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Everything posted by ediger

  1. Well hello. Do you like football?
  2. I as well feel more confident in this team. They just beat the tar out of Edmonton (that score was flattering to the Eskies) and finally, FINALLY, when they played a bad team like Hamilton, they didn't play down to their level. That was a turning point for me. Good teams don't play up or down to the level of their competition. They just play their game and that's what the Bombers have been doing.
  3. quit now. You're exposing yourself as the dolt that you are. The Bombers get full points for winning tonight.
  4. I think maybe the casual viewer isn't always aware of those groups but a good number of wrestling fans are familiar with them at least in name. Kenny Omega would definitely be a big draw. The people that go out to see TUP's shows (which are fantastic, I highly recommend) because Kenny is on the bill are the hardcore fans and even those shows with limited advertising draw what? 200-300? 200 might not sound like much but I can tell you from my experience playing with my band around town, if you can get 200 Winnipeggers out to see local entertainment, you've done well. Tell people the same show is a touring group and then the whole "well nothing good comes out of Winnipeg" crowd starts to come out.
  5. For sure. Max Bell Centre would probably be a decent sized venue for them. I'm having a hard time thinking of any other places in the city in 1,000-1,500 capacity range that aren't theatres. I guess the Convention Centre but I imagine that place doesn't come cheap.
  6. I agree. There's so many to go around. Plus Bell MTS Place is a major league venue now so it has a little more name recognition which I'm sure they like. I hope the show next month does well, it could help sway them a bit. However, if WWE is going to continue to largely ignore Winnipeg I'd love to see ROH start coming up for shows. They run shows pretty close already (Minnesota) so it's not a stretch.
  7. I still regret not going to the double tv at Winnipeg Arena. Not that they were great events or anything but the back to back is something that is unlikely to ever happen here again. Did get to see some really good matches at the old place though. Chris Jericho vs. Steve Austin for the title in 2001 (I think?) was probably the best of the bunch. I knew by that point that championships very rarely changed hands at house shows, especially the world title, but they still had me thinking "Holy crap, Jericho might win!" for the entire match. Both guys pulled out moves from all over their careers. Jericho with a triple powerbomb, Austin with a Stun Gun and a Million Dollar Dream. In the words of Don Callis, tremendous. Edge vs. Christian right after they split up was another fantastic match. That same show had Jericho vs Lance Storm and I believe the debut of Brock Lesnar.
  8. If his offence keeps putting up 35 pts/game, I don't have many complaints.
  9. I read this three hours ago and came back hoping someone had figured out what the hell is going on. I suppose we wait...
  10. ask stupid questions, get shitty answers. That's part of Paul's problem. He's never going to get an engaging answer out of a guy a) to whom he routinely asks questions everyone knows the answer to and b ) has routinely put down in public. Part of me also gets the feeling that he's a bit jelly over all his colleagues getting sweet gigs with job security with pro sports teams while he's stuck (probably forever) in the same deadend job.
  11. From what I experienced, the biggest bottle neck was getting people out of the lots. Once we got onto the roads, even while we were still on campus, we moved pretty well. I think the clusterfuck stems from the use of volunteers/lack of training for said volunteers in the parking lots. They didn't seem to have a proper plan to get cars out efficiently which lead to people cutting across the lot to other lines and turning it into a mess. You can use volunteers, but there needs to be a system in place regarding how to get cars out of the lots and the volunteers need to be knowledgable of this system.
  12. well considering neither team won last year, we're talking history for both Wpg and Sask. And if you want to compare histories...
  13. There's always the exception to the rule and the CFL tends to let those exceptions thrive more than the NFL
  14. I was thinking this could be a new use for their world famous manure.
  15. That was a really fun show. You guys have been on fire for a while now. I've been going to PCW shows for a number of years now so while seeing Kenny in a PCW ring isn't new for me or anything, it's still surreal kinda surreal to see him in that sort of setting. Watching a dude have a huge match in New Japan, setup the rematch for THE GREATEST MATCH IN FREAKING HISTORY and then seeing him at Doubles Fun Club a matter of days later is pretty insane when you think about it. How incredible is it going to be if/when the IWGP Heavyweight belt is in your ring? Have him drop it to Jackie Lee, immediate rematch, drop it back to Kenny. Never tell NJPW but bill Jackie as a former IWGP champ
  16. First time I've looked at our o-line in a long time without saying "Who the hell?"
  17. awww, the ol' softie!
  18. There's been plenty said and written about Patterson over the years. Most of it seems to be of the "well I heard" variety. I can't say for certain if anything happened, obviously. But to play devil's advocate for a second, when you consider the general attitude towards homosexuals in the 80s and 90s, you can see where some stories may have been fabricated or whatever. There was a general perception amongst a number of people that it was a deviant lifestyle and a lot of witch hunts happened because of that stereotype. Casual homophobia was everywhere and I can only imagine what it was like in a testosterone filled locker room. I could easily see where someone could hear that Patterson was gay and say something like "I don't want to be left alone with him" and then try to justify that stance by saying "well, I heard..."
  19. mentioned this earlier to someone. If my house is ever on fire, I want Oost showing up. That guy looks like he could carry an entire family out in one haul.
  20. Oh I don't believe the WWE actually believes in their anti-bullying promos. I agree it's totally an image they're trying to project. Every single decision the WWE makes is financially motivated and right now anti-bullying is good for business. However, I do think that at some point it's going to blow up in their faces. Like Unknown Poster mentioned, some of the fairly widely reported behaviour of individuals such as JBL (but certainly not exclusively) crosses the line from simple pranks into serious criminal behaviour such as sexual assault. Male on male sexual assault is not something that gets reported very frequently. There's a lot of shame involved in a situation like that that often leads to even the victim justifying it in a twisted sort of way as "just something that happens" or whatever. All it's going to take is one person treating one of those over the line situations as it really is in a legal way for everything to get nutty in Stanford.
  21. With all their anti-bullying campaigns, I just don't see how they can keep JBL around these days. Then again, VKM has never been afraid to be a hypocrite.
  22. BOOOOOOOOO! Chad Tatum should've blown his load in your face, @The Unknown Poster!!! But seriously, great show tonight.
  23. Jackie Lee is fantastic. The no dq match he had against Scott Justice last year (I think it was last year?) was one of my favourites that I saw anywhere. Looking forward to another round in that feud.
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