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Posts posted by rebusrankin

  1. 22 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    And some fans on a football forum will excuse away any ranking system that rates him highly as being fundamentally flawed, and tell you they know better than the coaches and that the top running game, second fewest sacks against, another  great win-loss record and top ranked OL in the league all mean nothing because, results be damned, they know better then our staff paid to put the best product out there to win games and keep their jobs, based on their own eye test. 

    PFF has its critics on both sides of the border and actually has its origins as a fansite fyi.

    Conversely some fans think that coaching staffs never make mistakes and dump on fans who offer opinions. 

  2. 2022

    week 1

    Brady has 10 carries for 17 and Johnny gets 3 carries for 10.

    week 2

    Brady 14 for 48 and Johnny 7 for 43.

    week 3

    Brady 15 for 56, Johnny 2 for 3.

    week 4

    Brady 7 for 28, Johnny 1 for -1

    week 5

    7 for 39 for Brady and Johnny 12 for 57

    week 6

    Brady 9 for 8 and Johnny 7 for 33

    So the first 6 weeks of 22, BO is 62 for 176 which is 2.8 ypc and Winnipeg never switched to Augustine as the starting rb. Its not happening. He was 32 for 145 or 4.3 ypc which isn't great either.

  3. 2 hours ago, GCn20 said:

    Get ready for a knee slapper. Over on RF their chief spin doctor and shameless O'Day apologist Rider Stronson is suggesting he has inside information that if the Riders had not expedited the signing of Mason FIne that the Bombers were going to attempt to sign him as our back up. LMAO.  He's not even good enough fill the water bottles for our QBs.

    Except for the Ottawa being in the Grey Cup part I have maintained that this may exactly be our path for the past couple months. Let Brown develop and take his lumps as a young starter in Ottawa, then we swoop in.

    I am depressed now since we missed out on Fine. Curse you, O'Day.

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