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Posts posted by LeBird

  1. 1 minute ago, NorthernSkunk said:

    Thank you know who that I don't live with them.....the wife is a bomber fan and does not support her relatives in saskatchewan for cheering green . Lol. 

    Hum... You don't like your relatives, your wife which I assume is "the" wife doesn't like her relatives makes me wonder how do you both fit in the very close Rider "we're all related " community?

  2. 2 hours ago, J5V said:

    I get it, Booch, and I'm very sorry to hear about your son. That's awful and I'm very glad to hear he pulled through. Thank God. I have a son as well and my heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine the pain you endured at that time. If I offended you with my comments I apologise most sincerely.

    Weird thing about alcoholics behind the wheel -- they almost always walk away unhurt while causing the most horrific damage to people's lives and property. I'll share a story -- I worked with a guy in Sask at a potash mine that got blotto one night and drove head-on into an 18 wheel tractor trailer. Totalled his car completely. He had to report it to me because I was his supervisor and it was company policy. He showed me the pictures of his car, a brand new Honda Civic. You wouldn't believe that someone could survive that kind of destruction but he walked away with little more than a scratch and a sore arm. Yes, very fortunate that he didn't kill himself or someone else. Yes, we dismissed him, but I'm sure this wasn't the first job he had lost due to his alcoholism. It was a matter of time. Guy was a ticking time bomb.

    I never did hear what the judge did with him but I doubt he'll ever drive again. I don't know what the answer is. This guy had lost everything that mattered to him, wife, personal relationships with his kids, family, friends, jobs, etc. Just kept drinking. I've lost contact with him but I'm sure he's drunk right now. Chronic alcoholic. What a waste.

    My only point was, dragging these people through the court of public opinion likely doesn't help and may make it worse. You can't shame these people out of drinking. They're willing to lose everything and what we think of them means absolutely nothing to them. Take their keys away? Yes, they can't be trusted. 

    They need help, a very specialized kind of help for a problem I can't even begin to truly understand. Here's to hoping all alcoholics get the kind of help they need before they cause horrific damage to themselves or anyone else.

    He was not dragged  through the court of public opinion. The Riders' organization was because it sat on the fence  while chiming  public support of the SGI's efforts to stop drunks from driving.   We all have days that are really coal but somehow find better ways to get through them.

  3. On 2018-10-17 at 10:37 AM, Clarky said:

    Is it me or does it seem that Riders seem to dominate the headlines when it comes to arrests?

    If that is in fact the case is this just coincidence or is there issues in the organization and the players they recruit?

    First, Welcome to the site. Nice place to spend time. 

    Second,  Like they all say, "Just a streak of bad luck!".  Cultured?

  4. Practice rosters provide CFL teams with additional reserve players to practice with the club but do not dress for games. The practice roster provides players familiar with a team's system that can be added to the regular roster in case of injury, situation or performance. Practice roster players do not sign standard CFLplayer contracts, instead they agree to a practice roster agreement as stipulated by the CBA.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Ripper said:


    1st round pick Dakoda Shepley signs with Riders

    Reading the articles and tweets I'm not sure what to make of this. It appears he's hanging around the PR sizing up the team but keeping his options regarding  another shot at the NFL.  No length of contract mentioned.  Someone must know how this is supposed to work?

  6. 42 minutes ago, wpgallday1960 said:

    Well, this is pleasant little thrashing.

    Off to Riderfans to gauge their feelings.


    Same old verbiage. The offence did not come to play. So when did the offence ever come to play. O'Shaw has a dirty team . Excuses, excuses. The fact is they left their horseshoes in the back of the bus.  But, you have to admit Hurl had a good game, as many tackles as many as Jefferson and Hughes...(2)

  7. 17 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    It’s been a while, but we’re just giving you guys a chance to catch up. 

    You've got such a loooong way to go..

    At their rate I figure it will be another 187 years.  Could happen as they might hit a few years when they're playing in the Grey Cup against a raw rookie.

  8. On 2018-10-03 at 12:56 PM, HardCoreBlue said:

    Knowing I'm probably missing tons of complexities for all those x's and o's type fans/experts out there, over the last two games, it has seemed quite simple yet sophisticated, i.e., more players on the line to contain, mix up and don't telegraph the blitzes/coverages. Execute that and you got yourself one Sean Whyte field goal.

    Like you I can not claim to know how the X and 0 work. On my chalkboard I only see "W's"

  9. On 2018-10-02 at 2:49 PM, Brandon said:

    Maybe it's a different world...  but it feels like the league has seen a massive drop off in NFL cuts that have come into the league mid season.... 

    I don't understand how we have not had at least a handful of guys come in and try out at receiver?

    There would be probably more players trying to make the team if they were given the chance.  Take a look at the opening day's active roster as opposed to the one we have today.  It has pretty well remained static except for the changes required due to injuries.  It might be hard to criticized the team after  wins but we have to remember they came after four straight loses.  Loyalty only works when the other party is  able to do the job and is willing  to pay back with hard work.  

  10. On 2018-09-08 at 7:36 PM, blueingreenland said:

    If he's low football IQ, what does that say about you? He's forgotten more about football then you'll ever know.

    Having said that I'm not sure he should be back here. 

    I Don't think MOS has a low football IQ. I think he carries his loyalty to the players and assistants too far and he is such a boneheaded man that it might be his downfall.  He's the one who should tell LaPo and/or Hall to change their game plan and make sure they understand exactly what he means. From the first to the last play in the second half it was like it came from a screen play script that had to be followed to the letter.  

    He might be a good coach but his MO right now might buy him  tickets  to watch the game.  

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