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Posts posted by blitzmore

  1. 1 hour ago, BigBlue said:

    I am not advocating a revolving door but MOS unwillingness to try to improve as the season progresses has held us back in my opinion. Early in the season there should be a couple of moves on most teams. A certain amount of common sense is always called for.

    so you would rather Mos be like Corey Chamblin...one fumble and you're out. You have no merit to what you're saying at this point.

  2. All I can tell you is that Waggoner is fast, but not always possible to pick out the numbers unless you key in on one guy and I didn't key in on him, Maybe MinisterofD5 saw more of him. I don't think he is going anywhere though.

  3. I was at camp again today. Agree with agree with MinisterofD5 that Richards looked much better today and has very good hands. He doesn't make sharp cuts, but I think that will come.

    Darvin Adams for you detractors had a very good day, he may be close to being the fastest on the team, and seems to like the slot position.

    Jace Davis didn't make it through the whole practice and I don't know if he even started as I was a little late. Ryan Smith also did not make it through the entire practice, but didn't seem to be limping noticeably so don't know what happened.

    Alex Vitt also did not practice today.

    Quincy McDuffie had another very good day.

    I think Bastien is likely a goner.

    Kevin Cone continues to play well, and Thomas Mayo got lots of reps and had a good practice. Julian Talley plays well every day, as does Kevin Cone.

    Patrick Neufeld was back practicing.

    Dressler has a very good day.

    I thought Willy had not such a good day. He threw two interception but here I disagree with MinisterofD...they were not good throws, and he didn't do much better the rest of the practice...BUT...seen him do this before, but when he gets in the game that seems to mostly disappear.

    I agree about Nichols, he overthrows his receivers alot.

    Butcher on D looked very good, and I think Jake Thomas is going to have a very good year. 

    Agree about Corney and also Richardson.

    Fogg had another good day as did Jonte Green.

    Lofler? I think he is fast enough to play safety...my son disagrees...but O'Shea says he likes his range. We will see.

    That's about all I can remember folks.

  4. On 5/31/2016 at 2:37 PM, johnzo said:

    Can anyone recommend a solid kodi plugin for TSN?  I've had super mixed results with all the ones I've tried and ESPN3 isn't on my ISP so I pretty much have to rely on the gray market for CFL.

    I am really hoping that the league follows up on the Grey Cup thing from last year and broadcasts the entire regular season live on Youtube outside of Canada and the USA. Then all I need is a VPN and I'm good.

    I have never seen a solid kodi plugin for TSN. When you are able to get one it is not very good.

  5. Went to Practice today...raining most of the time for the players, but didn't seem to hold them back at all.

    We have a lot of really good looking receivers, which we couldn't say in previous years.

    First...the latest receiver into camp #72 Lestar Jean...no thanks...tall but not fast, doesn't look nearly as athletic as most of the others, is not agressive enough and drops some.

    Dressler and Smith? both look really good, especially Smith, great hands and movement, and a motor that doesn't quit.

    Jace Davis and Justin Talley, both of them still look really good. To bad Sheppard is injured. Veltung also looked very good...Kohlert looks very good, Bastien not so much. 

    Now for Richards...don't know if he is still nursing the injury...but he is slow off the line, and to me looks slow in general, and doesn't have an easy time getting open. He was fine on a couple of quick hitters but other than that...well...I think Vitt is better than him but we will see. Feoli-Guido made some nice catches but also dropped a couple of fpretty easy ones.

    McDuffie...is a good find. He is very quick with really good lateral movement, and catches very well. Will be interesting to see him returning kicks.

    As mentioned Adams got hurt on one play, Kevin Cone is way better than Lestar Jean in my opinion. 

    We are going to have to make some tough cuts.

    Andrew Harris looks fantastic, and gives it his all on every play. For me a toss up between Anderson and Flanders.

    Medlock was attempting kicks from mid field, he was wide on one and short on two others, but not by much and in wet conditions. Teague Sherman was his holder.

    Always easier for me to watch offence, but Euclid Cummings, and Nate Collins look really good. Justin Cole Also. Jake Thomas just breezed past the OL on one on ones. Butcher is one large man, and is obviously very strong and not particularly slow for a man his size. Westerman was Westerman no more needs to be said. It is not hard to tell that Corney really wants to learn, he is talking to the coach to get more instruction. Still impressed with Loffler, he may surprise a few people. I though Celiscar and Fogg has very good days. Bruce Johnson not so much.

    There were probably others the coaches thought were good, but hard to track everyone.

    Quarterbacks? They all had their moments, but for me and in more than one practice...Brian Bennett looks better than Dominique Davis. He moves better and has a better arm, trouble is that he is less experienced.

    One thing is for sure...the QB's will have a lot more options on offence than the last few years. Now they just have to take advantage of them.






  6. I know what you are saying, and I never said they should cater to the fans if you read carefully. I just said it would be nice to know in advance if that is the type of practice scheduled...then I wouldn't have seen the 15 minute stretching routine which is usually much less, and half the players not really stretching anyway. I don't disagree they need preparation...hence my wish for some type of notice.

  7. I was at practice again today...glad to see MinisterOfD5 got as much as he did out of it. It was obviously a teaching day with no pads. All I did was get extremely bored...expecting more like yesterday.

    There was so little happening from a fan point of view, my son and I talked about other things for a good portion.

    I felt like we wasted our time being there...when the offence practiced their plays the QB's didn't even throw the ball, and as a result the players looked disinterested.

    I decided I would offer a suggestion, so I emailed Darren Cameron to  describe what it was like from a fan's point of view...not that I expect the club to tailor the practice for the fans. The suggestion that I made was that when they post the practice schedule, they add on days like today "teaching day...no pads".

