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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. Oh give us a break! You argue for the sake of arguing! They admitted they made a mistake...end of story!
  2. Then switch up the receivers and go after him with Moore, Adams and/or Denmark. It's not rocket surgery.In MB's defence, his offense leaves a significant amount of the decisions on the QB to make the reads and decide on the throw. There is no defence for Bellfuelle, there is no defence for him on offence either
  3. I don't know, you'd have to ask him and yes I am serious. It's late in the game, my opposition just made a circus catch that I didn't get a view on yet, my opposition is all of a sudden running hurry up to get on the ball quick when they should be taking their time so I need to slow things down now, what's at my disposal? Time out or challenge flag. I choose the challenge flag because the bonus is there's a chance it could be overturned based on Calgary not wanting it reviewed. Little bit more than a whim.You'll probably find that very few professional level coaches use "the force" to make critical decisions. I'm thinking that they rely a lot more on evidence, which O'Shea didn't have available to him at that particular moment. The other way to look at it was he made a decision, without any evidence, to let the play go. If he didn't have time to compile that evidence (Calgary rushing to the ball), you simply let it go? No, you use your options to have time to collect that evidence especially being how critical that play was and the time we had left in the game. Yes I risk losing a timeout, the flip side is I risk letting Calgary move up the field on a non legit play.Doesn't the team have multiple people watching? I find it hard to believe no one saw even the possibility of a non catch? I think everyone was mystified by the circus catch. It was very obvious on reply. Id expect someone somewhere to raise an eyebrow at game speed since it's their bread and butter Have you not read the entirety of the thread? And in real speed it looked like a good catch. It wasn't until after the Stamps ran their next play that TSN showed a definitive replay that looked like the ball hit the ground. And those two idiots (Black & Suitor) were still sporting chubbies over the non catch. I believe the replay was shown before he next play. I saw it as a non catch and assumed the flag was coming and the next play then began Go re watch the game and you'll see that there was very little time before the ball was snapped. The best and most definitive replay was shown after the Stamps ran their next play. I would hazard a guess that Calgary would not be in a position to have any more information than Winnipeg, except if the receiver said it was a non catch.
  4. Yep, just like all the other times O'Shea should have thrown the flag or called a time-out and didn't. The guy sleep-walks through these games having no clue what to do then stands before the media and blames the officials. You think the players don't notice this also? I just can't stomach any more of O'Shea and his mindless stares and stupid smirks. I wouldn't even mind all the losing so much if I didn't have to endure that loser. Really, you're judging him on that? His facial expressions. I'm giving him some flak on not throwing the challenge flag, but I would never assess him, cast my opinion on his ability as a CFL coach because of his facial or body mannerisms. The word silly and foolish has been thrown at me today, fair enough, but on the scale of silliness, that might be the benchmark. No he isn't judging him on that...haven't you read his dozens of posts where all he wants to do is rip O'shea and everyone else in managment?
  5. Sure he could be worse...he's been coaching the receivers for a while...how do you like them generally?
  6. It is amazing how many times he repeats himself in a broadcast. Maybe he should listen to himself once in a while.
  7. If you really believe that then I don't know what to say... You admit you didn't read the whole thing and then you also assume that travel days are a day off? Guaranteed they are practising the maximum amount they are allowed to. Too many people stuck in the past where coaches in their mind are supposed to be a ruthless task master. That doesn't work in professional sports anymore. You have nothing to back up that theory at all!
  8. This is my opinion so no need for flames for those that have not been to Bomber practices! Some of you guys are flaming guys who have been...what's your issue? go yourself and see what is happening. You don't have to be a professional coach to see a lot of what is happening in the practice. Not to hard to see what drills are taking place, for how long, and at what speed they are conducted. Sure there are times when teaching rather than speed and intensity are planned and implemented, understood...but much more of that in this regime. O'Shea has said many times he thinks he may be working the players too hard...not from what I have seen he's not. I have seen several coaches for the bombers run practices, and all I can say is that the practices run by this regime generally do not stack up in terms of trying to emulate actual game conditions very often. In my opinion more of trying to emulate actual game conditions would be more beneficial. There is a big difference from how The Jets used to practice under Noel and how they are run now. They are much harder and more emulate game conditions in general. my two cents...
