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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in The Mysteries Thread   
    In regards to OJ Simpson, the best book I read was called Run of His Life by Jeff Toobin (CNN Legal Analyst).  Really goes through it step by step.  In hindsight it's almost impossible to believe he got away with it especially when the defence was basically "there is so much evidence against OJ that it *had* to be a set up".
    OJ would have easily been compelled to confess too, I have little doubt.  It was the lawyers that pumped up his confidence.  If you watch the verdict, when they say not guilty, one of OJ's lawyers, Robert Kardashion is shocked. 
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in The Mysteries Thread   
    The worst thing about the JonBenet case is, unless you really do your own digging, the misinformation that the DA's office released in their zealous efforts to protect the Ramsey's would make you think they were innocent.  People can get facts wrong in the heat of the moment.  But innocent people dont keep telling lies.  They told too many lies.  They stonewalled detectives too many times.  There was simply no motive or opportunity for an intruder to have committed the murder.
    The detectives theory was that Patsy flew into a rage over JonBenet's bedwetting.  Bed wetting can be a sign of abuse and there was signs or prior vaginal trauma.  However the detectives believe it wasnt sexual abuse but more corporal punishing when cleaning her up from the repeated bed wetting.  The night in question, they believe Patsy likely never went to bed as she claimed as she answered the door to the police in the morning wearing the same clothes and with perfect hair and make-up.  At some point, Jonbenet wet the bed.  Patsy changed her (the top Patsy originally claimed JonBenet went to bed in was found balled up in the upstairs bathroom though Patsy later changed her story).  In a fit of rage, Patsy smacked the child's head against something, maybe the tub, causing a massive head injury.
    They believe Patsy might have thought she was already dead and carried her down to the "wine cellar" which was a difficult to locate storage room in the sprawling basement which had a large door that was sealed with a latch at the top.  She then realised Jonbenet was still barely alive and grabbed a paint brush from her art kit which was nearby (and noone else would have known about) and fashioned a garotte and strangled the girl.  She cleaned the body, wrapped her, left her "favourite nightgown" (which by Patsy's own account she had not been wearing) near the body and set about staging it.  The tape over her mouth was added after death.  The ropes around her wrists were so loose that a conscious child could have removed them.  She then closed and latched the door (why would an intruder do this).
    She took her own note pad from a drawer and a sharpie from a can in the kitchen (why would a kidnapper not bring his own, how would he know where to find these items) and fashioned a ransom note that has to be read to be believed (called the War & Peace of ransom notes), asking for $118,000 which was a tiny sum for the Ramsey's who were worth hundreds of millions.  It was also the exact sum of a recent John Ramsey bonus (how would an intruder know this).  It included strange instructions.
    Patsy then placed the note (the second or third note she started) on the back stairs that she routinely used (how would an intruder know this) and pretended to find it and screamed.  John, who was now awake and in the third floor bathroom claims he ran down as she ran up and they met on the second floor where she gave him the note.  When no finger prints were found on the note, they changed their story that he ran down to the first floor where the note was layed out.  The only fingerprints found on the note pad were Patsy's and handwriting experts determined Patsy was most likely the author.
    Disregarding the notes orders to not call police or alert anyone or JonBenet would be "beheaded", John told Patsy to call 911.  One might ignore the order to call the police but the Ramsey's called several friends to come over too.  Friends they later pointed the finger at as potential "intruders".  The cops did a terrible job at this point.  The home was so sprawling that when a cop did a search of the basement, he saw the wine cellar, he opened it but it was pitch black so he closed it again without looking.  When he returned upstairs, Patsy was "eyeballing" him. 
    One cop was left at the home with several guests.  She lost sight of John who "disappeared" for several minutes and later admitted he had gone to the basement but "found nothing".  The cop later foolishly suggested John and his friend search the house for clues.  John bee-lined down to the basement and to the wine cellar where he opened it and immediately reacted to the body even though his friend claimed it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.  John carried JonBenet upstairs, oddly holding her up in out-stretched hands (she was stiff).  Both parents were allowed to lay with, cover, carress the body.
    John had been over-heard calling his pilot and ordering their plane on stand-by.  By the next day, Ramsey's had lawyers and PI's calling potential witnesses but never cooperated with the police.
    The detectives believe John was not a party to the murder but would have known Patsy wrote the note and likely found JonBenet when he mysteriously wandered off earlier in the morning.  When police didnt find the body, he made sure he did.
    Another interesting lie is that they always claimed the brother slept through the entire thing but enhancements of the 911 recording indicate Burke was with his parents at the time of the call and asked "what did you find".  Another interesting fact is, according to the Ramsey's Intruder Theory, JonBenet was abducted and killed over night, the morning of December 26th but when they erected her headstone they had the day of death engraved as December 25th, which would be correct according to the police theory.
    Very, very interesting case since due to crime scene issues, what little DNA was there cannot be trusted.  But the mountain of circumstantial evidence pointed squarely at Patsy.  She died a few years later of cancer.  No death bed confession it seems.
  3. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in Game 73: Jets @ Oilers   
    Trouba led in ice time at 24 minutes.  I *think* recent ice time leaders have been closer to 27 minutes so it sounds like they used their third pairing a bit more which is wise with the back to back game.  It seemed to me they used their 3rd/4th lines more too (and have been trending that direction over this winning streak).
