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Posts posted by GCn20

  1. 25 minutes ago, Geebrr said:




    Today's different tweets concerning women just go to demonstrate the stark differences between our organization and the gappers in terms of professionalism and proper management. Just night and day.  Awesome to see Paddy and Schoen coming out to hang out with a strong contingent of passionate female fans of the team. The RIders....well not so much....and I have to wonder who the hell are they to make fun of anyone's math skills anyway? 13

  2. 2 hours ago, JCon said:

    Who will you be most disappointed about when they are among the first cuts this spring? 

    I know you didn't ask, but we don't get many out to lunch TC reports anymore, Used to be that a couple posters in the past would bang the drum hard for some guy, get our hopes up, and then that dude would be released a couple days later. Nowadays, there's no real hyping up of guys in camp enough to know who to be disappointed about. lol

  3. 1 hour ago, Goalie said:

    lol. Much ado about nothing. People just lack humour these days.  Comedy is over. This is comedy. 

    It's a little cringy...but yea...a joke.  Pretty hairbrained of a professional organization to mass email though. If my buddy quipped this over a few beers, I'd laugh but not if it was said to a woman. If my wife heard him she would probably have some choice words and he wouldn't get my protection.

  4. 41 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    He's one of those guys (like Drew Willy) where I always wonder what he would've looked like if he played on this version of the Bombers

    He wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes on this version of the Bombers. Elliot had immense natural passing talent but a QB that won't execute the play that is called will never last long.

    2 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Tee Martin was done in by inept team management and coaching and Kamau Incompleterson. 

    Tee Martin deserved a better fate to be sure, but at the end of the day the guy didn't exactly seize his chance either.

  5. 42 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Kelly has been conspicuous for his hard work and charitable hours and for the record, I don't recall ever scoffing... but then I don't ever recall attesting to any particular player's sainthood either.

    I don't think I'm likely to taste any crow here based on a $50k add-on to a wrongful dismissal suit. But you never know.


    Like I said earlier, ask Shawn Oakman about this stuff.

    Or, as I trust that most people around here are men of middle age or more, I find it difficult to believe that nobody here has an acquaintance who went through an acrimonious divorce where allegations were made. These things happen in lawsuits. They are common leveraging tools. And the tell is that usually the civil suit is filed and no criminal one is. Because if there's a criminal suit, it always makes the civil one a tap-in. 

    Workplace sexual harrassment isn't in an of itself criminal, just disgusting behavior of the highest order but you are half right....Kelly's behavior has now become very conspicuous.  I know you wanna hang onto the shred of hope that this is a nothing to see moment in Kelly's career, or even a one off. History has clearly demonstrated this is not the first, and won't be the last time this guy's true character shows up. It really is too bad that a guy with million dollar talent is limited by a 2 cent brain.

    21 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Rider Store inundated with jersey orders from Winnipeg.

    Not sure I would want to wear a Rider jersey with name on it around Winnipeg. Too many mouth breathers would find that double whammy too enticing to provoke an altercation,

  6. 15 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Really depends on what you need, if you wanna talk scouting.

    Bombers and Argos scouting staff both seem to have an incredible handle on finding defensive backs and offensive linemen. Argos seem to find guys to play all over in the box, Bombers have had great success finding interior linemen. Rigmaiden finds more receivers than anyone league-wide (could be wrong but I think I remember being told Schoen was his add to the neg list too) and it seems like the Bombers have figured out a pretty good recipe for finding the CFL style quarterbacks.

    Mistaken on Schoen. He was found, almost accidentally, by McManus. Was never on our neg list until after McManus scouted him. However, yes, Rigmaiden does know receivers for sure. Wish he was still one of our scouts.

    EDIT: Just found an article that indicates McManus had him on his radar prior to the KC camp, even though he was there scouting someone else, he decided to also have a look at Schoen at the same time. Was intrigued and an ex-team mate of his Tom Terry was a position coach at KC and McManus grilled him about Schoen to confirm what he was thinking. I am not sure if he was ever on a neg list or not, or if Rigmaiden brought him to the Bomber's attention. Just that McManus wasn't there to scout him, but saw something interesting in him when he watched him and sent tape to Goveia to analyze and obviously TG saw it too. Might be Rigmaiden that initially scouted him? Don't know...but I think you gotta give that one to McManus.

  7. 2 hours ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Argos/Bombers imo are neck and neck for best scouting in the league, and as much as I hate to say it, Toronto’s actually done better than us there over the last 2 years. 

    Jim Barker isn't there anymore though. He was a big reason for their scouting success. Barker got to pour over Murphy's database. I am glad those two are not in the front office together anymore. Murphy looks under every rock, and Barker has the knack for finding the best of the lot.

    1 hour ago, bigg jay said:

    TBF, some of their players weren't actually scouted by them.  Stiggers, for example, was not discovered by their scouts. He happened to play in the Fan Controlled league for an old Argo Assistant (John Jenkins) who told Toronto about him.  I'm sure this happens for every team to some extent though - you're not going to be able to see everyone so it pays to have connections.

    Yea...Jim Barker's old buddy came through.

