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  1. Go Bombers
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to rebusrankin in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    Walters, please cut Damien Jackson. It can be your Christmas present to MBB.
  2. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to wbbfan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    Maybe it was front loaded so it could dip in time for the front office guys to get covered. 
    I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. 
     For all that’s happened the thing about mos that sticks with me most and always will is just after the 21 gc stadium parade celebration, he and his wife walked around and picked up garbage off the field. Could’ve left it and trusted the grounds crew to do it. Could’ve directed such a group to do it. But nope, they walked around and picked up every thing them self. 
  3. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to wbbfan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    I do expect more uncertainty this year though just from guys on the retirement fringe even. 
    I think the early keys to the off season involve possibly replacing buck, doing the most to bring back lawler, schoen, Brady, and brown, and getting a real punter ideally a Canadian who can kick off too. 
  4. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Doublezero in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    It wasn't just the Big Game where he looked like a deer in the headlights, forced throws, and lobbed it into traffic though. He threw for alot of yards and TDs this season but also a pile of picks and bad pick-6s. Compare Collaros's, pocket presence, calmness in the pocket, his vision, throwing velocity and accuracy with that of Dru Brown and you can see Zach is on the downswing and Brown is better. It happens to every QB. Brown has had tremendous mentorship in Winnipeg. Why would you let him get away? They have to figure out a way to sign him as the starter. If Buck leaves, promote Zach to OC (or give him a role like Calvillo in Montreal) and let Brown lead the charge.
  5. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from bigg jay in The Tech Thread   
    I've started using AI to generate bits of PowerShell code.  Works very well and saves me the time of googling for hours to find the bits of code I need to make something work.  Thankfully I'm near the end of my career so I don't have to worry about AI taking my job away, which it could easily do in the not-too-distant future.
  6. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to kelownabomberfan in 2023/2024 Blue Bombers Off-Season Thread (BRADY’S BACK! DALTON’S BACK!)   
    BLUE NOTES: Rasheed Bailey has no regrets after sacrificing money, health to help Bombers play in Grey Cup | Fort McMurray Today
  7. Like
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Deiter Fan in I love you all.   
    The sun will come up today and again tomorrow.  The sting will fade but this one hurt more than last year.  The love fest for Montreal during the pre-game show was sickening and when that happens, bad things happen and it played out again.
  8. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to GCn20 in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    Roster management or not, and this is absolutely undeniable, we were in fantastic position to win that game if we simply don`t let Fajardo beat us on a last minute drive. Guys on here can scream until they are blue in the face about coaching, or Zac`s play, or roster management and none of that mattered at that point. None. It came down to poor coverage to allow a 30 yard gain on 3rd and 5,  and to let CoFaj scamper for 13 the play before. All the other **** is just white noise as to why we lost that game. It was there for the taking and our D crapped the bed in the final minute.  We allowed a CoFaj offence to drive 83 yards to win that game. Biggie cost us nothing in that drive, nor did Zac, the receivers or anything else. Just people trying to set their agendas now by overlooking the obvious fact that our roster, no matter how banged up, was good enough for 59 minutes of that game and our own mistakes lost us that game.
    It hurt us,  but it is not why we lost. We still could have should have and were in position to win that game.
    I guess we can all second guess now,  but is Ambles on a couple weeks learning curve better than Bailey or Schoen at 80%, is BOLO better than Demski at 80%....pretty easy to pick the carcass now but I am not sure I make a different decision receiver wise. Biggie was the big mistake because Clements had clearly demonstrated he could fill that gap easily if Biggie wasn`t absolutely 100.
  9. Like
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from TBURGESS in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    I don't buy the injury bug.  So they are hurt.  Still doesn't stop you from running 10 yards to make a play.  If the ball has some zip then Montreal doesn't have a play on the ball or worst case they draw a PI.  Brady was healthy and could be a receiver.  Was McRea dressed?  Grant could have also been a receiver.
