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Posts posted by blitzmore



    How about because Davis is a raw rookie and RUSHING QBS TENDS TO RUIN THEM MORE OFTEN THAN NOT

    Didn't seem to be the case in BC, Hamilton or Sask this year.


    Happens all the time. Look at Cato in Montreal, he got figured out and was exposed. Sask was terrible despite Smith showing som flashes but he go exposed and then had Glenn to shelter him a bit more. BC Jennings is still in the honeymoon phase, that often ends like ti did with Marve here. Guys might come in and have a bit of initial success but the ones that don't see that dip are rare indeed. 


    Davis spent quite a bit of time in the pocket...wouldn't you rush too if you had our Oline...O coordinator...and receivers with dropsies?

  2. Here was a Davis sitting on the bench for a whole season, playing his first game in about three years, who looked like he has the makings of a real QB. He can pass, he can run, and looks to be fairly accurate...and with a bad coordinator...and some players not really in the game.


    Now explain to me why when Willy got injured, how the QB coach, the offensive coordinator, the scouts, and the head coach, weren't prepared to give him a chance. To me it is simply that they have an inability to recognize talent or the lack of it...eg. Brohm.


    They wait until the last game of the year which means nothing to give him an audition.


    I was not in favor of an overhaul until last night, but these guys are likely not going to lead us out of the wilderness.


    I know some of you still like Adams, but if he is the best we can do...we are in more trouble than I thought.


    The tackling on defence was terrible.


    I think this team lacks real discipline...this idea that O'Shea had that they are pros and they are self motivated is not working.


    lots more...but rant over for now

  3. defence looked disorganized  at times, was one defenceman benched?


    offence looked high powered at times.... some of the guys seem to be shooting right at the goalie sometimes




    It's so much fun watching that guy play, when he's on, He's the emperor of the ice.


    looks like a lot of the teams are actually pretty even.....


    and TSN radio and tv do a good job of covering the Jets games.


    Need to get the Chipmans to take over the bombers.

    Yup...Chiarot...but who knows he could have been injured.

  4. Just want to add, I know Copp is banged up but... roster management has been a joke this year.. big time... Maurice seems to be getting a free pass but...


    When you are dressing both Thor and Peluso, that's a problem... Call up Armia or De Leo or whoever, there is absolutely no need ever to have both Thor and Peluso dressed at the same time. 


    It makes us worse.... 


    and the commentating today is just brutal


    Love Hughson but Mike Johnson, man, i'm pretty sure he's blown his load about 10 times talking about Montreal. 

    Roster management bad? was that during their wins or only their losses?


    We've been through all of this before in a multitude of posts

    The " multitude of posts", i.e. the belching of emotion is a complete disorganization and hardly the basis for making a sound judgment. Soundness is needed to either make or support a decision (or to sanely oppose a bad decision). Your comment reflects the lack of real work.... and as Henry Ford has famously said, because work is hard, few do it.


    Lack of real work? You have got to be kidding! This is an internet forum! Your post is useless!

  6. Could see a coaching change perhaps?  I guess it depends.  I saw Zinger talk about the Moose and say its not like 1.0 where their main goal was winning.  They want to win now, but they are developing for the Jets so if they team is playing the systems and just short on talent, then I guess so be it.  They have some legitimate NHL'ers in Harrison and Halischuck and Cormier (low level NHL'ers but NHL'ers nontheless).


    Would be nice if Postma could be assigned there or even Pardy.  I still think Petan might benefit from being the #1 center down there.

    Our fourth line is better than it has been in previous years...send Petan down? Don't think so.

  7. He holds onto it too long and theplay gets b roken up......he'll be ok, he just needs to adjust because he isn't playing junior any more.

    Very few of the plays get broken up because he holds onto the puck too long. As soon as he sees someone he can pass to it is gone, I think you've seen it once or twice and now you think you see it all the time. I think most would disagree with you including Maurice.

  8. Goalie is right, he holds onto the puck too long and so does Petan.  Neither uses their line mates properly either....You would thi nk Burmi would be better at this and Petan is in his first year with smarts so you would hope he learns it in the next few years.

    Petan is a set up guy...of course he should hold onto the puck.

  9. The problem with your posts Iso, is that they are too logical.


    Posts are to be based on how you feel about a player/coach/manager, and who you like, or don't like.


    I would like to see someone to post a detailed list of the accomplishments of the head coach over two seasons.

    Iso logical? Now that's funny...

    He makes more sense than someone like you who has their head firmly buried in the sand.

    Ahhh...typical Dragon37...

