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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. uh.. we had buck pierce and people freaked out.. he had lots of experience didnt he? we NEED to find our starting qb. exclaimation point. there is nothing else of the same level of importance.. Hall can stick around and either be the guy off the bench or if he improves, be in the mix for #1. if im gm, im calling toronto everyday offering whatever it takes to land collaros.. i said it before and i still believe he is the best of the backups right now.. great arm, excellent escapability and seems to understand the cfl thus far... could he **** the bed here? of course. unfortunately, we dont have the luxury of finding our own as we.simply suck at it..
  2. anyone who thought the crowd was cheering.for.bc.buck (fans and players alike) are complete morons... they were cheering for warrior buck, community buck,.a.guy that fought and bled for us.. glad they cheered for him, guy deserved it..
  3. we can lose any canadian player... its gonna hurt. losing muamba who is an ST monster and a ratio buster who plays a traditional non imp position as well as an american is a painful painful blow.. easily as painful as losing labatte. how you cant see this astounds me, seeing that you follow the cfl so closely.. muamba is a rarity.. he is an exception... we have essentially built our ratio around him.. not an easy thing to just lose and go "oh ok, throw an american there.. we can just balance it out later.." we lose an american in a skill spot when we do that..
  4. Except Grandpa Miller. touche. Wonder how they gonna work this out now...
  5. this thread started out great... now.... your all reaching and it shows.. step it up or hang em up!
  6. durant seems to butt heads with every coach and oc hes had..
  7. guys with that much experience and some physical skills get cut and not picked up when there's a new team coming in and suddenly the marginal NIs have so much increased value just based on the increase in new jobs? No I don't think so. yup. either as a starter or as an ST/backup.. he's nowhere near as piss poor as, people are making him out to be..
  8. This week Wally will call time out to ice Hall in fourth quarter...Burke's secret it out now... Wally? buano.
  9. i truly believe if we cant call each other idiots or morons (where we can defend ourselves) we shouldnt be able to do so to players or coaches as.well.. pretty shitty double standard and.frankly, i think coaches and players deserve more respect then that..
  10. oh! oh! i know i know!! 9. 9 teams would play henoc if they could.. and pigseye seriously might not know what an MLB is supposed to do if he thinks henoc is a poor MLB.. kid has nothing but talent and potential
  11. my guess is trial by fire. see what they got (at the risk of a dead qb or 2) during preseason 2014 (which is what this.half of the season essentially is) That or the staff truly believe that they scouted some great prospects OR they feel that our tackles have been so bad that it cant get any worse..for the record, id have gone with Kowalczuk at guard, pencer at tackle as well but with a morbid curiosity i eagerly await friday to see whats going to happen, lol. Carnage.That's my expectation. yea me too.. kinda like watching 2 freight trains on the same track speeding towards each other..
  12. my guess is trial by fire. see what they got (at the risk of a dead qb or 2) during preseason 2014 (which is what this.half of the season essentially is) That or the staff truly believe that they scouted some great prospects OR they feel that our tackles have been so bad that it cant get any worse..for the record, id have gone with Kowalczuk at guard, pencer at tackle as well but with a morbid curiosity i eagerly await friday to see whats going to happen, lol.
  13. yea i would rank em middle of the pack this season for o-line play.. Toronto, saskabush, calgary would probably be my top 3 with hammy and bc and mtl average and of course us n edm horrid..
  14. brutal hit.. nothing about it was a tackle.. head shot, plain and simple..
  15. Add Doug Brown to the list. were you thinking of a different Brown? lol. that was funny. shame he left here in such a sad way... glad hes going to be retired as a bomber (i assume) and go into the hall.. i was honestly a bit worried he wouldnt come back, seemed like he was angry with the organization..
  16. its insanely pathetic.. but i mean, as plentiful as the imp tackle pool must be, they are not used to the yard off AND are not used to having to move that quickly.. if they can play.ball they are in NFL or on PRs.. its not like we can sign any amerk o-liner and plug him in with expectations of stellar play... but it is very sad that boatman is the best we.can stumble across at this point..
  17. yea.but thats all the arm chair GMs around here need in order to pass judgement, dontcha kno.
  18. dunno why people are ragging on people being brought in to compete for tbe tackle spots...ANY new blood is better then what we have now, right? wait and see em at practice before passing judgement eh.
  19. max hall moved the ball, only got picked once in last game... right there, good as or better than.. and honestly,.if wally buano, aka qb guru, says "hes not worth it or.good enough.." how can you argue it? he has easily forgot more about qb play in the cfl then you (or 17to85) will ever know.. move on ya redundant turkeys
  20. thought pencer did better then expected... was always engaged.with a d-lineman from.what i was seeing, got caught.up in a twist or two.. didnt notice how he played at RT tho.. we HAVE to find someone better then boatman.. i mean Jermese Jones was better at this point!
  21. BC sucks chants more often... rider bashing more often.. win win in my books... we are a western team imo, always felt weird being in the east..
  22. Just being Rottier is good enough. I dunno, I think the kid is not as bad as people make him out to be... average at least but by no means a useless rag.. am I glad he's in against our killer d-line? you betcha!
  23. glad to see pencer in and hope the new kid can beat out boatman..
  24. Others have disareed with me in the past, But I think Chris Best is a top 5 Gaurd in this league.id agree but this reflects on how shitty olines are just as much as bests abilities..
  25. and what, pray tell, leads you to make such an observation?
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