  10. Disagree
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Jesse in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    I don't buy the injury bug.  So they are hurt.  Still doesn't stop you from running 10 yards to make a play.  If the ball has some zip then Montreal doesn't have a play on the ball or worst case they draw a PI.  Brady was healthy and could be a receiver.  Was McRea dressed?  Grant could have also been a receiver.
  11. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Dr Zaius in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    I don't buy the injury bug.  So they are hurt.  Still doesn't stop you from running 10 yards to make a play.  If the ball has some zip then Montreal doesn't have a play on the ball or worst case they draw a PI.  Brady was healthy and could be a receiver.  Was McRea dressed?  Grant could have also been a receiver.
  12. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Super Duper Negatron in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    After the benefit of two days hindsight, giving up a 30 yard pass on 3rd and 5 against Cody Fajardo to lose the Grey Cup is about the single dumbest thing I can think of. I can't believe the team put themselves in that situation and I hope they wear the cone of shame all winter for it.
  13. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Dr Zaius in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    Yup. And further - since the covid season in 6 playoff games ZC has just 4 TDs and 8 INTs.

    1:2 TD:INT. Unacceptable for a rookie, never mind the highest paid player in the league.   
  14. Like
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from JohnnyAbonny in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    That's the problem.  They believed the hype and it bit them in the ass again.  Happens a lot with this team.  Should be an easy win and they halfass it and lose.
  15. Haha
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    I bet moderating Politics threads is a walk in the park compared to moderating... well every thread post Grey Cup loss.
  16. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to HardCoreBlue in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    Faj running to get 13 of those 18 yards back to set up their 3rd and five was a kick right to the nut sack. Shoulda never happened. Too many spectators on that play would be my guess.
  17. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Eternal optimist in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    Personally, i thought one big gaffe that has largely gone unnoticed was O Shea not challenging that 'incomplete pass'
    Sure, Als were in 3rd down thereafter but that allowed them to punt instead of us getting the ball closer to midfield.
    Thoughts? Anyone else felt that was a fumble?
  18. Like
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Bigblue204 in I love you all.   
    The sun will come up today and again tomorrow.  The sting will fade but this one hurt more than last year.  The love fest for Montreal during the pre-game show was sickening and when that happens, bad things happen and it played out again.
  19. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to 17to85 in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    If not for Brady O dragging the offense along this year there would be a LOT more talk about collaros problems this year.
  20. Like
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Noeller in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    I still find it hard to believe Zach had over 250 yards passing.  He seemed so ineffective to have produced that much!
  21. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Goalie in Call it what you want … you need to move on from Collaros   
    Keeping Favre another year only to let RODGERS walk would be dumb 
    If I'm winnipeg I do everything I can to keep brown around, even if that means getting rid of Zach eventually 
  22. Agree
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Tracker in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    Life consists of isolated event and patterns, and patterns can be changed. This Grey Cup game was, in so many different ways, a repeat of last year, Collaros was the worst QB on the field, and the defence played well in the first half but rolled over to give up the big plays in the second half, Bomber halftime adjustments were either non-existent or inadequate, Demerio Houston is a puzzlement- obviously talented but every time the opposition needs a big play, they go after him. And the Bomber front 7 were beaten repeatedly. We mocked Fajardo and other Alouette players, but they got the job done, whereas the Bombers' key players did not-I'm looking at you, Collaros. As in 2022, the game was there to be won with even an average effort by our team, but there were too many tight collars yesterday. This is gonna reek for a long time to come, and all we are likely to get from the Bomber brain trust are cliches and platitudes.
  23. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Jesse in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    Yeah, the TV's gonna remain off for a little while. No interest in seeing any of that.
  24. Like
    BaconNBigBlue reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    Never watch the highlights until 48 hours after a GC loss. Ever.
    The next time I sit at my computer after a loss- I close all my sports tabs and just rant here. It is waaaaay healthier this way. 
  25. Confused
    BaconNBigBlue got a reaction from Tracker in Grey Cup Game Day Thread. Let's Go!!   
    Montreal deserved the win. I think Zach’s time as the Bomber QB is done. Time for Dru to take over. 
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