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Posts posted by Bigblue204

  1. 2 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    So does buck. He’s been here longer than most every one including mos.

    thats what id tend to believe. Though it does happen that guys go through the process to get experience. Normally when that happens you hear them quickly pull their name out from final consideration though. 

    If I was in that position deciding between mace and buck I’d take mace. Defensive guys tend to do a better job of working with asts to run a D and team where offensive guys imo struggle more with micro managing every thing. Offence in all football is what sells and draws. If you’re an offensive coach and become a hc you really need to own the offence. Fans expect dynamic exciting offence right away, no matter general success. 

    Personally id rather have a more polished none plop disciple as oc. I think buck needs more polishing as an oc little on a hc. He hasn’t been able to reign in Zach or calm him down. Idk how he’s going to manage defensive players or veteran coaches under him. 

    Though if buck leaves I expect him to go hard after our key offensive free agents. Brady, brown, Bailey, lawler and schoen. And I expect him to get more than one or two of our guys. 

    Brady will play for the Bombers or the NFL. That's it. 

    I could see Bailey and Brown going with him though.

    Lawler isn't a FA.

  2. 11 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I agree but what's frustrating for me & I'm sure everyone who cares about the Bombers is that this current managemnt & scouting team is about to broken up over a stupid cap. We know Mike will let Brown walk so the more we talk about it, the more pissed off as a fan I become. 

    Not really. Good teams have players/coaches etc poached all the time. The fact they've been able to keep people here for so long has been a bonus, but isn't something I think we should expect moving forward.

    "Let Brown walk" as if it's only up to MOS? Brown wants his own team. The Bombers have too much cash tied up in Collaros to let him go. There's no real trade market for him. Again, this isn't a "they don't want to keep good talent!" So much as a good teams lose good players, just like they always have....in basically every sport.

  3. 10 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    "Zach Collaros is my starting qb",  says Mike O'Shea as he butts into this conversation. Why are people even arguing this point? Dru Brown has played his last game asa Blue Bomber. Zach is O'Shea's guy.  We all know that. 

    Normally I'd agree....but...qb is the one spot where the team has been willing to make changes. Willy was his guy, then Nichols, then Strev, now Collaros. I don't think they move on from him honestly, but I'm not sure it's not going to happen either.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    There could be a grain of truth in that, they may be focused on getting the GMs in place before moving onto any player deals. 

    If Walters comes back, it's probably at the expense of one of the GMs, if he's not, Teddy probably slides into his place. Either way, gotta get everyone settled in their roles before they start working those roles. 

    There's no way for any of us to know 

  5. 6 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    We don't have a GM or 2 Asst GMs right now. Well, officially as of December 31st. anyway. All we have is Mike OShea running the show. The other 3 don't have contracts or the authority to redo contracts or make decisions. They're lame ducks getting paid (for now) to do little, if any work. Thanks to Randy Ambrosie & The CFL Board of Dinosaurs for the damned Admin Cap nobody wants & Wade Miller for making O'Shea The Guy. 

    Just making things up as you go along now?

  6. 11 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Houston has the physical tools but his tendency to play off his man cost the team dearly. 

    That's Halls defense. Not Houstons personal choice.

    4 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Hoping for a "I'd lake to stay in TO" contract for Oakman as he has demonstrated that he still has a gear he can shift into where he can take over a game... but if not, then I am comfortable with his big-name being available as a decoy so we can re-sign the guy on our D-Line who gets no hype or press whatsoever but was very quietly one of the 10 best D-Linemen in the league.

    Yeah Oakman fell off a bit this year...can he come back to form in a new environment? Maybe...

  7. 12 hours ago, Piggy 1 said:

    Thanks for making my point ,Booch.  I don't always have the time to elaborate more. Some exclellent insights made again.

    I still stand by my earlier statement , Osh needs to go ,and take his faves along with him. Period. The same crap will happen next year ,if the new GM wont step in and step on his toes more. Thats is ,if Walters doesn't resign ,not looking likely. Danny Mac? Buck as HC? Hall can retire as well IMO. 

    I've heard a lot dumb ass **** over the past week. But getting rid of the HC that has led the team to 4 straight GCs. And helped them become the winningest team since 2016 is definitely the dumbest.

  8. 4 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    It was Cover 2, basically what Tampa 2 looks like in Canada.  They flooded the deep so Lawler had a bit of time to the flag, but the corner at curl/out depth also has time to bail out on a corner route.  The corner who made the pick was reading the QB and covering zone.  I personally think the pass to Demski would have been a pick six should Collaros have thrown it, by the same DB.  That DB is baiting that throw.  At best Demski would have got lit up.  If Lawler times up a jump for that ball it's a easy TD.

    The best play likely would have been to back them off with a pump and take it to the endzone himself.

    Watch it again. The db has his back to the sideline while Demski is running by him. Put it to the sideline and demski is either getting in or getting close and Prukop is getting in.

  9. 3 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    yeah it wasn't even the DB covering Lawler, he beat his guy super clean. I think Collaros didn't see the db leave Demski to get under the pass. Needed to be up and over everyone not just assume lawler is just wide open because he beat his man clean.

    He should have seen Demski in line with his db who had his back turned to the sideline (where Demski is heading). That's an easy read, and easier throw and Demski likely scores.

  10. 15 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    All year collaros has been underthrowing deep balls. He had 2 easy touchdowns if he leads his receivers.  Instead one was an interception and another knocked away. 

    He doesn't handle pressure in the pocket well anymore either. He ran himself into several sacks. Guy has been figured out at this point. If not for Brady dragging this team along it would have been obvious earlier.

    Not just this year. He's consistently under thrown deep balls since 2019. It just was never a problem until this year.

    He also seemed to force things waaaay more this year. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But that int into the endzone is a prime example...credit to the db for a hell of a play. But Demski is the easier throw and likely scores on that play. Collars has been and will always be a gun slinger, eventually you run out of bullets.

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