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Posts posted by LeBird

  1. 35 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    That ship has sailed. He threw for something like 278 yards & a couple of touchdowns but his team really went nowhere on the field. Just up & down between the 35 yard lines. Need ten yards for a first down, okay throw for eight. Imperative he doesn't get sacked. He gets sacked. Don't throw a pick. He throws a pick. Provide leadership. No leadership given. Vince Lombardi couldn't win with a qb like that.

     Willy suffers from D-line shock.

  2. 10 hours ago, Blueandgold said:

    In my experiences, the guys who go 1 for 8 and say they didn't think they played badly are usually the guys you don't end up wanting around.

    We'll see how he does this week.

    I think the guys shows some confidence and that is important.  An interception during a game would not rattle him.  BC must have seen something in him. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ripper said:

    Fielding a coaching staff for 2.7 million will have its challenges. Anything that takes away from the leagues ability to attract good coaches and scouts is not a good thing.  Trying to think of any sports league that caps the coaches salaries.  Who thought of this, Trudeau?

    Especially if you're paying Jones 750,000.  Hard to figure out where the benefits are.   

  4. 11 hours ago, USABomberfan said:

    One preseason game, but 10/10 looks pretty damn good, and I'd certainly take him to backup Nichols over Ross.  Hopefully he's not simply another Robert Marve, but if he's not in injury troubled, I think we just might have our insurance guy just in case anything happens to Matt.

    Maybe BF to Sept 15th.  I really hope he's that good but next week BC will probably be a better test. 

  5. 3 hours ago, jazzsax said:

    typical ridert crap. they are already prepping to be playing winnipeg in the WSF. 



    Picture this, Jones sees a formation and what he got from Thorpe tells him it's a screen to Dressler. So he does his flying bird thing and to his surprise Harris rips a 25 yarder. Karma

  6. On 18/10/2017 at 4:15 PM, Noeller said:

    Even if he came tomorrow, he'd be a next-year project, likely....

    Not really, if they were to hurl him into the middle do you think we would notice a downgrade in play?  And...I feel Mr. Exit could direct the backfield from the bench standing close to MOS so Mike might not feel some loneliness attack.

  7. 23 hours ago, SPuDS said:

    this post makes me feel dirty.. 2 bomber fans saying that they are starting to come around on Chris Jones and that hes doing positive stuff in riderville? 


    dafuq is wrong with you people.

    I too thought maybe I should come around on Jones. Then I took my virtual Harley and drove to hell to see if there might be some frost on the edges.  Well Jones, bad news,  You're still a feaking jerk in my books. And... the next time you go to Ottawa, keep your  ego  a$$ out of the Speaker's chair.  You look like a baffoon in there.

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