  10. If they fire MB that will be a huge win in my books.

    To be replaced with who? Three coordinators fired in 2 years. Who will come here? People that want to keep MOS because we can't attract quality HC's as they get fired yet want MB fired are just kidding themselves. No quality assistant coach will want to come here because all 3 coordinators hired by our brilliant HC will have been fired if Bellefeuille goes. So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here. This is what happens when you hire crappy head coaches.
    You have no idea if what you are saying is true or not. Coaches don't go anywhere expecting to have a permanent job. They always expect to get fired at some point. I'll make you a bet, if MB is still here like you say he will be, then I won't come here anymore...otherwise you have to go....a bet?

    He not saying MB is staying he is making the point of how some people say we need to keep Coach Hugs and Kisses and Mack Junior because we go through too many coaches and GMs. This means that no one good wants to come here. So by that logic we should keep MB.

    Though it is likely too late, hire an independent consultant/assessor that analyzes this team from the BOD down to the playing field. Make moves from there. there is a sickness in this organization that permeates its way onto the playing field. Hiring another group of coaches, management and players to try their luck here is futile unless we root out the cancer that keeps Winnipeg from actually building a real CFL team.

    You can can try and interpret Iso's posts all you want...I do it this way "So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here"

    Only dim people would not understand what ISO was trying to say. But considering you just accused me of not knowing my CFL history of Hammy, Edmonton, and Sask I am not surprised his mocking went right over your head.

    Not to dim to realize all you ever do is criticize...




    If they fire MB that will be a huge win in my books.

    To be replaced with who? Three coordinators fired in 2 years. Who will come here? People that want to keep MOS because we can't attract quality HC's as they get fired yet want MB fired are just kidding themselves. No quality assistant coach will want to come here because all 3 coordinators hired by our brilliant HC will have been fired if Bellefeuille goes. So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here. This is what happens when you hire crappy head coaches.
    You have no idea if what you are saying is true or not. Coaches don't go anywhere expecting to have a permanent job. They always expect to get fired at some point. I'll make you a bet, if MB is still here like you say he will be, then I won't come here anymore...otherwise you have to go....a bet?

    He not saying MB is staying he is making the point of how some people say we need to keep Coach Hugs and Kisses and Mack Junior because we go through too many coaches and GMs. This means that no one good wants to come here. So by that logic we should keep MB.

    Though it is likely too late, hire an independent consultant/assessor that analyzes this team from the BOD down to the playing field. Make moves from there. there is a sickness in this organization that permeates its way onto the playing field. Hiring another group of coaches, management and players to try their luck here is futile unless we root out the cancer that keeps Winnipeg from actually building a real CFL team.


    You can can try and interpret Iso's posts all you want...I do it this way "So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here"


    People look at what they would be walking into and may realize theres a good chance a poor product maybe inevitable.  Perhaps coaches we've released have been less then kind in reference to their time here, cfl circles cant be all that big, i mean look at how many new coaches/coordinators there are annually. Im pretty sure we've fired every coach in the last 15 years before their contract was up

    So did Edmonton, Hamilton, and Saskatchewan yet they all went on to turn around their organizations. Granted Sask crashed and burned this year but they will definitely be back and competitive long before Winnipeg.


    You have no idea if that is true or not...you just keep repeating the same negatives over and over and over again.


    If they fire MB that will be a huge win in my books.

    To be replaced with who? Three coordinators fired in 2 years. Who will come here? People that want to keep MOS because we can't attract quality HC's as they get fired yet want MB fired are just kidding themselves. No quality assistant coach will want to come here because all 3 coordinators hired by our brilliant HC will have been fired if Bellefeuille goes. So MB has to stay because no one better will want to be here. This is what happens when you hire crappy head coaches. 


    You have no idea if what you are saying is true or not. Coaches don't go anywhere expecting to have a permanent job. They always expect to get fired at some point. I'll make you a bet, if MB is still here like you say he will be, then I won't come here anymore...otherwise you have to go....a bet?

  14. Good grief...we get Muamba and we win? Too cheap?...we spent way more money acquiring players this year than in years past! Guess you just don't want to count guys like Westerman, Nick Moore, Ian Wild, and Stanley Bryant.


    I love how you just make a post, but don't bother putting any thought into it..just rant is the best way to express yourself!


    I'm just as unhappy as you, but lets try and stick to the facts just a bit.

  15. from the bleacher report



    What makes someone a true fan? This is a question that has been asked for years. Is it someone who can buy everything the team sells or is it someone who goes to every game? 

    I will try to shed some light on this argument. 

