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  1. Today
  2. Great to see Sheed doing well. I understand why he had to go and why we couldn't keep him, but damn he'd come in handy right now with Lawler down. Also, the *other* games this weekend have no hearing to me on how I feel about the Bombers game/outcome. Whatever. Next week is another week.
  3. Tough week 1 for pick 'ems as we see where this years teams slot it with each other. Picks this week need to be in by Thursday @ 6PM Current standings below:
  4. BC #3 Junior didn’t seem to be able to make a play in clutch situations.
  5. Inexperienced secondary. Similar stuff to what Montreal did to Ford. Grant just doesn't have the next gear the past couple seasons.
  6. Plus the 2 we signed today and whoever comes off for Bighill.
  7. and Bettman isn't stopping them from doing this because? what is even their point?
  8. Toronto's defense incredibly susceptible to the pump fakes from what I've seen this game and in the past. I think they rely way too much on the front 7 getting home
  9. Both these teams look pretty awful on D IMO. BC has no pass rush which was basically what they relied on last year. Toronto has a decent DL and McManis but the secondary looking kind of suspect.
  10. I'd worry about these two teams against the Bombers. The other games were filled with mediocrity
  11. Every game this week has made me feel even worse about the Bombers.
  12. Still with the supposed comedy bits for the panel
  13. Yesterday
  14. Dukes showing that he has a long way to go
  15. Wonder what it will take to get teams to go for 2 point conversions more regularly. The conversion rate on 1 pt PAT's this week has been pretty bad. 3 Argos run at a guy on a 2 yard out and leave 3 Lions running GO routes all alone. Janarion has no wheels. Works hard for those last two yards though.
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