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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. If Brohm has or is showing he has the potential to be #1 some day, we wouldn't even be having the conversation about Marve. Brohm is 29 and has showed virtually nothing...why we're wasting a spot on him is beyond me.
  2. That's my point. "Better than Brink" did not equal "good QB", just like "Marve is better than Brohm" does not mean "Marve should be starting because he's so good". Many who want rid of Brohm think that Marve will come in and light it up, but like Elliot he could quite easily stink it up, and the coaches must believe that is the case based on not playing him and explaining how he is deficient in the areas they need him to be stronger in. Elliot's riskiness was not just riverboat gambler mentality, it was a fundamental inability to read the defence and exploit it. That was proven by the lack of success on any other team that took a chance on him afterwards. He was not a good QB, and "better than Brink" was such a low bar that people falsely elevated his ability to play because of it and pinned unrealistic expectations on him. I fear the same scenario with Marve now. Let's try and get this straight. Hardly anyone is saying Marve is going to come in and light it up. They are saying "give him a chance when possible" because Brohm is certainly not the answer based on what he has shown. You have a short memory when it comes to Elliot. The only place he seemed to have trouble was in the red zone, and that was because he was trying too hard. That could have been fixed with proper coaching!
  3. The problem is that for decades now the Bomber organization upper management has had a dislike for scrambling offenses or mobile QB's. The pattern we observe is so ingrained across a period where there were so many different head coaches and offensive coordinators that it must be mandated from certain members of the BOD. In my opinion Winnipeg's problem of having consistently lousy teams for the last 25 years is a testament to the failure of this BOD governance model. Governments are not capable of running organizations with excellence. Politicians are known just to provide the minimum level of service that is acceptable to prevent mass revolt - nothing more. The BOD has become nothing more than an old boys club, and there are no new ideas or different strategies being applied to run the organization. It is top-down, politically run, and completely dysfunctional. As long as the bills get paid, I don't think they really care that much about quality or winning - they are used to having a fan base that comes out even when they are not winning. Wade Miller is just a slightly more likeable PR-friendly version of Bauer that brings all the high-level sophistication of a Booster Juice stand to the organization. (Think Corky from "Life Goes On") His role is exclusively to keep the wheels on and the money flowing in through the ongoing losses. Despite some differences in strategy, Walters is much more like Taman than he is like a Roy Shivers as he can't consistently find good import players. Things are still not going in the right direction there. Mike OShea is Mike Kelley version 2.0 minus some of the Drama (Lets just not think about that one at all!) Bellefeuille is not any better than Crowton when you look at the bottom line (scoring TDs) where things actually count Willy is a Buck Pierce clone, and behind that O-Line, even after the so-called improvements this year, his career will be much shorter than one would expect etc, etc, etc. The more things change, the more they stay the same, and the losing ways keep rolling along... This isn't rebuilding, and this team will not be markedly better in another year, two years, or even 5 years. It is "rinse and repeat" mode to the max. Drop the BOD governance model, get an owner who cares, and then we are talking... You have got to be joking...hardly any of your ramblings are true. Is that you Nate?
  4. Brohm is 29 not 31...not that it makes that much difference. The point is why are they trying to develop a QB that old?
  5. If you've ever been to a practice and seen how attentive the media are it would be hard to call out O'Shea for not telling the truth based on Irving's "observations." Do people really think there's a Marve conspiracy? If they didn't like him he wouldn't be on the team. Except that O'Shea makes it sound like a conspiracy, because he refuses to give even a hint about what's wrong with him.
  6. Why would I have something to add to a story that I have no facts on? I should just guess like the rest of you that weren't there and didn't have to deal with the situation, or make a comment like "the cops killed her" That's the one that really got me!
  7. I'm not sure what your post is about. Difficult to determine what your position is other then some angry General response. Yes I start many of the controversial threads. It's news. It's interesting. I like this forum. I asked for the NHL forum and I contribute to this one too. Content is good. I've been in many situations with the police both good and bad. Mostly good. What are you trying to say about this specific situation? Thought it was pretty clear...many of you are passing judgement on a situation you really know little about, and are only getting information from a partial video, and news reports that are mostly unreliable. And yet comments are made like "the cops killed her" "With more certainty I can say that this is a clear example of individuals, and a system, that are incapable of dealing with mental health issues." or "I think its a matter of a citizen pulling the "I know my rights" routine with a cop that a complex about being the big man." But seeing as you all know what happened exactly....carry on!
  8. Very little doubt? based on what? The evidence should also support for you that there is no evidence of racism. You actually believe that every person with mental health issues can be capably dealt with in any system? I have a bridge to sell you.
  9. Love how most of you guys who have never been in a situation like that, and take your information from the traditionally untrustworthy news reports, and parts of videos, sit in judgement and proclaim who is right and wrong, and all that is required is more training for the police officers, that the police killed her, etc. etc. What a joke! Funny how most of the controversial threads seem to be started by the Unknown Poster.
