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The more guys come & go the more they are forgotten unless they're Brock Lesnar or the Rock. That seems to be what's happening to Chris jericho. The WWE is not giving jericho any push. He was there simply to get AJ over in his first WWE televised match on Raw & that was it. Becoming a guy getting involved in random feuds with no real direction. You get the feeling that  Jericho coming back is just a pit stop so why should WWE help give him that push? 

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Jericho is doing a subtle heel turn so thats probably why reactions are muted.  His backstage promo was tremendous.  100% gold.  That's how you cut a subtle promo.  If WWE script writers had written it, Jericho would have been yelling and flat out said he would be at Smackdown to interfere in the match.  He made Styles vs Miz infinitely more interesting now and following the promo I actually set SD to record for the first time in years.

Miz is good on the mic but that whole direction for AJ is awful.  They have nothing better, among 50 writers than "well, he's small".  You cant keep booking a guy weak and tell everyone repeatedly how small he is, even if he gets the win, and expect people not to have it ingrained in their minds that he's not a top guy.

I like Titus so Im cool with the slow push but Tyler Breeze deserves better.  I'd put Breeze and Miz together as a tag team and push them.  Two guys who can talk and work and look the part?  What's not to like.

I loved Paul Heyman basically telling the fans off the top that he had a long promo.  Paul is trying so hard to make sense of **** booking and add heat to things that have none.  And then Steph comes along and tries to out promo the master.  She's awful.  At least she's not trying for face reactions right now.  Line of the night was calling Hunter the Billion Dollar Trophy Husband.  Surprised Hunter allowed that one.

I did not like Brock taking out Ambrose at the end.  Minus the Hunter involvement, it would have been good.  But it was reduced to Hunter goading Brock into taking him out.  So it makes Brock and Paul look naive and gullible and makes HEEL Hunter look like the master manipulator.  I think I would have jazzed up the Ambrose/Brock confrontation at the start a bit.  It was good in that it made Ambrose look brave but then he just walked away.  I think I would have had Ambrose basically say he's heard all about Brock and everyone says he should be worried...but he needs to find out for himself and then pop Brock in the mouth and then get away.  It would have made Ambrose sort of the cutesy "is he nuts or brave"...and then when Brock came out at the end, its with more focus and motivation...and then beat the piss out of Ambrose.  Brock aint winning so he needs to be kept strong.

The Divas.  Well, at least the Divas are deep enough to get two segments.  But goodness, the booking is horrendous.  And the worst part is, they almost have something...so how, among 50 writers and smart guys like Hunter, Vince, Hayes, all the agents, Flair etc can they miss the target so often?  Its almost like they are purposely muting Sasha's face heat. I liked what they were trying to accomplish but they did it in such a way that there was no "moment" for the fans to react to.  Sasha should not have attacked Becky and Charlotte a couple weeks ago because it confused the fans.  Okay, so be it.  This week, they were rushing through all their spots because Sasha and Becky have had awesome matches but there was no time to build any pyschology here.  You mute Sasha early by having the stupid Unity thing.  Then the pushing and shoving for no reason which made no sense.  Then Becky helps her with no thought process involved at all.

A better set up would have been Unity interferring, costing Sasha the match.  Becky, beaten up, slips to the floor and slowly begins leaving while Sasha angry tells Unity she doesnt need them.  They begin beating the piss out of her.  Becky looks back...hesitates, thinks about it...waits, waits...then hits the ring for the save.  MegaPowers style.  Becky and Sasha clean house and then almost comes to blows before shaking hands.  That's way better and more dramatic.  And thats only IF you want Sasha to be friendly with Becky and not a loner.  Becky really got herself over lately so its a shame she'll be the odd woman out.

Brie getting a push because Nikki is hurt is pretty stupid.  Neither Nikki or Cena are on TV and yet writers are still kissing their asses.

The big questions will be, what does WWE have in mind to heat up Roman.  Because Ambrose and Brock are both more over and are both more interesting match ups for Hunter.  But WWE is determined to take the #3 face and make him the main event.  Hunter is a smart guy but I have my doubts even he can pull this off!

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11 minutes ago, iso_55 said:

The more guys come & go the more they are forgotten unless they're Brock Lesnar or the Rock. That seems to be what's happening to Chris jericho. The WWE is not giving jericho any push. He was there simply to get AJ over in his first WWE televised match on Raw & that was it. Becoming a guy getting involved in random feuds with no real direction. You get the feeling that  Jericho coming back is just a pit stop so why should WWE help give him that push? 

His coming and going hurts him and the fact he's older now.  Im not sure he realises he cant work like he did even five years ago.  Aj vs Jericho is sort of a dream match and they tried to have an "epic" last week but Jericho is just a half second too slow now and having not worked together before, AJ wasnt in tune with Jericho.  Their next match will be better.  But Jericho has to accept he's not the worker he once was.

Plus, he returned this time with that horrible segment with New Day.  They needed to heat him up fast as a "top guy" for the Rumble so his push almost seems too much for his reactions.  But I loved everything from the end of the AJ match last week to what he did this week.  He's doing the subtle heel turn and his promo was gold.  His delivery was perfect and different than his 90's throwback stuff he's been doing and even different from his Nick Bockwinkle inspired heel work from a few years ago.  More promos like last night and he'll be a top guy again in short order.

But if I was WWE, I'd see if ROH and New Japan would lend me some video from AJ for a package to put over his work.  Re-imagining him as a rookie from Georgia (with hick accent) isnt the right way to get him over.

