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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. You really have no idea what you're talking about. Too stupid? What about your comment?
  2. Nothing wrong with that. Except that it shows how utterly pathetic our scouting and GM are. The opposite...means they are going to keep looking and trying until they find what they want. You really think you can pick the best player first time every time?
  3. Hmmm...not too specific...glad you are not drawing up the plan.
  4. Why would I want to do that...when no one said anything about gushing!
  5. You can't tell by the video whether he actually hit him with his elbow or not. He got suspended because the guy got hurt...there are plays like that all the time in the NHL.
  6. Maybe Willy knows...he said it in an on air interview
  7. yes...to me certainly not as bad as the writer would have you believe.
  8. So you propose they do what specifically if they can't feed on scraps?
  9. It wasn't only O'Shea that wanted to keep MB it was also Willy...so I guess we should fire him also. Rookie starting QB's don't choose their own coaches. If that actually happened, it's yet another reason to get rid of O'Shea. You're kidding...I said that in addition to O'Shea wanting to keep MB so did Willy...I didn't say he got to do the picking! Too bad you can't actually read and comprehend!
  10. Or some of us have seen what continual housecleaning every two or so years has done to this team. I see some good things in O'Shea (and no, I'm not a fan. I wasn't happy when Walters hired him) and I'm willing to see what can happen with him as HC. This assumes, of course, that he actually hires a competent OC. If, as has been said, he wants to keep MB after the season, then that tells me everything I need to know. The idea that folks who can't do the job for 2 years will suddenly get better in year 3 is fatally flawed. It's better to get rid of them when there are good replacements available (In the Off Season), then it is to keep them on. Keeping MB on this season tells me everything I need to know. The problem isn't firing guys who can't do their jobs every couple of years. It's hiring guys that we don't know if they can do the job n the first place that's the real problem. As soon as we find a good HC, we should keep him as long as possible. In the meantime get rid of the deadwood and try again. It wasn't only O'Shea that wanted to keep MB it was also Willy...so I guess we should fire him also.
  11. Totally disagree...wouldn't put anything Denmark or Nick Moore or Kohlert, but I would on Adams. Last night Nichols didn't need any help from a crappy offensive system, he was crappy all by himself. On the play to the wide side where he threw the pick, he had an outlet right over the middle 8 yards or so from the line of scrimmage...Never should have thrown the pick, just bad decisions. He had time to throw as well. He was very inaccurate especially in the first half. I guess we should play the second half first from now on. MB seems incapable of devising good plans for the first half.
  12. That doesn't make us Grey Cup contenders. The bombers may not be considered contenders but if I recall they came very close to beating two contenders in the Stamps and Eskimos. All a team needs to do is make it to the playoffs after that anything can happen Just because you think a trade will make them a contender...doesn't make it so...
  13. There were a ton of penalties, that's why they didn't play much
  14. And an illegal block. We were over due to catch a break though. That wasn't a block. It was just a collision. Stoudermire was running his route and the BC player ran into him. I dunno. I thought they caught a break there. Intentional or not there was illegal contact. If it was illegal contact...then the Lions get called
  15. Too bad Nichols was frustrated but so was I with his lack of accuracy...the rest....you're right on.
  16. Every kicker does that from time to time, based on wind conditions, snap, rush etc.
  17. That's not true...he knows much more than Burke did who admitted he knew NOTHING about offence. He kept MB here to try and keep some consistency and for the sake of Willy who wanted that. If we had a decent Oline and a healthy QB all year...he wouldn't look quite as bad as he has most times this year....but I still say fire MB.
  18. Some of you guys complain when they aren't bringing in players, then complain when they do.
  19. Good grief...can't you come up with something better than that?
  20. Burmistrov is still adjusting..I say give him a chance
  21. No it's not necessarily bad asset management by Walters...Nicholls may not want to stay here as a backup. You are ready to blame Walters even before anything has happened.!
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