embarassing that the US would feel they need to offer to step in.
    Edit : I just fired off an email to my MLA expressing my view that this needs to end now. I doubt it gets a response or even read but you never know. If they hear enough voices .......
  24. Agree
    Sard reacted to rebusrankin in Canadian Politics   
    Government needs to grow a pair and crack down. Haul the vehicles away and impound them. Charge these people. Blockading a highway and now apparently doing the same at the Ottawa airport isn't protesting, its domestic terrorism. **** these assholes.
  25. Agree
    Sard reacted to the watcher in Canadian Politics   
    I think all levels of government need to use whatever means they have available to come down as hard as they can. They are blocking #75 with trucks and farm equipment. Apparently some are parking there and leaving. Real truckers are complaining they can't get through to do their business. The RCMP SAY technically they can tow and charge but they don't want to inflame the situation. Totally wrong in my opinion . Hook on, tow them and charge the owners with the max you can and everything you can. Make them pay for lawyers to defend themselves , then we will see how many show up again. ......Hammers , I want hammers. Great big F...ing hammers .It's time.
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