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Posts posted by blitzmore

  1. 40 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    Of course I look at both sides of the coin, but I understand where you don't see it that way. 

    Unfounded negativity would be bad thing, but negativity founded in facts isn't IMO and I don't consider it negative to look at how we got where we are anyway.

    It would be much better to actually discuss the issues rather than focusing on the perceived level of their negativity, but that's not the way it works around here. 

    Discuss what? We won! How we won is no longer relevant. It's on to the next game making whatever adjustments are necessary!

  2. 5 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    I guess he would have been told that if he had gone through the proper channels. You guys live in your dream world if you want, but make no mistake Bomo was just trying to make the Riders look bad.  Do you honestly think he was just a good guy looking out for the betterment of the league?

    Yes....all you're posts indicate everyone is out to get your beloved riders, but that's not how it happened now is it? They did everything to themselves...no help required.

  3. 2 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Makes sense to me. I'm assuming the Stamps CFL PA rep is non too happy with BLM . . . 

    Why would he be not happy? CFL PA would be pissed that players are not being paid properly, and if it took BLM to bring it out in the open, fine or no fine...I think they would be fine with it.

  4. 1 minute ago, Atomic said:

    The reasonable move, if BLM was actually concerned about the Riders' roster management, would be to contact the league, at which point they would have informed him there was an ongoing investigation.

    I realize that...but what was said is...that he shouldn't have done what he did because there was an investigation going on...no qualifiers.

  5. 3 hours ago, Ripper said:

    Oh course he had to get fined. There was already a investigation under way 3 weeks before his tweet. Can't have the players saying whatever they want on twitter.

    How was he supposed to know there was an investigation going on??? The league notifies every player? Dumb comment.

  6. 11 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    In theory yes. Athletes on work visa tend to get an awful lot of lee way though.

     Taxes also dont have the be paid till the end of the year, as long as the gov't gets its money at some point theyll be appeased. 

    Taxes often have to be paid quarterly...you really have no idea what you're talking about.

  7. 1 hour ago, do or die said:

    Fogg has better hands.....

    What? McDuffie caught everything thrown at him in camp. I think he dropped one this year near the goal line, which was not an easy catch in any event. He also hasn't dropped any when returning, that I can remember.

  8. 2 hours ago, Atomic said:

    They would get behind him in a hurry if Nichols went down.  If you think the team would have more confidence in Dom Davis then I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken.

    Actually you really have no way of knowing that.

  9. 8 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    its a beaut of a town. Produced a few cflers iirc.


    Re watched the game and man both were better then i even thought. Loffler wasnt in the best position each time but in one game he let the wrs know he was over top and running down hill and plenty of times guys heard foot steps. Way more of a presence at S then macho who sold out for hits all game long.

    And frederick showed amazing poise not to interfere several times while still being a blanket in coverage. Cant wait to see more from these two going forward.

    How did Macho sell out all game long when he was injured?

  10. We wouldn't be talking about any of this if we had a mobile QB who is accurate and makes good decisions....but we don't so we lose. Good QB's find a way to win just ask Mike Reilly.

    I'm sick of hearing MOS say you can't pin it all on Willy. Of course you can't pin EVERYTHING on him but the majority you can...he gets paid to perform well and he's not. He was the same in training camp this year.

    Not enthralled with the Defensive schemes either, but if we had a good performing QB we would still win quite a few games. The personnel generally on this team are getting stronger...


  11. On 7/11/2016 at 6:45 PM, Noeller said:

    pfft...**** that.....the kinda people who frequent this place, I totally wouldn't put it past a lot of people here to do that.....

    Give it a rest...what is the matter with you? Mr. Dee has been a valuable contributor to this site for quite some time now...

  12. 2 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    Most of it is bits and pieces from many sources and facts and data I gleaned from CFL sites and TSN. Information that is out there. I provided links where applicable. If I missed a reference, it was inadvertent. There are hashtags and names provided otherwise.

    A lot of that information is just putting together facts from the games played after week 3. I complied those myself.

    As to your charge of 'clearly stole it' from somewhere, that is discouraging news to me to hear. I guess it's best to just keep it to myself in the future.

    Nope...don't let one stupid comment dissuade you...I enjoy it!

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