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Everything posted by ediger

  1. according to this article, the Bombers are bringing in C.J. Wilson. You may remember him has one of the two NFLers to lose fingers in fireworks accidents last 4th of July. http://www.lincolntimesnews.com/2016/05/23/o-canada/
  2. Both of them seem like the type that would take a hit personally in the name of helping the industry/those just starting out in a dying industry. It's a noble act if that is in fact the case. Not even that crazy when you think about how things might end up with they stick around.
  3. a lot of people have been asking for something like this for a while. Hopefully it works out. At the very least it shows that the league agrees that officiating has been sub-par in recent years. Does this eventually lead to hiring American refs full time? Never hurts to expand the talent pool you're drawing from.
  4. It wasnt boyd that hyped it as easy and truthfully, his coach was just pumping him up.. Not sure why so much angst about what was said.. It wasnt like Boyd was saying "imma come down there, kick willy and nichols off the depth chart and dominate until the nfl comes a callin.." I don't get the angst either. His old coach was simply telling him what he could do, not what he will do. Coaches are supposed to be motivators and telling a guy "hey, it's a pay cheque" is pretty half-assed motivation.
  5. last season either my brother or a friend of mine (can't remember who I was with) saw Miller at a game and told him to bring back the royal blue jerseys. His response was something like "I think you'll be happy". Was bummed to see the navy blues this season but hearing that there's a new jersey provider for 2016 leads me to believe that we may get our wish. It would make sense. The fans want them, they've gone back to the W logo, a lot of the new merch is in royal blue. Just do it!TM
  6. I'd say this is the biggest thing he brings to this team. Our D is good enough to keep most games close, maybe even win a few, but when they've played the amount they should play in an entire game by the end of the 3rd quarter, there's nothing left in the 4th.
  7. Big crowd. Send them home happy.
  8. the idea of having a vet like Ray around to come in to clean up sounds pretty good right now.
  9. Lapo at least showed potential as a HC. More than we could say about a number of the others who have held the position over the past 20 years. bill belichick, Pete Carroll, Mike Shanahan, Tom Coughlin **** Vermeil, Tony Dungy and Jon Gruden all better coaches the 2nd time around Bill wash did say this "A good part of (succeeding) is experience and understanding the so-called dynamics between ownership, managment and coaching and the media, and I think that exposure and experience certainly serves somebody very well,” That, exactly.
  10. ...And here's the Rider "fans" we all know and love. This is why I'm desperate for them to go through a bout of Al Ford Years. We'll test out this theory about "Best Fans"....... Just curious - do you feel personally threatened by the level of fandom in Saskatachewan? Why does it bother you so much that they have the "best fans" label? I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I'm sick of hearing it ad nauseam. Plus, anyone over the age of 25 remembers the lean years/decades to the west so the chest thumping gets a little tiresome when its coming from a loaded bandwagon.
  11. Agreed. I'm willing to give Veltung more time at receiver before passing judgement but he seems to be more suited to a DI role at PR/KR. This will make two years of swings and misses at receiver recruitment. That's not good. Jhomo Gordon says hello - he's an incredibly impressive prospect for his age. So was Terrence Jeffers Harris. I'm not saying it's a definitive miss for this year, just saying it could be. I like Gordon's upside, but he is no shoe-in for recruitment success yet. TJH was done in by his own shitty attitude. If he wasn't a whiny ***** he coulda been a real good receiver in the CFL. Totally. The guy had some impressive skills, he was just an ass clown.
  12. I'm definitely going to have to start checking out your shows. After reading some of your stuff here, you and I seem to be on the same page as far as wrestling goes.
  13. Which promotion? Might as well give it a plug while we're on the subject! I've been meaning to get out to some local shows but I've had other stuff going on every time there's a show I want to see. Haven't followed the WWF/E for a while now. Got a little tired of the product they were putting out shortly after the Invasion angle and haven't really been able to get back into it. Recently I've just been reliving the late 90's through torrents and whatnot. That being said, I try to watch Wrestlemania and maybe the Rumble each year just to keep tabs on what's going on.
  14. You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves Clearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either. Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all. Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite.
  15. Well that's debatable, but that stadium does need to be replaced
  16. a couple of key additions and some development from our current guys and it's not a bad team. I believe that's the route they will be taking.
  17. I think I posted this around the Banjo Bowl, but when a friend mentioned to Miller that the fans want the royal blues, Miller responded with something to the effect of "I think you guys will be happy".
  18. Probably 10% for sure. I can understand why they'd prefer to wait to come out til after their career is wrapped up though. Probably for sure? I'd don't think the stats for the general population translate equally to pro sports. Not that I think Sam is the only gay football player out there, but do you really think there's an average of four gay players per team in the CFL? Yes. Why wouldn't it apply to professional sports? The jock culture present in most locker rooms, which includes a lot of homophobia, probably keeps a significant number of homosexuals away from organized sports, so I don't doubt that percentage would be lower in pro sports.
  19. So you really believe Miller is not committed to putting a better team on the field? It would appear not quite as much as bringing in the beer snake since that was his first public item of business. Don't you agree if they don't take this rebuilding seriously it will take a lot more than beer snakes to sell tickets? I don't care about beer snakes, I just don't want to keep hearing it will take another two years when we have heard that for years. Hamilton got it done in one year even after suspending Chris Williams and Edmonton who were with us last year could end up 13-5. the beer snake was brought up because they put out the season ticket renewal info and obviously some sections will be a bit different next year. Wait until the end of the freakin regular season before going nuts about about the moves he isn't making for next yeah.
  20. I agree. The game needs to be black and white (no pun intended) for the refs. The less discretion they have, the better. I'd rather see them start catching more of the holding and stuff they currently seem to miss and actually call MORE penalties. If everything was being called, maybe the players would stop trying to push their luck as frequently. Maybe the answer is as simple as paying the refs more so they can spend less time at their full-time job and more time at clinics or seminars or whatever's going to help them improve.
  21. I'm guessing that whapping I hear is the tail hitting your legs...
  22. you know, I don't have a problem with news from other CFL teams being posted here, but there's something about the tone of the initial post that rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the fact that it's a rah-rah Riders post as opposed to an actual news post. They could put a pile of actual crap out behind centre and you gapper fools would talk about that pile of crap like it was Doug ****** Flutie
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