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Posts posted by LeBird

  1. There's a million (literally) players that could play in the CFL and we would not notice a difference whatsoever.  The owners need to fight hard to keep costs down.  I'd be willing to lose a season to negotiate a fair (for the owners) CBA.  The players work hard, no question, but we could find plenty more just like them to do the same job.  The health of the league is the number one priority here, and it can't be compromised due to one over-inflated TV contract.


    I would offer to increase the yearly salary cap increase increment from $50,000 to $100,000, and immediately raise the cap from 4.6 million to 4.8 million.  More than fair.

    Sorry but I can't agree with you. Would you explain how it is that with such a pool we have been unable to get a decent QB in years?  I agree there are a lot of players out there that could make it here but if they don't feel they are properly renumerated they will stay home. Thankfully, I beleive the owners do not share your viewpoint.  The good players are good because they are committed to the game year run so their income represents hard work not for just six months. Taking a hard line is never the best solution.

  2. Bombers = Mini Blackberry. Thinking your clients will always buy in because of habit can be very costly.  If nothing happens at the BOD level the organization is in for a rough future. That bunch has cost the support of the best fans in Canada by its old boys' club attitude and now it will find out the cost.

  3. Lake Wascana has risen two feet and the stores are out of Kleenex.  Stores have locked all supllies of ropes and stairs to high buildings are guarded.

    Their last games will be interesting for sure. From who will we play here in the finals to where will we play the semi-final. Got to love it.

  4. They were cheering for a classy player who still calls Winnipeg his permanent home. The calls for Buck were to have him go into the game so they could show their appreciation for his time here.  Some players might try harder instead of worrying about the fans cheering for Buck.  At 53-17 they did not deserve much in the way of cheers.


    ...I mean, I do....but does anyone else? I'm not rose-coloured enough to think about playoffs, but I'm not ready to start thinking about next-season-auditions yet, either. 


    So, I dunno about y'all, but these days I'm watching for the sake of watching a good football game. It's always fun to watch the team win, regardless of what it means in the big picture. 


    Here's hoping for something to cheer about.....


    For me it's really hard not to.  I'll cheer the same way and be as passionate as possible sitting in the stands whether we're 12-0 or 0-12.  I'd take a bullet for this team. 


    You must be looking like swiss cheese!

  6. This year is a write off so why fire Burke. He's toast anyway. Blaming a player for a freak play does not say much about the man.  He reacted to the ball like most players would do. Why not take the time to find out who's the best GM they can get than set a plan to get him at his price. Getting unexperienced guys has not worked and it has not been cheap by any means. We have to get off this train of not wanting to pay for a good GM because we have another GM still on payroll.


    Then that GM is instructed to get the best HC available again at his price then buy us a QB. People will say we can't afford it. Other teams are paying this guy, why can't we?  Our management expense right now is probably over what BC is paying only because we are paying for dead horses.

  7. Every year there has been a time when you would come to the realiazation: "It's done again". And every year we would do very few changes and try again. Well this year is done. As well as our team played last night which was one of our better showing we are not good enough. I really hope the organization uses the remainder of the year to put better players on the field and when tempering is no longer an issue we get some qualified and proven management. Yeah! it could cost us a bundle but then that is what it has cost the other teams who got these guys.


    Our M.O. of the last five years has shown you can't win when using unqualified rookies to run the team. The professor was just that bacause no one thought he was good enough to run a teram. The unemployed scout the same and the same for the OC and the DC who became HC.


    I really hope Walters brings in NFL cuts to upgrade some spots and that the BOD bring in qualified  management.

  8. There are six games left and we are fooling ourselves if we think we have a chance at the playoffs. Why not just limp home and then do it right. The last three HC's were rookies with no proven record and we got what we paid for. I would hope the Bombers would bite the bullet and get coaches that are proven even if it cost lots. Better than guys like Burke that are cheaper but give us nothing in return.


    Bombers have good fans so they should make sure they keep them around.

  9. On the other hand if they don't take a knee and Goltz throws and interception everyone is talking about what an idiot Burke is for not taking a knee.

    But at least we could say we tried. In throwing that ball you have a percentage whatever that is with Goltz, taking a knee you have zero.  I would even venture to say going for it gave us a better chance than hoping we could beat them in overtime. We had scored 7 points in three quarters.


    I know, it's easy to be a Saturday morning coach.


    One stat I found was that before Joe Mack we had a losing record. With Joe Mack we had a losing record.

