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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. Walters has dealt openly and honourably with players, coaches and the public , so I will take him at his word.
  2. If Hall has no say in who he puts on the field, he has been emasculated.
  3. No. No. No. That would set a dangerous precedent for this forum.
  4. But... but ....but...they have/had 100 million dollars...
  5. Maybe we could get him amped up on testosterone and epinephrine.
  6. Yup. All Butcher has to do is stand in the middle and then he would clog up the whole center of the field.
  7. I was posting with my tongue in cheek, but my point is that if our beloved head coach hasn't accumulated enough data yet to make an informed decision about Hall, I do not think that reviewing more video testimony will make a difference.
  8. If I was Hall, I would be researching how to remove bitumen from skin.
  9. I do- anyone other than Jones and the Riders.
  10. If O'Shea hasn't been looking at the "tapes" all season, this year and last, then he needs to be walked to the door as soon as possible.
  11. I didn't see the post above mine when I posted my reply. We can only pray CBC was wrong but the odds are that the report is accurate.
  12. Damn. I was hoping that O'Shea would get hit by a revelation and see the real problem with the team. O'Shea has lashed himself to Hall and both will share the same fate, but that will probably be too late for next season. I was looking for a reason to believe that O'Shea had the right stuff to take the Bombers to the Grey Cup and now I am of the opinion that he is not the head coach we had hoped for.
  13. And, perhaps tellingly, no mention of Richie Hall.
  14. True, but every player has to be weighed on a cost/benefit basis, and Medlock may be just too expensive compared to a replacement and that money might be better used elsewhere.
  15. Mulumba ought to be good enough that we would not lose too much in the middle, and I would be willing to give up that in exchange for a good import MLB.
  16. It might be interesting for someone to calculate the differences between yards gained vs the yards given up and how that was reflected in the scores and wins.
  17. As good as our defensive tackles have been this year, if Mulumba magically appears at training camp and is as good as hoped, this will solve a lot of our problems.
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