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Everything posted by ediger

  1. alright, so our odds of Jericho/Omega in Winnipeg one day just went from 1 in 1,000,000,000 to 1 in 1,000,000
  2. I've avoided this thread for weeks and after popping in... Yep. It's as off the rails as I imagined. Good job! As soon as I saw Jordan Peterson used as an argument I knew this thing was completely ******.
  3. $120,000 is as high as I go on Loffler and even that doesn't sound quite right. Count me as another that likes him but is willing to see him go.
  4. I hope you gave them just enough of the Kenny/AJ match to start a proper bidding war for the whole tape 😎 On an unrelated note, are there physical tickets available for Top Cock or are you just doing it all online?
  5. It's even less like Sting in TNA. Sting went there after working old timers tours for two years. Jericho's coming in on the heels of some red hot programs in Japan. You say he didn't move the needle but I think most people would agree that he was the primary draw for last years Wrestle Kingdom which had one of the highest attendance figures in recent years as well as a huge increase in online subscriptions from North America. Not to mention his merch sales are through the roof. He's the one guy his age who has managed to keep himself relevant. Besides, the rest of the roster is already shaping up to be pretty damn good. They already have a good mix of styles and I'm sure there's a couple more big names to come. You keep on referring to indie fans and indie wrestlers but NJPW and even ROH & Impact are pretty far from the indies and that's where most of these guys will be coming in from. It's not like they're signing guys that would be wrestling in the Boogies parking lot otherwise. In recent years I've watched both Wrestlemanias and Wrestle Kingdoms with people who aren't/weren't wrestling fans. Guess which of the two turned people into fans? If AEW offers a proper alternative to the WWE and it's easy to access for viewers I really think they have a legit shot at being successful.
  6. Dude, Jericho has been one of the best things in wrestling the past couple of years. AEW is damn lucky to have him. Comparing him to Kurt Angle in TNA is so laughable that I'm not even going to bother with the rest of that drivel.
  7. I'm sure there's a price that Kenny can't refuse from WWE but without being able to see the money both WWE & AEW have on the table it's pretty tough to judge what his best option is right now.
  8. the next year could be the most interesting we've seen in wrestling in a number of years.
  9. let the speculation officially begin "Kenny Omega Is Leaving New Japan Pro-Wrestling" https://www.mandatory.com/wrestlezone/news/1040123-report-kenny-omega-is-leaving-new-japan-pro-wrestling
  10. Why should anyone care about any wrestling? It's all in the way it's marketed. If they can get some buzz about being the hot new thing and then actually be on a channel that people can find they should get some eyeballs. If it's a good product they'll get the ever so important word of mouth advertising that REALLY gets viewers. You seem to have your mind made up already without a single event taking place.
  11. They need to be on a channel that most people already have, not something like Pursuit or whatever Impact laded on. Won't be surprised to see these guys do a lot of web content too. There's more and more opportunities to monetize that sort of thing every week it seems. If there's two real big winners in this whole thing, it's Kenny Omega and to a lesser extent Chris Jericho. They've both positioned themselves well to have a bidding war for their services. Wherever they end up, they are going to get paid BIG bucks.
  12. One of the great things about ECW in its prime is it offered a wide variety of styles. You would see a crazy hardcore match, a great high flying match, a brawl, some comedy and fantastic mat wrestling on each card.
  13. There's been a bunch of guys like Lance Storm on twitter commenting on how someone's going to die at some point and these sorts of stunts really need to be scaled back. The doofus who cracked his skull has been responding to each one with either a sarcastic "Thanks for your concern" or just flat out telling them they don't know what they're talking about. Was unfamiliar with the fellow until this incident so I have no clue if this is part of his brain damage or if he was always this way. Considering he was willing to try a stunt like that at an indie show where he's maybe getting paid a couple hundred bucks, I'm going to assume he was kind of an idiot to begin with.
  14. might be time for a concept other than a restaurant in there.