    He emailed back, and tried to offer some reasons, but they were simply an attempt to justify how the practice was conducted. I have no problem with what he said, but my suggestion still stands. He said they may consider it. Not holding my breath though.

    That would at least indicate to those who would rather not sit through what we sat through today, that we can stay home or do something productive if we wish.

    We stayed for the whole practice as we thought perhaps they would have an easy scrimmage at the end, but nothing at all happened. We even had to watch a whole 15 minute stretching segment, they are usually much quicker than that, and seeing as the athletes didn't have to do anything today, seemed like a good thing, but could have been done individually...matter of fact there are many studies which say that stretching is overrated, prior to physical exertion.


    Will have to be more selective next week.









  8. I went to practice today...not very many fans there...and despite not being sunny, the weather was still enjoyable.

    One of the first things I noticed was that there was quite a bit more sustained activity than there was last year. My son and I actually felt bored at times watching practice last year...not sure if it is because Lapo is running things or because Belfueille was just that bad.

    During practice also noticed that Richie Hall was very involved, in stark contrast to Tim Burke who always stood around with his arms folded.

    There were some players who caught my attention for one reason or another.

    Impressed so far with Alex Vitt, who ran plenty today and can catch. He is not a speed demon but is fast enough and looks like he can handle the rough going.

    Also impressed with Gerrard Sheppard #88, tall and rangy, who seems to glide when he runs, and catches virtually everything thrown at him. Also Kevin Cone looks good, perhaps a tad slower.

    Julian Talley is wearing Denmark's old number...and looks like he might be as good as, if not better.

    All the running backs look good, and Carlos Anderson #34, looks fully healed. #32 Tim Flanders looks very good as well.

    On defence...Trent Corney #43 is very fast and looks very strong. Looks like he will have to learn more technical aspects as he did not beat all the lineman he faced like he may have thought he would.

    Taylor Loffler #16 is tall with plenty of speed, might be a very nice surprise.

    #90 Emmanual Dieke, is tall, fast, and strong, he beat several of the lineman with ease. (just watch, he will be one of the first cuts because I said this).

    both the punters were hitting some good ones today with good hang time.

    It was an enjoyable practice to watch, especially with no long break to cut up the practice.







  9. On 5/9/2016 at 2:43 PM, Noeller said:

    Laine ended up being benched for a good chunk of today's game. Bit of an eye opener....still a very young kid.

    Actually he didn't end up getting benched...Finland's scheme apparently involves having their two penalty killing teams on the ice near the end of the game when they are up one goal. There were other players who had to sit at the same time.

  10. Went to camp yesterday morning....wanted to comment on the Fan experience at camp. Walking up to the Bomber store there was a Bomber Ambassador standing outside. "Good morning going to camp?" Yes. "Would you like a roster of the players?" yes please. "Have a great day!"

    Into the store girl behind counter "Good Morning"...just before leaving the store another Ambassador..."hope you have a good time" I said never had this happen before...he says "we're here to serve you" Wow...step outside another one "seating is to your left, hope you enjoy"

    This was a very good experience by whoever organized this!!!

    a few observations...

    speed...speed...speed. Virtually all the receivers and both running backs. Lochard not as fast as Harris but not a slouch either. Catches well out of the backfield. Harris looks very good, running and catching out of the backfield.

    The receivers? Did I say speed? All looked very good catching passes, but beside my favs, Dressler and Smith, all the rest except for two were catching consistently rather than dropping. The two exceptions were #72 Pinkard and #70 R. Collins, who both dropped a few. Particularly impressive for me was Spencer Davis #88...tons of speed and makes it look easy catching whatever is thrown his way.

    Willy was on yesterday morning as was Nichols. But Davis who I understand was good the day before was overthrowing and inaccurate many times.

    I didn't really pay attention to the O line. Looks like we will probably have many more quick hitters this year, and screen passes in different ways.

    Walked away pretty impressed despite no defense.








  11. All Goalie has to do is keep his fingers from typing more than once....intimating that Trouba has bad off ice fitness and that he is a drug user. 

    He has no proof and already posted that it is based on rumor. Now he posts it is fact but can't say the source of the supposed fact or why

    he can't post it. What a joke! And by the way never said any of the players are angels...don't put words in my mouth!

    It is absolutely character assassination without any proof whatsoever, and he has done it more than once.

    So time to stop doing that, and admit you shouldn't have done it in the first place!!!!



  12. 1 hour ago, Goalie said:

    I will admit that i have heard about those Trouba issues but those aren't the ones i was talking about as i Feel trading BOGO was pretty much the end of that problem. 

    I was more referring to his off ice workout issues, he's not really committed to the game off the ice, he doesn't work out, he's not a gym guy. He needs to probably show that he is more committed off the ice first then he will get paid nicely. Cuz right now, I dunno if i give Trouba a long term deal or not, I'm not sure If i even keep him around if his off ice issues are as serious as some say they are. Brandon is referring to things that happened when BOGO was around, I'd like to think that those are non issues now. I hope they are cuz if they aren't, and this is just me guessing cuz really that's all any of us can actually do, then it's very serious and he needs some help but it seems the Jets have provided that with the hiring of his brother and his brother Copp and Trouba all living together now. I dunno what to believe anymore. Sometimes I think people make things up, other times i think there is some truth there. 

    Good grief!!! All you have is rumors? and you keep spreading this gossip around time after time? Keep it to yourself unless you can prove it! I guess you would really like it if someone started some rumors about you enough that people would start to believe it. In that case it could affect your livelihood and or your family.

    Keep your gossip to yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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