    Fans come in many shapes, sizes, and even colors. (Red, Gold, and Blue not races) Some will go with the team across the country while others only go to home games. Some have the best seat in the house every time while others are lucky to afford a ticket at all. Does any of that make a person a fan?

    No. The fact that you try and get out to the games and paint yourself does not make you a true fan. But what about the people who spend money that they don't have because they love their team so much? Well to those people I say get your priorities straight. 

    A true fan does not need to even own one piece of merchandise from their team for all I care. They just need to feel what the team feels and believe with all their heart that their team will win.  

    This is why there are a few fans i must mention. The Oakland Raider fans are some of the most fiery fans there are. Do not even try to argue with me, they are. They defend their team even though they very well know that their team can not win the championship this year. 

    I am not "hating" on Raider fans, quite the contrary, in fact I am tipping my hat to them. If you talk about anyone on their team they will let you have it. This can easily be seen in a few of my last stories, in which Raider fans attack every bit about the article—including the writer himself (me).

    They back up every argument with facts and emotion. This is a real sign of a true fan.

    Back to the point. A true fan follows every game regardless of the record and is optimistic no matter how bad the situation gets. You must realize that being a fan sometimes means you put your logic aside to truly accept a team.

    So if you are emotionally attached to your team and you embrace it instead of reject it then you are in fact a true fan.  




    No prob whatsoever with bringing players in for a looksee, no matter what time in the season. Cal Murphy did that all the time and unearthed quite a few gems (I believe Greg Battle arrived that way). What is the harm? Seriously?


    There is no problem with it if it producing results. It is not and therefore those responsible should be up for review before continuing their employment. Why pay people for not fulfilling their job duties?



    This is a weird argument.  I get the argument that Walters has struggled to find talent, but you're arguing that he shouldn't bring in any players to look for guys who are talented?


    Makes no sense.  This is extended training camp essentially for every team in the league with the expanded PR.


    No I am arguing that our scouting and management are terrible, they wouldn't know talent if it came up and slapped them in the face. They bring in, pay money to and toss out these guys. Now it isn't the players fault for wanting a job and some cash but you have to ask some good hard questions about those doing the selecting. At this point management and scouting are the pits so this is a waste of money. Why flush cash when it is evident the system isn't producing? Hold off on it, because, face it, there are no saviours coming from the system right now. In the off-season reassess every aspect of the team (EVERY aspect) and only then turn the taps back on.


    I am all for bringing guys in and giving them a try but at this point it is a waste of time and money.


    Of course the many folks that think Walters and co are good are never going to agree. I expect that but this is a really bad team. Not a team that is a few players away from being good they are a mediocre bad team. They will only make a profit because of the GC game and when you are going to need every cent to bring in talent to fix it then why are they continuing to burn it on a wasted season?


    It seems weird to me that people would want this team to continue to spend money hand over fist this year when it is obvious they will need it for next season.






    No prob whatsoever with bringing players in for a looksee, no matter what time in the season. Cal Murphy did that all the time and unearthed quite a few gems (I believe Greg Battle arrived that way). What is the harm? Seriously?


    There is no problem with it if it producing results. It is not and therefore those responsible should be up for review before continuing their employment. Why pay people for not fulfilling their job duties?



    This is a weird argument.  I get the argument that Walters has struggled to find talent, but you're arguing that he shouldn't bring in any players to look for guys who are talented?


    Makes no sense.  This is extended training camp essentially for every team in the league with the expanded PR.


    No I am arguing that our scouting and management are terrible, they wouldn't know talent if it came up and slapped them in the face. They bring in, pay money to and toss out these guys. Now it isn't the players fault for wanting a job and some cash but you have to ask some good hard questions about those doing the selecting. At this point management and scouting are the pits so this is a waste of money. Why flush cash when it is evident the system isn't producing? Hold off on it, because, face it, there are no saviours coming from the system right now. In the off-season reassess every aspect of the team (EVERY aspect) and only then turn the taps back on.


    I am all for bringing guys in and giving them a try but at this point it is a waste of time and money.


    Of course the many folks that think Walters and co are good are never going to agree. I expect that but this is a really bad team. Not a team that is a few players away from being good they are a mediocre bad team. They will only make a profit because of the GC game and when you are going to need every cent to bring in talent to fix it then why are they continuing to burn it on a wasted season?


    It seems weird to me that people would want this team to continue to spend money hand over fist this year when it is obvious they will need it for next season.


    Glad you are such a professional scout and football team manager...that you are able to determine that the scouting staff and management are terrible, and the pits. What a comment you're all for bringing guys in and giving them a try but at this point it is a waste of time and money. Contradict yourself much? They have expanded rosters in the CFL for a reason...get it?

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