  8. 20 hours ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    That would be cool.

    I have met many rider fans and everyone of them good folk who are awesome fans of their team and the CFL in general. This is why I take umbrage when people make sweeping statements about a fanbase.  

    That's fair.

    18 hours ago, bluto said:

    Particularly because this isn't a criminal matter...

    THIS isn't...however if we take a walk down the Chad Kelly memory lane... I told you last year this was an inevitability with Kelly. You scoffed and called him a consummate team mate or something like that. That crow tasting good?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    The majority of Rider fans...

    Most people prefer not to comment on stuff like this. Those who comment on a forum, will be in support of the team and the player. It's just the nature of fan forums. But that's not the majority of fans. 

    Fair enough. I will set up my context more carefully next time to designate that it is the majority of fans on their forums and online groups.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    This is my point,  we can't call the guy a scumbag criminal when so little of the facts is known.   Same goes with the club.      Unless he has admitted  guilt.   


    This is true. It is all hyperbole at this point.

    46 minutes ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    Your basing this on what.

    There was an online petition with thousands of signatures for the CFL to overturn Marino's suspension, the call in shows were flooded with comments about it, their forum was heavily supporting Marino with just the odd dissenter. Not much different than a political poll, it's not possible to speak to every Rider fan but based on what is out there in terms of reaction from across various online sources in the sample size my statement holds pretty accurate.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    Look - if you're going to keep posting this stuff - keep the hyperbole out of it. Or don't post.

    Fine. I don't see any hyperbole in that post at all...but you're the boss. I feel there is nothing untrue or exaggerated in that post whatsoever. Can you at least point me in the direction of what your objection to it is?

  12. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    I think what’s unique about the riders is the volume of creeps they’ve had. Even over 10 and 15 years to Trevis smith. Stack them up over that time and compare it to the rest of the league. 
     Athletes especially in football frequently come from bad situations, and are prone to having varied legal issues. Every one has a guy now and then. And some of them are really awful. When it happens on a regular basis with one team though it’s different. 

    In the case of Harris and lawler, we broke the news and acted quickly as an organization. Which never seems to be the approach from the riders. Even when their guy refuses a piss test, accosts the tester and runs away. Kelly’s ass was grass as soon as it happened too, though we were looking for an excuse to can that turd imo. 

    Yes exactly right. An organization can only do so much to control the behavior of their players, however, how they respond and react to that situation is 100% in their control. The Riders have been god awful in those situations and it may hurt some sensibilities around here, but the vast majority of their fan base was totally on board the whole time.

  13. 10 hours ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    You know that many people though GM should have been turfed after the Masoli incident... 

    Many people weren't cool with the gun toting gangster life style

    There are a lot of low moral characters that went through the riders, but to lambast the entire fanbase for a few loud chowderheads? You can't paint the entire fanbase just on a few chucklefucks... that's petty and dumb. 



    It was more than just a few chowderheads. There were online petitions with thousands of signatures to overturn the suspension. Their own radio pxp guy was calling it a conspiracy against the Riders. Don't give me this crap that Rider fans kept a level head through this. There is nothing petty or dumb about reminding them of the stance that a vast majority of their fan base took on Marino, and even refusing to discuss the fact that Marshall is a gang member.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Mike said:

    I don’t think we have any sex pests like Chad Kelly or any overall assholes, but one of our best players definitely doesn’t make good life choices all the time.

    Not that it’s an issue, I’m just saying it’s not unique to other teams

    I guess it all depends on where you wanna draw the line. A great deal of the players in this league have somewhat of a checkered past and have made errors in judgement like drinking and driving. However, our team handled these situations like consummate pros by immediately suspending said player. Riders? Not so much. Tried to hide it, played their player despite the story breaking and then after relentless media pressure suspended him for a mean nothing game. That is the difference I am trying to show in my comments. 

    All teams have players making mistakes. Teams like the Bombers address it appropriately, teams like the RIders or Chris Jones led teams sweep it under the carpet and defend their player with a "nothing to see here" attitude. 

    40 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    We 100% have many of our own examples. I don't think you can legitimately make this argument for anyone employed under the current Bomber management, however. 

    Not in any way, and any player stepping out of line and good character on our team is immediately and appropriately dealt with by our team before the CFL even has to intervene. 

  15. 10 hours ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    You know that many people though GM should have been turfed after the Masoli incident... 

    Many people weren't cool with the gun toting gangster life style

    There are a lot of low moral characters that went through the riders, but to lambast the entire fanbase for a few loud chowderheads? You can't paint the entire fanbase just on a few chucklefucks... that's petty and dumb. 



    Nor did I. I made a comment that lambasted his team, you know the Riders...the ones guilty of doing this. After that he acted like a chucklefuck and then I let him, and chowder heads like him, know what I thought of them. For the sake of clarity, I do not think that ALL Rider fans are like that.

    11 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    Awe was max fined what 5 times last year? And atleast twice not fined but commented on by the league? The league finally gets rid of guys like Lawrence bad Marino only to have new guys fill the same role. 
    How do you fine a guy that many times and not suspend for repeat offence 

    I agree.

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