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Posts posted by blitzmore

  1. 3 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Thing is, he's 21. That plays a role. Guy is 21. His ceiling is high. The only thing i'd be concerned about with Trouba is his off ice conditioning and issues. 

    That's more than once that you have commented that Trouba has off ice conditioning and "issues". If you have proof of that post it...otherwise how about keeping those guesses and/or rumors to yourself.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    I'm more concerned about Picard being brought in in the first place.  The people playing beside him made him look better than he really was - Bombers' scouting dept. / coaches needed to recognize that. We have some knowledgeable football people on these boards. Their opinion of Picard at the time of the signing proved to be 100% accurate.


    I understand what you are getting at, but virtually every coach and or scouting staff do not always pick the perfect player. If they did they would never lose.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    Amidst all the positivity and hope swirling around the Bombers, certain things about the current regime continue to leave me quite concerned:

    MB's schemes: given what took place in Montreal back in '07, why was it not recognized that his scheme was a problem in terms of QB protection?  I realize that our interior OL has been weak, but the scheme did very little to help with that.

    Picard: why was it not recognized that he could no longer be an everyday starter?  Why was this not properly assessed before he was signed?

    As for the current free agency bonanza, I'm cautiously optimistic.  I still remember the 'amazing work' Taman did during 2008 free agency.  

    Somehow, there always seems to be one area of the team where they are trying to shove square pegs into round holes.  Bomber management's apparent lack of awareness in these scenarios leaves me quite concerned. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.



    Mark...seems to me that all teams go through the same thing at one point or another. They probably thought that MB's schemes would improve but they didn't...so then what? fire him mid season and try and find someone to take his place at that point? Same with Picard, he was starting in Sask, so why wouldn't he be a starter here, they had what was considered to be a very good oline. So now he comes here, and between the schemes and him getting worse...then what? find someone mid season again to take his place? not so easy, but they did near the end of the year.

    I'd be much more worried if they just decided to stand pat...but they are definitely not doing that!


  4. 9 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Curious on that first goal by the avs, there was a delayed penalty coming to the jets, hellebuyck made an initial pad save, and therebound got put in the net. Does a player on the penalized team need control of the puck before play is whistled dead, or just touch the puck?

    If the goalie makes a kick save or toe save and the puck stays active, it is not considered possession and play continues.
    If the goalie makes a secure glove save or covers up the puck it is considered possession, resulting in a stoppage of play where the penalty is then assessed.

  5. 7 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Time for bed. Gotta go to the airport early tomorrow to catch a flight with my lady for 2 weeks in the sun. But. Petan was late for practice with Kostalek and was healthy scratched for a game because of it. Also. Probably don't want Petan or De Leo called up to play 4th line minutes. I'm guessing copp plays on the third line and Cormier and Lipon will be on the 4th. Honestly I'm not even convinced Cormier will dress tho. 

    Ladd little wheeler 

    Armia Perreault Ehlers 

    Then mix and match the rest 

    So you really think that being late for one practice...which has been dealt with...would stop them from being called up? What a joke!

  6. 18 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    It's been stated that he's not a fitness type. If so Id be concerned with that certainly. Most of us feel like world beaters when we're 20. Not so much at 30 without some commitment to fitness. And we're not elite athletes. 

    Stated by who? and he's not 30 is he?

  7. 16 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Jets D is already the 2nd highest paid d in the league. Something has to give there. Trouba gonna get a raise... probably 5 million. Enstrom makes Damn near 6 million. Myers makes about what? 5 ish. Buff at 7 or more. Sorry it don't work. You gotta trade buff or Trouba and enstrom. You can't be spending that much on your d. Just silly. And for the record due to his lack of commitment off the ice I don't think trouba deserves 5 million plus he hasn't done much on it to prove he is worth that but that's what he will probably get. Someone needs to go. Jets need money to pay their forwards too. 

    Lack of commitment OFF the ice? Do you just make up sh...it and throw it at the wall and hope it sticks?

  8. 12 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Jets owned in third big time. Problems still exist with this team but hell of a game. Ladd with a quiet 3 points. Wheeler and little were solid. Ehlers stepping up big time. 4 points now in last 7 games. Kids been playing well the last while . Basically since he got put with Perreault. Thorburn is an anchor out there. Just so slow and no vision at all. 4th line really solid. Helle was peppered in the 3rd. 

    You can call Thorburn lots of things but slow is not one of them.

  9. 27 minutes ago, BigBlue said:

    A Blue Bomber Hall of Famer. A guy with a lot of heart and football smarts. But what he has done as President since assuming the job is a complete mystery to me ... and perhaps to you too.

    What has he shown in his regime? What are his accomplishments. What impact is he making?

    Please don't tell me he has shown "great patience"...

    I would like to know what you "feel" about our mysterious Wade Miller.

    Is that you Nate? or is it Nate Jr. ?

  10. 3 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Umm. We have 3 offensive d men who are all right handed.  Signing Ladd and trading Buff makes sense when you think about it. Trouba. Myers or Hamonic is still a solid 1 2 rhd pairing. 


    You look at the LW depth tho and Ladd Perreault. Who else. Thorburn and Halischuk? Yup. LW depth is weak. Rhd depth is strong so yup trading buff makes sense.


    Connor is a prospect who is still probably a year away. Ehlers Plays the right side. LW depth is weak. Ladd is still on pace for over 20 goals. 

    There is nothing on god's green earth that makes sense when you talk about signing "Ladd". He wants six years...he can barely make it through a season now!

  11. 1 hour ago, J5V said:

    I'm not so sure. All it'll take is a few injuries, especially one to Willy, and they'll have their built-in excuse and get a stay of execution. It's hard to escape the fact that it's hard to win without your starting players/QB.

    Besides, I get the impression The Board, Miller, Walters, and O'Shea don't much care about winning a championship as much as covering for each other and saving their jobs. This isn't Sask. or Alta. The only way I see that changing is if attendance really drops off sharply and/or advertising dollars stop coming in to IGF. Since we've just hosted a Grey Cup and made a pile of do-re-mi there I don't think that would even do it, not in the short term anyway.

    If you don't think they all want to win a championship you should think again, that's why they are all in it in the first place.

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