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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. Wrong to whom? The fans? We can criticize all we want and have our reasons for doing so, but we aren't in any position to say his roster moves are wrong, or right.I don't think I know more about football than MOS but evaluation of performance isn't as hard as you make it out to be. He deserves to be questioned. Question O'Shea all you want. Evaluation of players doesn't start and stop with just what you've seen on TV and at the games. There's a lot you don't see, unless you're at every practice and in the meetings. I hate that rationale. It's apparent that O'Shea is stubborn, sticks with players far too long and has terrible roster management. There's a significant difference you need to learn when it comes to throwing players under the bus in the media and holding players accountable for their actions and play. ok coach...I guess you can teach us?
  2. I honestly can't tell if you're being serious here. The runs I saw had him tackled by his foot a few times, and stopped while trying to push for more yards. Also don't forget about his last carry where he tried to go outside (when nothing was there) and ended losing yards that took them out of field goal range. It was a joke..
  3. Well I will answer you based on my imo. What concerns my most about MOS besides his poor game decisions and actions is his ethier lack of being able to discern talent or mere utter stubbornness when it comes to players and coaches. My 2 coaches are Etch last year and Bel this year and last.Both coaches are clearly have costed this team dearly.Leaving Willy in against Ham when it was turnstile time on the QB and Willy wasn't 100 percent to begin with also makes me ? MOS commonsense. Last he still refuses to name Marve our no 1 when Marve has shown more in one game than Brohm in 2 years. LAST we still have Brohm like Wtf for? I'm afraid MOS ain't the answer here but we are gonna wait as usual here till its too late. How many times are you going to make the same point? Hardly anyone agrees with you. Does that make him wrong? No it makes him extremely repetitive! So you agree that he's right, but because he doesn't share your mindset (which you are just as repetitive about) he's required to zip it? Nice mentality for a public forum. How about we all debate the issues rather than telling each other to shut up when our opinions differ? yes...let's do that...but you're not!
  4. Yep - great point. As terrible (and I mean the worst in the league) the bombers have been at recruiting quarterbacks, up until recently it has been the opposite at Running back. One position, until recently, I never worried about. We always seemed to find a stud. Fred Reid had looked like the latest one but for whatever reason (most likely an injury) lost his consistency. Paris Cotton is NOT the answer here, for every good game he has, he has four very non-descript games. Right now it's Marshall or bust and I thought slowly he was taking over the #1 spot anyway. That being said, he's still not even close to some 'Canadian' backs in this league like Harris. Cornish, or Messam. I agree with the RB carousel - lets keep bringing them in until we find someone who can be consistent. I guess you didn't think about the fact that the RB need better blocking and schemes.
  5. And here it is. Your very weak argument to blame MOS for not sitting out Willy for the BC game. Even though Willy said he was ready. Even though every medical opinion cleared Willy to play. To give Marve some playing time...in a most important game against BC...which we won...with Willy in the lineup. Your argument was weak weeks ago, and it's still weak now. So you're saying you know for sure that had Willy rested his knee for that BC game that it wouldn't have helped him and it still would have been injured? Crystal ball? So you're saying that there is no way we win that game against BC with Marve at QB? Same crystal ball? So you're saying that it wouldn't have helped Marve immensely against Toronto to have had that extra playing time against BC while Willy rested? That Toronto game was also very winnable for us. Isn't that 2 points just as important? How many points will we lose now with Willy gone? Even after the worst happened and we lost Willy for the season and our backup had to go into the Toronto game and lost a close one with 1 stinking practice under his belt to prepare? Wow. Talk about stubborn. Isn't it just possible that giving Willy some rest after he initially hurt his knee might have been a good idea? As Doug Brown pointed out last season, the poor guy has been getting absolutely pounded behind this o-line with little to no relief? He's been forced to play nicked and banged up for most of his time here and it has affected his performance. Is this really the best way to handle our franchise player and star QB? Yup...talk about stubborn is you. After he hurt his knee, he was running all over the field like a gazelle He was fine. In the next game, with time in between...I guess you didn't really watch the play where his knee got hyperextended, which could have happened in any game at any time to anyone. Trying to connect the two over and over and blame the coaches is ludicrous!