    Fine but changing regimes every 3-4 years hasn't got us any closer to the GC either. I understand his record is the bottom line but I would have at least to the end of the season. If we didn't make the POs then can him. Canning him now doesn't do us any good in 2013, IMO.


    What do you expect? The BOD keeps going for the cheap guy and they got what they paid for.  The last two GMs were Kelly & Mack. Would you have kept those guys? Let's get the repairing job starting  now because as things are we are just spinning our wheels.

  11. It was something the team desperately needed. a decade + of trying to make those couple moves to win now, they needed someone to take a slow and steady approach. It cost a lot of good will for Mack and he didn't get the right coaches for that plan and in the end didn't work but it was something that the team needed to do. 

    The napkin boy has been in Regina exactly the same amount of time. Can you see the difference in talent between the two teams? There's a lot more wrong with this team than just the coaches which by th way was his alone to fix. We didn't have a quarterback four years ago and we don't have one still and we will stay in a rut until we decide to pay the price for one. Kelly staked his future on Bishop and threw snake eyes. Mack did the same with Buck.


    I really don't think you can have a good team if you only want to use rookies. Maybe that was Mack's problem, Not for me to say. He had a plan and the club gave him the time to execute that plan. Just did not work out and he was out of aces.

  12. More statistics to throw at you ...


    Buck Pierce has been sacked 16 times on 122 dropbacks this year. That means he is getting sacked once every 7.62 dropbacks.

    Justin Goltz has been sacked 5 times on 83 dropbacks this year. That means he is getting sacked once every 16.6 dropbacks.


    Another one ...


    Buck Pierce running the offense has resulted in 53 first downs on 60 possessions this year. That is an average of .88 first downs per possession.

    Justin Goltz running the offense has resulted in 46 first downs on 36 possessions this year. That is an average of 1.27 first downs per possession.


    Please, tell me more about how Buck is better than Goltz.



    How can that be? Shouldn't 1 be the max?

  13. Like everything else it's always what have you done for me lately?


    So over time his legacy will be his win/loss record because his lack of action on the QB situation.


    He had four years to put together a team and at 1-5 time did not appear to be the issue.

  14. One of the reasons Buchko should be front and center is for this reason. His job is to make sure the club does well financially. I remember last year when a whole lot of guys would say:"If you don't keep your ticket, there will be all kind of others wanting it". Here we are in a brand new stadium and after three games there are already about 5,000 who did not return from the first game. There is nothing to say the trend will not continue after the bad game last Friday. Putting butts in the seats should be his concern and right now he has to convince the fans who walk up to the ticket office it's worth their while to keep coming to the stadium.


    The fans right now are not happy and they want to know what's up. The senior management needs to step up and rally the troops because that is part of their job. They remain silent and the fans will punish them while punishing the whole operation.

  15.   Yes, there's really not much that Buchko can contribute here.  What do they want from him?  The team sucks, everyone knows that already.  He's not the GM, he's not coaching and he's not playing.  Really, he's nothing more than a go-between for the BOD and Joe Mack when it comes to the football aspect of the organization.  His actual job is to run the business side of things.  During the stadium opening delay, new security policy issues and parking/transit debacle, he was front and centre addressing the media and fans.  There's not much he can do about the state of the team right now until he gets word from the Board to make changes.  


    I think you are talking about Jim Bell. 95% of the time the **** hit the fan it was Bell who had to face the music. However, I don't know if it's time for him to talk about the record.

  16. There is not a single reason to go with Pierce unless Burke wants to get people fired.

    I think that is what is happening. Burke is so scared Buck will get hurt he has basically stuck Buck in a cage as in pocket. The other coaches knowing that blitz at will. I don't care for the way Buck has played but from Burke's views on exposing Buck I would guess Buck is hampered.

  17. This is sort of deja vu. Kelly was forced to bring in Bishop though Bishop was at the time sitting at home waiting for a call from anybody. Though that did not work for him he stuck with the decision because he felt that was his only option. Given that Buck had only had a few series in a long time it might have been too much to expect him to be gang busters in his first game.  All I hope is should he go down we don't bring in a second stringer and try to make him a starter. Go with Goltz.

  18. That non call sure did not help us. Had we played at the level we were at the start of the third quarter we could have afforded the bad call. We have to raise our game to a degree where we can deal with bad calls and injuries.


    It seems to me the Bombers changed the game plan after they had taken a good lead. It appears Burke just wanted to squeeze a win out of it.  When you go into a game with scared money you usually go home broke.

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