  4. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Floyd in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Kind of like making the playoffs is a 'luxury'
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to sweep the leg in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Goalie's rants are always entertaining.
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in Game 72 : Crapitals @ Jets   
    Ladd is also not playing with little and wheeler right now. His centre and RW are arguably third line guys. Playing very well....but third line guys.
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    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Ducky in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    This is my take on the 4 guys... And i really dont think Buff or Ladd are going to ask for stupid money to stay.
    Buff i figure stays because hes not a flashy type guy... He dont needs the lights of a big market or warm weather and houses on the beach and hes a quiet type big leader in the room and he likes to work and teach younger players. He likes it here and respects the Team... Throwing Kanes track suit in the shower or whatever shows that IMO.
    I heard the comments from Ladd about wanting to win now and dont care about the draft and develop thing... I dont read to much into that. Hes the leader and needs to comment like one and thats what he did. Speaking of being the leader and captain.... Ladd likes the role to much to really want to go... Hes not going to go to a team and become their captain... IMO he will take a lil less money to keep that role on a young up n coming team that he can lead.
    Stafford i think resigns with us. If Staff thought he was brought in as a rent a player them i think hed bolt but i think Maurice has let him know he is in the teams plans and has a role on this team now and in the future. IMO he sees he has a good fit with Wheels and Schief and will want to continue with that and see where that line can go.
    Fro....  Hes a bit more iffy IMO. Hes said he wants to stay and likes his role with the team and likes Maurice.He doesnt come across as a me me me type so i think he may stick around for 3.5 i think he knows hes not going to get much more then that and if hes comphy with his role here i think he stays.
    From what ive seen of this team is the guys have character. none of them seem to have the all about me attitude and thats what im basing my opinion on.   
  9. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Goalie in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Stafford scheif wheeler were in beast mode tonight. Gotta sign stafford
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Brandon in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Stafford a must sign for the Jets! The guy is money!
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    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Atomic in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    You would have to get a good vet goalie back id think. And hed have to be Ok with being a back up. And kinda cheap.
    I dont see The Jets going into next year with Hutch and Hellebuyck.
  12. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Atomic in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Myers is a real good hockey player.
  13. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from IC Khari in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Myers is a real good hockey player.
  14. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Brandon in Game 71: Blues @ Jets   
    Myers is a real good hockey player.
  15. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Atomic in Assimilation (We Are Borg?)   
    You have an entire generation who grew up with no parents thanks to residential schools. Did you grow up with anyone whose parents weren't around? How did they end up? Now apply that to an entire race for a generation.
    Now that generation has kids and have no idea how to raise them because they had no parents themselves. And the cycle continues.
    So who is supposed to step up and lead them? I agree that it has to be natives who lead natives and make the changes. But it is going to take a remarkable person or group of people to lead them, and it might be awhile until that happens because of the long term damage that has been done to their people.
  16. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Goalie in Game 70 : Sharks @ Jets   
    Really BIG game in reality, other big games include our  game vs Minni coming up and games against teams like Vancouver and Calgary but this one is really BIG in terms of seeing if the stick with the strong defensive style and BIG in the sense that WIN and basically the Sharks won't catch you. 
  17. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to The Unknown Poster in Assimilation (We Are Borg?)   
    There is also a lot of great information and perspectives in these threads.  This is generally a great forum with some intelligent and insightful people on all sides of the discussions.
  18. Like
    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Mark H. in Assimilation (We Are Borg?)   
    The land bridge is still a theory. A good theory, but a theory nevertheless.
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to Mr. Perfect in Game 69 : Jets @ Lighting   
    Don't be an idiot. You know what he meant.
    As for the game itself, it goes without saying how big that win was. With the injuries we have the best we can hope for is keeping our head above water until we get some healthy bodies back. Eight of the final 13 are at home as well so that should help the cause as well hopefully, albeit a difficult final 13 games.
  20. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Logan007 in Daylight Savings   
    I gotta think that because hes living in Saskatoon is enough reason as to why.
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to AtlanticRiderFan in Daylight Savings   
    Looking for change. Not very satisfied living in Saskatoon. The only thing I will miss in Saskatchewan is my house and going to Rider games. Other than that, it's pretty boring and ugly out here. My personality is better suited in the east where I can get out of the house and do more.
    Plus, CFL games are national, so I can still enjoy Rider games on TV .
  22. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from AtlanticRiderFan in Daylight Savings   
    I gotta think that because hes living in Saskatoon is enough reason as to why.
  23. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from SPuDS in Daylight Savings   
    I gotta think that because hes living in Saskatoon is enough reason as to why.
  24. Like
    New_Earth_Mud got a reaction from Blue-urns in Jets vs Preds   
    Myers n Stafford seem to get it...  Maybe the others need more time.
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    New_Earth_Mud reacted to FrostyWinnipeg in Jets vs Preds   
    Preds lost 5 in a row. Ripe for picking?
    Interesting note i heard on the radio yesterday. Twice before Hutch has been pulled and he went on a 7-8g streak(no regular time losses) both times.
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