  6. Well I will answer you based on my imo. What concerns my most about MOS besides his poor game decisions and actions is his ethier lack of being able to discern talent or mere utter stubbornness when it comes to players and coaches. My 2 coaches are Etch last year and Bel this year and last.Both coaches are clearly have costed this team dearly.Leaving Willy in against Ham when it was turnstile time on the QB and Willy wasn't 100 percent to begin with also makes me ? MOS commonsense. Last he still refuses to name Marve our no 1 when Marve has shown more in one game than Brohm in 2 years. LAST we still have Brohm like Wtf for? I'm afraid MOS ain't the answer here but we are gonna wait as usual here till its too late. How many times are you going to make the same point? Hardly anyone agrees with you. Does that make him wrong? No it makes him extremely repetitive!
  7. Well I will answer you based on my imo. What concerns my most about MOS besides his poor game decisions and actions is his ethier lack of being able to discern talent or mere utter stubbornness when it comes to players and coaches. My 2 coaches are Etch last year and Bel this year and last.Both coaches are clearly have costed this team dearly.Leaving Willy in against Ham when it was turnstile time on the QB and Willy wasn't 100 percent to begin with also makes me ? MOS commonsense. Last he still refuses to name Marve our no 1 when Marve has shown more in one game than Brohm in 2 years. LAST we still have Brohm like Wtf for? I'm afraid MOS ain't the answer here but we are gonna wait as usual here till its too late. How many times are you going to make the same point? Hardly anyone agrees with you.
  8. Perhaps you should check....he was a player at Western Washington....his final year was 1995 and in 1996 he was with Ottawa. Nice try attempting to make your post have some credibility!
  9. The folks who like their Hamilton defensive coordinator might disagree with you
  10. More than that, we would have been up by two td's if not for the holding call on Greaves. In my opinion the roughing the kicker call should not have been, as the bomber player was blocked into the kicker. I realize they had to kick anyway, but it was a fresh set of downs and more time on the field for the defence on a very hot night. But the real killer was the return, then the fumble then two two and outs. Toronto though has been very adept at coming back from deficits in the 4th quarter of games.
  11. Too bad they didn't take into account that the weather could be bad, it was forecast...they could have had it and hour or more earlier. They would have had to have the "Union" okay that adjustment and it would have taken them months to get around to looking at it. Q. Was there sufficient urgency? A. I think not, shut up or we'll strike! Show the proof that they would have needed a "Union" ok..to move it a couple of hours, otherwise your comment is a total guess!
  12. Too bad they didn't take into account that the weather could be bad, it was forecast...they could have had it and hour or more earlier.
  13. Go back to sleep...we don't need you preaching!
  14. According to O'Shea in his press conference today, the offence is running the same protection schemes as every team in the CFL. Take that for what it's worth.
  15. It didnt look all that swell when he got in last game. His pick six was directly due to him panicking in the pocket. Hamiltons Dline is pretty f'n nasty tho so maybe the line looks better against a lesser pass rush. There are lots of reasons for a pick six, and panic is usually not one of them.
  16. Have the riders been blown out this year like we have, several times? I don't think so. For me, it's discouraging to have the team look decent against BC, and then just a few days later, look so unprepared and outmatched against Hamilton. this game was over before the end of the first quarter. I find it hard to accept that Hamilton's players are that much better than ours. Would we as fans be doing somersaults if we traded receivers with Hamiltion? no. running backs, quarterback? don't think so. thought our new o lineman were cream of the crop. so… That leaves coaching. Hamiltons D-line and Canadian depth are elite. They're not elite...they are well coached and physically better in certain areas only.
  17. Besides the players themselves, you can place the blame on the special teams coach, and the defensive coordinator. If we had Hamilton's defensive coordinators we would look a lot different!