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Some interesting developments.  WWE refused to clear Bryan due to the risk of future concussions.  Bryan sought his own medical advice, including the doctor for the Cardinals (I believe) and everyone cleared him.  In fact he was measured as having above average cognitive abilities.  WWE still refused to clear him.

There is a rumor that Bryan recently asked for his release.  He has repeatedly said he *will* wrestle again, just not for WWE.  So he asks for his release and WWE says no.  Pretty ****-ish thing to do.

Now the speculation is, he saw an MMA specialist in New York shortly before the Royal Rumble and either that examination "scared" Bryan into making this decision or at least emboldened WWE into reiterating to Bryan they will never clear him.  People seem to believe it was the latter, that Bryan finally got information that concerned him enough to decide it wasnt worth it.

Personally, I dont believe for a second he will never wrestle again.  This retirement might be a legal strategy on Bryan's part.  WWE has a clause in their contract where they can extend your contract for the time you were injured (they did this to Rey to prevent him from leaving).  So now, Bryan isn't "injured", he's "retired".  When his deal expires next year, he's free to go anywhere he wants.

But...you never know.  He's married and reportedly he and Brie want to start a family.  He might have come to the realization its not worth the risk and he can still make a good living with WWE in another role.  But if I had to bet, I'd say he will wrestle again.

It wouldnt surprise me if WWE tries to run an angle with him for WM too.  Something to get him to endorse Roman.  It wont work but they will probably try.  Or to transfer his underdog role to AJ.

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11 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Or its a work and it's gonna set up taker vs Bryan at Mania. I hear wwe wants strowman vs taker but have heard taker may not agree to that and wants to wrestle Bryan 

I agree they should take the chance and let him go out with one last match at WrestleMania, especially because this WrestleMania isnt looking so hot.  But I dont see it as a work, not with Bryan himself stating it as face and media outlets picking it up.  I do think WWE will do something with him, whether its host of WM, or some way of combating the authority.

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The most honest and organic moment on RAW of all time. Incredible. And it made all the over scripted fake bullshit that much worse because of how truly emotional it was. 

Bryan Danielson is one of the great ones.  He broke a lot of barriers through sheer will, determination, talent and a connection with the fans that couldn't be stopped. 


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13 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

apparently Titus Oneil has been suspended for "grabbing" vince mcmahon.  after the Bryan celebration he was reported shaking Vinces hand then what some people say was playfully grabbed him but cant see much here


doesnt look malicious though from this bad angle lol

Thats a long suspension.  Missing WrestleMania.  But that was a stupid thing for Titus to do.  Its too bad as I like Titus.

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Theres more to the Titus suspension than just that, I'd imagine at least but that was dumb by Titus, you don't do that when you are supposed to be saying bye to a guy like Bryan. That's probably what got him in trouble, not that he grabbed vince, but because it was done during the bryan farewell. 


Speaking of Bryan, turns out he's pretty badly injured, 10 plus concussions he said, has had seizures, has brain scarring or something, apparently in time he will be healed but... for all the talk about how he was cleared by certain doctors and for all the crap that Vince and WWE took for not clearing him, I think i'm on WWE's side now. Bryan said all this on ESPN last night with the COACH, interesting segment. 



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17 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Theres more to the Titus suspension than just that, I'd imagine at least but that was dumb by Titus, you don't do that when you are supposed to be saying bye to a guy like Bryan. That's probably what got him in trouble, not that he grabbed vince, but because it was done during the bryan farewell. 


Speaking of Bryan, turns out he's pretty badly injured, 10 plus concussions he said, has had seizures, has brain scarring or something, apparently in time he will be healed but... for all the talk about how he was cleared by certain doctors and for all the crap that Vince and WWE took for not clearing him, I think i'm on WWE's side now. Bryan said all this on ESPN last night with the COACH, interesting segment. 



Yeah but its not really that simple.  He took many tests and passed them all.  He took one test and failed and it scared him enough to retire.  Imagine we find out in ten years that the test was not accurate?

Common sense tells us that multiple concussions arent good.  You become more susceptible to sustaining concussions in the future.  And those of us who have had multiples know how poor you feel in the aftermath.  I guess the previous belief has always been that if you heal from a concussion, you're healed.  The issue is repeated concussions causing CTE.

The problem with CTE is that 1) you cant diagnose it until death (tests are coming though) and 2) it doesnt impact everyone the same way.

Evidence of brain injury in the behaviors of athletes who later are shown to have CTE vary and are mostly anecdotal because we cant say if one guy acting differently is due to CTE and repeated concussions or because of his innate personality.  In fact, a former NHL tough guy killed himself at 43 and it was just revealed testing showed he did NOT have CTE, a result sure to surprise his family.

I read a study that linked CTE to a mix of concussions and steroid use.  So the idea being if you arent a steroid user, then repeated concussions wont impact you as negatively as others.

When X amount of "CTE" cases show little to know drastic changes and others show wild changes, what can we take away from that?  Right now, we cant say repeated concussions WILL cause CTE and we cant say CTE WILL cause you to be depressed, suicidal, angry, murderous etc.

This needs major study.  And the pro sports leagues should be pouring money into it because the results might benefit them.  Where you have some retired players now claiming "if we knew the risks we would never have played", you might one day have players saying "if we knew the risks werent as bad as everyone said we would have played longer".

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Also, as it pertains to WWE specifically, you have to take their concern with a grain of salt.  Their doctor in particular has never been a supporter of CTE and historically would be less likely to hold someone out due to concussions.  So you could say Bryan was so bad even this doctor wouldnt clear him. Or you might say it was political on WWE's part.  The same WWE that lets Tommy Dreamer and the Dudley's wrestler on a regular basis.

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