  10. Interesting...that's the opposite of what MOS thinks about him. He has said it more than once.
  11. Pencer was crapped on immediately. I'm just pointing out the bit of hypocrisy that exists. Walters gets so many free passes by some people and the previous GM got raked over the coals for any little thing see your love affair with Mack hasn't lost its luster
  12. Glen Johnson doesn't make the rules. He is also not the one who decides how the rules are to be enforced.Refs get their weekly feedback from him on how to apply the rules.The Rules Committee and BoG tell Johnson how they want the rules interpreted. It's not his or the officials' fault if they do that and penalties go up. Johnson cannot change the way they are to be interpreted unilaterally.Actually yes he can because day to day throughout the season, he's the authority. He isn't going to unilaterally decide to overturn rule changes that the BOG implemented 4 weeks into the season. That is over stepping his authority. I don't think anyone is saying that...he is charged with getting the refs to enforce the existing rules properly
  13. Don't know how many of you have noticed, but they rarely call offsides on the receivers this year...it has to be pretty blatant.
  14. He screwed up in one game in the entire time he has been here. Too much talent to have him not playing!
  15. And the blockers actually did their jobs properly on that kick. Calgary had one extra and they made him take the longest route. Hajrullahu bobbled the snap and struggled to get the laces up giving the guy off the edge an extra second. If he handles that snap like every other one on the night, it's not blocked. Not so sure about that...it would have been split second regardless
  16. Don't know if anyone noticed but on the blocked punt we had two blockers in front of the punter. After that there were three on every play. Some teams employ 4 blockers in punt formation.
  17. Who cares what Mack did or didn't do? It's ancient history!
  18. Congratulations on making comparisons on two completely different situations and trying to equate Cato's success with what Marve would have done. Montreal out-game-planned Calgary and Hamilton out-game-planned us. That's where the comparisons should end. Marve has the arm strength to complete a pass. Brohm doesn't. That's where the conversation should end. I guess you know more than Kyle Walters and Danny McManus about arm strength then. Because when Brohm was signed Walters said: "Danny played a huge role in this. Danny, who was with (Brohm) in training camp last year, could speak to some of the qualities that you couldn't find on the brief film. Danny likes his arm strength, talked about his escapability and things, but more importantly, Danny talked about the type of young man he is and the leadership he has, how he brings up everyone around him... a great person to have in the organization." Maybe that speaks more about Danny than Brohm
  19. Oh yeah that's right..so he calls running plays and they don't succeed against a hot Hamilton defence...you and most others would be up his ass for calling running plays when they are so far behind. Almost every offensive coordinator calls passing plays to try and get back in the game...that's the only way to try and score quickly! They had 3 Q's to try to catch up or at least keep pace and it was obvious that the pass only approach was not working and rarely does. Time is not their biggest problem if they aren't being productive. I would like to see the Bombers revert to a default strategy when the O is struggling in an attempt to stabilize the situation. This would put less emphasis on the QB's talents and focus on the running game by playing Cotton, Marshall and a FB at the same time pounding the ball down the field. A blitz intensive team like Hamilton could be vulnerable to this attack especially if Cotton can break through the first line into the secondary. Hopefully over time this attack would loosen up the passing lanes so that they could return to a more balanced attack once the reeling stopped. A positive side effect would be giving the D more time off the field to rest and regroup. Yep...that will definitely get a win when they are so far behind. What they need is a backup QB who doesn't throw the ball into the dirt or up high, and doesn't flutter the ball to the receivers. Someone who actually has some skills and is the legitimate QB in waiting. It's not intended to get them the win, it's intended to temporarily stop the bleeding so that they can regroup and get some momentum back. Throwing desperately and achieving futility is not a recipe for winning football either. If you have a competent backup there is no need for throwing desperately. Virtually every offensive coordinator in the league for ages...when they get that far behind, abandon the running game. In some cases it means a comeback and a last minute win. I'm not saying that's what the bombers would have achieved on this particular night...all phases of the game were the ..... but to come down on Bellfeuille for only doing what makes sense is ridiculous.
  20. Oh yeah that's right..so he calls running plays and they don't succeed against a hot Hamilton defence...you and most others would be up his ass for calling running plays when they are so far behind. Almost every offensive coordinator calls passing plays to try and get back in the game...that's the only way to try and score quickly! Oh yeah that's right..so he calls running plays and they don't succeed against a hot Hamilton defence...you and most others would be up his ass for calling running plays when they are so far behind. Almost every offensive coordinator calls passing plays to try and get back in the game...that's the only way to try and score quickly! They had 3 Q's to try to catch up or at least keep pace and it was obvious that the pass only approach was not working and rarely does. Time is not their biggest problem if they aren't being productive. I would like to see the Bombers revert to a default strategy when the O is struggling in an attempt to stabilize the situation. This would put less emphasis on the QB's talents and focus on the running game by playing Cotton, Marshall and a FB at the same time pounding the ball down the field. A blitz intensive team like Hamilton could be vulnerable to this attack especially if Cotton can break through the first line into the secondary. Hopefully over time this attack would loosen up the passing lanes so that they could return to a more balanced attack once the reeling stopped. A positive side effect would be giving the D more time off the field to rest and regroup. Yep...that will definitely get a win when they are so far behind. What they need is a backup QB who doesn't throw the ball into the dirt or up high, and doesn't flutter the ball to the receivers. Someone who actually has some skills and is the legitimate QB in waiting.
  21. I disagree...Petan will make the Jets before Ehlers does.
  22. Oh yeah that's right..so he calls running plays and they don't succeed against a hot Hamilton defence...you and most others would be up his ass for calling running plays when they are so far behind. Almost every offensive coordinator calls passing plays to try and get back in the game...that's the only way to try and score quickly!
  23. Maybe to a certain extent, but to say he can't do anything because of the personnel he has is ridiculous!
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