  18. What is wrong with TSN setting their mics? This happens every game. Some stupid fan sits close to the mic & we get the pleasure of having to listen to whatever wingnut wants to get noticed. Why have the TSN broadcasts become so bad?? I complained about this to TSN before, but if more people did it would help. I had to listen to screeching from some female the whole first quarter. Kept hoping she would go horse, but being a Sask fan maybe she already is. Sure that wasn't just your wife nagging at you to get off your fat ass and do something? Yeah pretty sure! You must be a closet Sask fan!
  19. What is wrong with TSN setting their mics? This happens every game. Some stupid fan sits close to the mic & we get the pleasure of having to listen to whatever wingnut wants to get noticed. Why have the TSN broadcasts become so bad?? I complained about this to TSN before, but if more people did it would help. I had to listen to screeching from some female the whole first quarter. Kept hoping she would go horse, but being a Sask fan maybe she already is.
  20. http://www.edmontonsun.com/2014/06/24/new-eskimos-running-back-tyler-thomas-comes-out-of-nowhere-to-nab-spot-on-roster
  21. People showing up after losses and not so much after wins has been going on as long as forums have. We don't really need you pointing out the obvious!
  22. I completely agree with your first statement. Regina didn't let Willy walk.Willy was our 3rd choice. We'd already tried and failed to get both Collaros and Burris. He's doing great. Nothing the matter with him being our 3rd choice. Funny that you can see when others massage the facts, but you can't see it in yourself. The order the QBs came on the market doesn't mean he was third choice - it means he was the third available. There were a number of reports before any of the QBs were available that the Bombers were very high on Willy.For the billionth time on this forum, they were always going to bring in Willy, but they were also trying to bring in one of the other guys. If Burris came, it was gonna be Burris with Willy as back up last year. That's been in the paper a lot. McManus was a huge DW fan and they were always going to bring him in no matter what. You can be wrong for the billionth time if you want. There's no way we could have got 2 of the top 3 available QB's when other teams needed a starter too. Who cares? Ancient history!!!!
  23. Let's hope that doesn't occur but even if it did, Brohm would be yanked after he skips a few. and throws a couple to the opposition, then the real no 2 will take over...Marvelous Marve.. No actually. MOS has said that Brohm works within the system & Marve doesn't. Therefore Marve doesn't have the trust of the coaches so he sits. That's not what he said...he would never say it like that.
  24. That's my point. "Better than Brink" did not equal "good QB", just like "Marve is better than Brohm" does not mean "Marve should be starting because he's so good". Many who want rid of Brohm think that Marve will come in and light it up, but like Elliot he could quite easily stink it up, and the coaches must believe that is the case based on not playing him and explaining how he is deficient in the areas they need him to be stronger in. Elliot's riskiness was not just riverboat gambler mentality, it was a fundamental inability to read the defence and exploit it. That was proven by the lack of success on any other team that took a chance on him afterwards. He was not a good QB, and "better than Brink" was such a low bar that people falsely elevated his ability to play because of it and pinned unrealistic expectations on him. I fear the same scenario with Marve now. My point is that Elliott hardly stunk it up, he moved the ball effectively but threw some ints in the red zone. Rather than working to correct that as a normal coach might do, he got the under the bus treatment cause the coach was pissed off as he often was and he liked to bury players who displeased him. Not buying it. If he was as illustrious as you guys are trying to portray, he would still be on a roster and not cut from two other squads.. One with potentially worse QB depth then us.. Football is a harsh game, opportunities don't come around often and a lot of players have missed there's never to get another one. BC and Ottawa he was never going to get the opportunity. His opportunity was in Winnipeg but a few mistakes and a terrible coach and his window of opportunity slammed shut. No.. No it didn't tho. Here? Yes.. But in BC and in Ottawa he had 2 more opportunities to prove himself.. Spuds...so tell us who was in front of him when he went to BC and Ottawa...perhaps he got as much of a chance as Marve has gotten here.
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