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Posts posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. 19 minutes ago, Booch said:

    so hypothetically right now with guys signed/brought back excluding draft picks and any possible FA pickup.. would it be safe to say a tentative starting 24, sans TC competition which would give us our best line-up be:

    Willie...Lawson...Fox...Haba up front (I have Haba there as he started games but truly don't think he's our best option...which isn't a bad thing by any means)

    Wilson...Biggie...Cole as the LB's


    on offense

    Big Stan...Dobson...Eli...Neuf...and lets say Vanterpool and Kolo as 6th

    Lawler...Woli...Demski...Schoen...and lets say big Bodied Keytaon Thompson out wide with Cruickshank for now as the Returner/gadget guy

    ZC...and BO in backfield

    Can't see that line-up by itself not being at least a 10 win squad at worst....But we have some guys....especially on defense now that I have looked at the roster that could really push for a role/starter spot...as well as a couple sleeper guys in offensive skilled positions too.

    We get a solid draft...maybe 1 more under the radar key value signing as a free agent on defense...and things really look pretty good....younger...hungrier....and still have hat key depth with leadership and culture police

    Especially if we can un-earth the Biggie heir apparent this yr, and have him be guided along by Biggie in a more rotational role to keep him fresh...




    Our PA goes up but countered with PF going up resulting in high scoring games ending with a 12-6 record? 

  2. 25 minutes ago, JCon said:

    More than 10 years ago. So, two Grey Cups to zero. 

    Saskatchewan has to host the Grey Cup every so often so that they can remember what the trophy looks like. A pathetic organization. 

    Love O'Day. 

    Lol I like how we are splitting this into years. I think at the EOD one can't escape 12-4 no matter how one slices it. That's the end goal here. # of Grey Cups won regardless of year.

    Next this poster is going to brag that the RoughRiders have won more Thursday games than the Bombers over the last two years. lol

  3. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    Schiltz tho could be a capable starter for a number of games and actually produce...especially with talent around him and a decent line..Prukop not so much

    I would think it wasn't just our Oline, from my amateurish vantage point in looking across other teams short yardage specialists I gotta say DP ranks probably #1 but obviously came expendable with us in the signing of Strev.

    But I do appreciate the need to bring more than that to the table especially at the QB position.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Wheeler said:

    This is quite literally one of the most ridiculous posts I have read in years.   Everyone you say signs with the Riders,they will not get their bang for their buck.   This coming from a fan of a team that is spending $1.34 million dollars on 4 players on offence lol.

    And getting Ouellette for $70K less than Oliveira is a pretty good deal for the Riders.



    oops forgot to insert the happy face.



  5. Excerpt poached from the Toronto Sun (Bolded part my doing):


    Coach Sheldon Keefe had an intriguing take.

    “We spent a lot of time watching every cross-check that’s that’s happened in the last number of years and the ones that I thought were similar in nature to Morgan were nothing close to requiring (an in-person hearing),” Keefe said. “But at the same time, there’s a history also of events that happened in Toronto and with the Leafs that get more attention, more hype, that tend to lead to something such as this. So, to that end, not surprised, but it’s out of our hands and we’ll be ready to play (against the Blues).

    Yea okay SK not that the constant attention, constant hype on the Leafs can sometimes lead to more favorable outcomes. Nope never.

    It's not like the Jets haven't come across as sore losers historically, every team is guilty of it but some more than others and SK is really pushing this the world is against us attitude. Barf.  

  6. 11 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Yeah I only started watching the last 5 minutes because I saw the score was tied a d it only reaffirmed my belief that CFL rules are vastly superior. That ending and ot drrraaaagggggeeeeedddddd on and made what could have been a super exciting dramatic finish seem like a chore.

    I get that NFL player talent is far superior to CFL plus their marketing puts ours to shame but I just continue to have no interest in watching NFL games.

    I begin to watch games with my son who's a hardcore Eagles fan and within minutes I'm bored out of my mind.

    It's probably because I have no affiliation with any team but I don't know if that's just it.

    It would obviously change if Winnipeg was in the league but even TO/BC getting a NFL team I probably still wouldn't watch.


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