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Everything posted by ediger

  1. That was my favourite moment; where Kenny looked like he had given everything and just didn't know what else he had left. ******* incredible. Watched the entire event at the Handsome Daughter on Wednesday night. Still running over that match in my head. It's surreal to watch something like that without knowing what you're about to see. Especially from a guy who you've been following since he was just starting out. Very interested to see what he has planned from here. I could see him following the Young Bucks around ROH and the North American indies for a few months before setting up a huge rematch with Okada at the New Japan show in California this spring/summer. Win the title there, lose it at Wrestle Kingdom 12, conquer WWE? Makes sense, no? Either way, pumped for the PCW show tomorrow night. For those of you who maybe don't come out to local wrestling shows, come see this stuff. It's a great time. Plus, it's KORBAMANIA!!! You're pretty much guaranteed to see someone take a birthday cake to the face.
  2. more interested in seeing what (The Tank) Gu Xu Bing can bring to the team. He seems like he could be an exciting prospect.
  3. hahaha. WTF? I was unaware the CFL cared about recreational drugs. Well, step up Heath.
  4. nice turnout by Canada's best fans. Favourite part about the Rider's sucking is now you can see how ******* ugly their stadium is. Seriously, whoever came up with the idea for the multicoloured seats has the creative eye of a fruit bat.
  5. we only take criticisms from people who's stadiums don't feature the infamous urine filled soda cup.
  6. Agreed. Can't count on radio to introduce you to good new music. They're all run by parent companies who's parent company owns a major label or whatever, so you're just going to hear whatever they want to sell. All that payola stuff from the early days of rock'n'roll? That's just how **** works now. DJs (outside of campus radio) don't have any freedom to play what they want. For good music you gotta hang out in the bars. Not the ones with a bunch of dudes doing the same set of classic rock covers but places like the Windsor or The Handsome Daughter or Times Changed that book bands playing original music. You'll probably see some gawd awful groups, but you'll also see some stuff that's way better than anything on the radio these days.
  7. No pairs left. 108 single seats remaining by my count.
  8. Here's the difference. One is a Winnipeg based reporter who's work was deemed credible enough to be hired by a major national sports media outlet, the other is some ******* loon running a blog from his basement in Regina. While that may be a significant achievement in the gap, it's really doesn't add up.
  9. First one in Saskatchewan to figure out the internet and now he's a ******* god to those toothless goofs
  10. just checked out Pederson's latest blog. First time there, apparently they now have MS Paint and Geocities templates in Saskabush.
  11. I like a Bombers team that's defense first with a bruising RB. Once the cold weather hits, it's a good style to play.
  12. Oh, it only gets better after Montreal...
  13. So the house down the street is suspected of being a crack house. Should every other house on the block be investigated as well? You sound desperate right now.
  14. as others have said, it's really hard to gauge how much the offence has improved in a game like that. So many weird circumstances. That weather delay would screw with their entire game day routine. Plus, you're not going to see normal football in the second half with a 30+ point lead. That being said, in the first half Nichols was placing the ball exactly where it needed to be. Correct reads and right on the proper shoulder. Really good half. Second half the reads still seemed to be there but he wasn't putting the ball in the right place. Close, but not close enough. The bright side is, Nichols may not look like a QB who's going to single handedly win games, but he also doesn't look like he's going to lose them single handedly and frankly, that's more than we can say about Willy right now.
  15. I appreciate the time it takes to put this together. Thanks!
  16. I'd really like to see the Bombers hit double digits in the first quarter. I think that would go along way in settling down both the fans and the team.
  17. opening day. Favourite day of the season. Hopefully our guys can do something this year to change that.
  18. anyone else get a kick out of TSNs article "Tailgating - Coast to Coast" that talked entirely about Toronto's new "tailgate parties"? The author may want to spend some time wandering around the parking lots of some other stadiums...
  19. He may play for the bad guys tonight, but I enjoyed this Henry Burris quote from the Free Press article regarding his decision to sign in Ottawa over Winnipeg a couple years back: "I love Winnipeg," said Burris. "To me, it is a bigger, and a heck-of-a-lot-much better than Regina."
  20. I heard Addison Richards' name last night. That's progress, right? Seriously though, great game. Looking forward to seeing them against some stronger competition. Still, it looks like we finally have some depth. It will be nice to be able to breathe while the starters are getting some rest. Also, isn't it nice to feel confident in your kicker?
  21. considering we love to crap all over the refs 'round here I feel like to be fair I should compliment something I noticed tonight. It seems like some of that training they were doing with the NFL refs has paid off in one regard. You can debate the quality of the calls, but all night the penalty announcements were clear and consistent. It was a pet peeve of mine to hear refs stammering over the mic and making up the format of the announcement on the spot. Tonight it was infraction, team, player, penalty, result. A small thing but it helps the league look more professional.
  22. Totally. Easy to sell a ton of shirts when 85% of your fan base is starting from square one.
  23. In a world of no guaranteed money I hesitate to call anyone a lock but they're definitely Wild/Bass's jobs to lose.
  24. There's great jobs to be had for former players at that John Deere dealership. Or that other John Deere dealership.
  25. I think his agent is screwing him. Definitely doesn't have Henoc's best interests in mind. I mean, the guy could easily carve out a respectable CFL career. Play for 10 years or so, make a couple million along the way. Instead in seems like his agent is banking on the big payday that quite frankly, I don't ever see coming.
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