  15. The WWE needs to do something drastic. As has been discussed to death, the lack of competition really hurts them. There's little to push them. I was talking to some friends on the weekend and we kicked around an idea that they would never go for but we all think would make for a more entertaining wrestling scene. At least on the major stage, the indies are **** hot right now. Anyway, we talked about what if the WWE was more like the NWA and was the governing body over a series of regional promotions. They would be the ultimate owner but could franchise out the different territories. There would be certain standards to uphold but each promotion would have control over how it presents its product on tv (live, taped, ECW style highlight show, etc), the look of the arena, the camera angles. Basically everything. They could even revive some of the historic brands they own. WCW would be the south, AWA the midwest, and so forth. A certain percentage of the roster would be people they franchisees bring in themselves but a majority would be WWE contracted wrestlers who are divided up amongst the regions. Then you would have your top stars who bounce between regions, not unlike the NWA champions would do. Again, never ever ever going happen but fun to discuss dream scenarios.
  16. Fun show tonight at the Sherb with Ethan Page and PCO. It's a new group, Winnipeg Pro Wrestling, that a couple of my buddies are involved in. Interested to see how they navigate a fairly crowded market but they seem to be targeting a certain niche. There's a ton of wrestling fans in the underground music scene here (which is fairly large) and these guys seem to be kinda marketing towards that group. In the end it could be beneficial to the other promotions, I suppose. There's a small handful of us that check out PCW and CWE shows, hopefully tonights card creates a few more wrestling regulars from our group of rock'n'roll regulars. I'd love it if this kinda started a local Rock'n'Wrestling era 😛
  17. The Bootyman has responded to CWE's claims https://www.facebook.com/BrotherBruti/photos/a.1455527161126424/2206982692647530 Of interest in the comments is a screen grab of a text message sent to Danny Duggan (promoter of CWE for those who are unaware) by Ron "Faarooq" Simmons. The text reads "Don't worry Danny I will address that here and let everyone know that I did that exact tour and I was treated fairly and with respect. And in the mean time Feel free to quote me saying I did that exact tour and we made the best of the conditions we had. And that I had a great time working with everyone." That bolded part is the difference between a professional and a prima donna. It's the indies, you're not going to be getting the greatest of accommodations and you need to recognize that going in. Plus, some of these towns they hit have nothing other than an old run down motel. I suppose sleeping in the ring truck is an option...
  18. Been following along with this on the Twitter. I'm not surprised that people occasionally bail on those tours. 30+ shows with few (if any) nights off is a hell of a grind and I'm guessing some of these legends they bring in don't quite remember how uncomfortable it is to drive 8 hours every single day for a month straight. That being said, they made the commitment. Unless something incredibly serious comes up, fulfill that commitment and if something does come up, leave on a good note with a promise to make it up to them in the near future.
  19. on the plus side, it sounds like we won't be looking for a new kicker. Medlock sounds committed to returning & you gotta imagine the team wants him back.
  20. Basically my list as well. They're close talent-wise.
  21. That one and Piper were the two that hit hard for me. Two guys I really wanted to have a chance to talk to for a couple of minutes. On a happier note, anyone checking out Sherb Your Enthusiasm? Sounds like it will be a fun show. PCO is a hell of a story, looking forward to seeing him in a few weeks.
  22. I agree. Thankfully, it seems like they're actually taking the proper approach to developing a QB this time around. It helps that we have the luxury of a legit starter ahead of him to a) learn from and b) keep him from being forced in too early.
  23. That's definitely the biggest part of it. I suppose when I was younger, I didn't care that nothing would happen at the house shows I went to. It was still an opportunity to see Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guererro, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Edge & Christian, etc.
  24. Considering they have cameras at all of the live events now and all of the airtime available on the network, they should start booking some storyline advancements on house shows and do a weekly recap on the network. Cut back the number of house shows and at least have the potential for the event to mean something.
  25. here's a fairly significant one. .@CyrusOverHuge shocked the world as he unleashed a blistering verbal assault on @KennyOmegamanX before attacking the IWGP Heavyweight Champion ahead of the @IAmJericho cruise. WATCH: https://t.co/CoXUb9FveM — IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) October 21, 2018
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