  9. Oh yeah...he signed him minutes after the rumors came out....
  10. I believe the rights for Norwood were traded to Hamilton...and that is because he was coached by Kent Austin...had nothing to do with him not wanting to come here.
  11. Denmark has been dogging it? You have got to be kidding...he has had no one to throw to him since Willy got hurt. And Adams is our second best? Based on what the number of games he has missed? Veltung has been in for how many games? Talk about subjective thinking....
  12. Class Act...but happy to see someone else get a chance, 4th line was not good at times.
  13. Saskatchewan canned Ronny in '80 after 2 2-14 seasons. Edmonton hired him 11 years later in '91 and he did well that time round. Not CFL and the NFL's a whole different story, but lets look at it anyway. Belichick missed the playoffs in 91-93 and the Browns kept him. Made the playoffs in 94 out of them again in '95. Assistant HC until '99 when the Patriots hired him and gave him full control. He's been mostly great since then. Let's call him the exception that proves the rule. No let's call your arguments less than accurate!
  14. Iso...don't sweat the small stuff man..how is it living your life being negative every single day?
  15. Iso....guess you have never heard the word "generalization"?
  16. Nah...why would I do that...you are convinced you already know...over and over and over again. Check your own posts.
  17. You obviously have an axe to grind..you're posts are like a broken record!
  18. Funny, Elemimian and Bighill have looked very ordinary this year. The premier teams seem to be Toronto, Calgary and Edmonton, and at the other end of the scale are the Riders. Everyone else is strung out between- mediocre on good days. Elemimian is hurt and Bighill shares the lead league in tackles...what games have you been watching?
  19. oh good...another QB who can get pounded on offence! Definite upgrade at the moment though!
  20. This is what is puzzling because the Bombers have shown that when they involve their RB's heavily in the offense they win, at least have won this season. First Win 27 touches, 20/145 rushing 7/92 receiving Second Win 20 touches, 16/44 rushing 4/49 passing Third Win 17 touches. 15/59 rushing 2/27 passing What is happening though is that the number of touches have been steadily decreasing to the point of the backs being taken out of the game. If you can't get your RB involved on the ground and in the air then most times you will lose, like the Bombers have been. This team can run the ball and use the backs as effective receivers as we seen early on, they have just gone away from it more and more. Marcel needs to wake up and get back to what worked early in the year or he needs to be removed in favor of someone who can. Early in the season Willy was healthy and teams had to respect his arm. Now they don't worry about that and focus on stopping our run. If you give up a ton of points on special teams early...becomes very difficult to use an effective running game.
  21. You take advantage of that by making throws from the pocket. At times Calgary had two backers spying/coming on delayed blitzes. That means there's a bunch of space in the middle of the field and deep when Calgary was having their safety fill in behind the backers. There were one on ones deep all day, Calgary had no respect for Marve's arm, and he gave them no reason to respect it. Until he can, there's not much you can call to make him look good, maybe some option runs. I may be wrong here, but to me it looked like Marve was told to stay in the pocket, and as a result he held onto the ball too long several times. If you're supposed to stay in the pocket, but get no time to throw or find second and third reads because the Oline is the shi...ts, then it stands to reason you are not going to look good. I couldn't believe the line on several of the plays, they looked awful. Our so called great signing from Calgary is not earning his $$. So who is that on? him alone or the blocking schemes? Probably a bit of both. Seems to me with our Oline, doesn't matter who the QB is...they are all not going to accomplish what they should, which is why we were still last in offence even with Willy healthy. Of course he looks better because he has a lot more experience, but if nothing changes, we will always be last in offence.
  22. Hmmm...in my opinion he just showed that he is disorganized, flies by the seat of his pants, and Mack made him drink too much If he is so great why isn't he working now?
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