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  2. This is what I was thinking. I don't know who does what and who recruited who from our staff, but I felt that when we had Rigmaiden we were bringing in much more quality players. Lately I haven't been underwhelmed with who they've brought in. Sure they can find DB's... Maybe it's just harder to convince players to come to Winnipeg knowing how hard it is to crack our roster.
  3. Ott signs Winston rose. Surprising with better young fa dbs available. But bomber dumpster diving.
  4. https://tvline.com/news/the-boys-final-season-5-ending-last-episodes-1235260871/
  5. I said in the post game thread, game 1 after no preseason I can understand keeping collaros in to work out the kinks, especially with strevelers ankle getting the twist from douchebag earlier, but going forward he needs to be used.
  6. Qft I have no hope for that happening. along with a bunch of other guys. Thomas will have to be carted off to stop playing.
  7. I know there's an argument that you gotta keep your number 1 in to work out the kinks, get into a grove, keep his confidence etc etc but I think there's benefits in going with a two qb system not just because your Number 1 is sputtering (especially with have Strev as our 1b) where you interchange what qb you send out for the next series and even within series depending on the sets of plays you call. Try it out and see how it goes, that's all I ask, my guess is you'll be pleasantly surprised with its results.
  8. Rigmaiden was a massive blow for sure. We are actually quite lucky we even had him for a couple years because of clash of personalities in BC.
  9. No kidding. It’s like why did you bring him in at all if you were going to use him like Prukop. The offense was sputtering with Zach, give Streveler a couple of series as a change of pace and let him throw the ball.
  10. Yeah, we can see the effect after him being in BC for a couple years. I’ll echo that he was a huge loss.
  11. Zach is our starter .. no doubt about it. But .... As I alluded to in the game day thread, you can't make Streveler just a gadget guy. He's an athlete and god yes, take advantage of that athleticism but he's needs to execute in passing situations as well - if for no other reason than to keep teams honest when he's on the field.
  12. It's probably going to take Zach getting knocked out of a game before we get to see Strev. in an expanded role, till then he's stuck with a pretty small playsheet.
  13. Today
  14. This is never spoken about enough. He was a huge loss.
  15. Rigmaiden is a front office loss that sucked. Glad he left for a promotion but he took our scouting to another level.
  16. Receivers I disagree with, and returners? How would we know? We haven't, in earnest, been looking for one since we scooped up Grant.
  17. How so? Not saying you are right or wrong, but what have they not done that leads you to this conclusion?
  18. If I had to guess, I'd say Ryan Rigmaiden was responsible for that. He was the Lions main US scout in 2015 when Sheed signed with them. He was working for us when we signed him in 2019 so Rigmaiden may have kept tabs on him.
  19. I hope that if Zach is throwing up goose eggs he's pulled early and let Strev have several series to see how things shake out. Let Zach watch from the sidelines to see how the defense is playing, then bring him back in.
  20. Ok, I didn’t know that. I could argue the point remains. Keeping track of a guy who spent a week on the Lions PR for 4 years is good scouting.
  21. He's gonna turn it around, He's gonna turn it around, He's gonna turn it around said in fetal position.
  22. Westerman was being recruited by every single team in the CFL after he spent 6 years in the NFL - no scouting was required. He chose to come here which falls more on management and what they pitched him. https://www.cfl.ca/2015/05/07/blue-bombers-bring-dl-westerman-to-winnipeg/ Bailey was briefly on BC's PR back in 2015. The Lions released him so he could sign with Jacksonville. https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2015/10/20/9576543/jaguars-eagles-receiver-rasheed-bailey-practice-squad
  23. Westerman still had to be scouted, regardless of weather people knew who he was. They still need to watch his film, reach out, convince him to come up here. That’s all part of scouting, anyone can make a neg list. Bailey was never anywhere else in the CFL before here. and yeah, I typed BA twice.
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