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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. i agree.. a young proven QB is desirable. Since none are available, we are left with 2 choices.. go hard after a vet QB like ray (if available) Glenn or Burris.. or go with a young but unproven like Collaros or any of the other backups.. same boat as seasons past... this kick of the can i really hope we go for a 3-5 season gate keeper and eithrler trade or FA the next one.. we can ill afford another clown show offense next season..
  2. im actually impressed he has made 2 tackles lol.
  3. yea why follow rules and protocol just because our season is tanking.. smh.
  4. Jade has shown that certain 'je ne sais quoi' despite his youth and his being on this team and this crappy situation.(along with all the negativity he's seen) He can get open, he can make very nice catches and get yards after the catch. The guy has potential. He's been developing here and now he's being ruined here, in this program. The thing he can't do is develop an offence to throw him the damn ball. A functioning offence with a rotating Watson, Kohlert Etienne would do us very well. its simply too hard to argue with people who refuse to see the forest thru the trees..
  5. he has been cut twice, crapped on by buano as "maxed out potential" and "uncoachable" a tag given to him here as well.. you realize there is more to being a qb then sort of running an offense and throwing the ball over them mountains, right?
  6. lmao, did you seriously work a leg hump of joey smelliott into this post as a reason for our o-line looking respectable? your a riot man.i call and raise you a season in which buck pierce played his most games without injury AND reids stellar play.. *you're grammar nazi.
  7. haha the tate cornish bitchfest just cemented me in the "dont sign premadonna tate" club.. bc making a game of this at least..
  8. lmao, did you seriously work a leg hump of joey smelliott into this post as a reason for our o-line looking respectable? your a riot man. i call and raise you a season in which buck pierce played his most games without injury AND reids stellar play..
  9. I guess we'll never know. All we can say is that Coehoorn has done far more than Etienne at this point. As he should, as he's like 5 years older with far more training... and boom goes the dynamite. very good point.
  10. The fact that you say we "claim" to be fans implies that some of us are not meeting what your definition of a "fan" would be, which annoys me.Just because I'm not willing to let the Bombers run their team like garbage and be accepting of it does not make me any less of a fan. ok, lemme change the wording to devoted fan... better? thick and thin. i dont get how you guys can just walk away or turn it off.. It is cute how you think apathy is something one chooses. its weird you think it isnt. This season has pretty much made me sick to my stomach at times and ive never once considered not going whenever i can, watching or taping when I cant or listening on the radio.. I chose to not be apathetic to my team... you telling me you and others are incapable of doing so?
  11. The fact that you say we "claim" to be fans implies that some of us are not meeting what your definition of a "fan" would be, which annoys me. Just because I'm not willing to let the Bombers run their team like garbage and be accepting of it does not make me any less of a fan. ok, lemme change the wording to devoted fan... better? thick and thin. i dont get how you guys can just walk away or turn it off..
  12. Don't put any of that blame on the apathetic fans. If people on a forum like Morning Big Blue are apathetic towards this team, that falls completely on the Bombers. If, God forbid, Tim Burke is back as head coach next season, I know I'm not alone as a diehard fan and season ticket holder in saying I'm completely done with this team. I'll watch the CFL, because I love the game of Canadian football, but I won't be cheering on this insanity. That itself would be insane! im not saying the fans are to blame for the teams struggles.. that would be stupid. im saying that for a fan site, there is a metric **** ton of detractors..
  13. im truly stunned that the concept of not caring, not watching, not paying attention are even being discussed, let alone acted upon. its the bombers for christ sakes, the reason for this forum.. shitty, embarrassing or horrendous to bare thru, its our football team we claim to be fans of and love so much..
  14. oh the outcry of the armchair GMS.. the anguish and the rage.. a guy who is 24 and locked up for 3 years who can play tackle and maybe other spots on the line with a bit of footwork training... seems to me that in itself is normally a player picked in the second round IF your lucky and IF the player isnt a bust... so we took the gamble out of drafting one oline prospect.. cost was the services of the league leading sack master for a few games and got a 4th rounder down the road... i simply dont get the outrage.. hall is as good as gone and i think he sticks for a season down south.. and like mentioned before, whos to say we dont get him back if our fortunes have changed by then? and if this is all about that second round pick then like i said before, we would be lucky to draft a kid like neufeld at that pick (regardless that he went in the 5th) and hes ahead of.the curve with all those games played..
  15. Alex Hall has no desire to be a bomber anymore? oh well.. ship him out then.. once he gives the NFL a go and is PR'd for a season and comes back to the cfl, throw money at him and show him how far we've come
  16. Or his agent had already started negotiating before his contract situation was resolved yea this too.. he probably had it drawn up and as soon as he was considered an FA signed on the dotted line..
  17. i love how you are taking it like a personal affront to you.. like yer a mafia boss and the bombers are renegging on the agreement.. what exactly are you so bothered by? that 6 instead of 5 of your tax dollars will.be funding a football stadium and team you apparently love? smh.
  18. that was quick, lol. guess there is a demand for him..
  19. spin it how ya want it bro, you were wrong AND called out on it, deal with it..
  20. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough.not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation. no but i would believe this could constitute offical enough eh? Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 18m Tim Burke confirms #Bombers let running back Bradley Randle go because he still has NFL opportunities and didn't want to lock up a contract. sorry if it contradicts your "bombers are such a mess!" bashfest.. The fact that this has already happened twice seems a bit...off, though. possibly but look at it this way... they now know us, are familiar with us.and if they don't land NFL gigs, we are probably their first choice as a) we showed interest and we were willing to say "hey, no hard feelings we understand.." I think it's a good concept, if they are good enough to get some NFL interest simply by showing up here... must be worth something skill wise... even if it means a bunch of activity on the roster that undoubtedly will cause panic amongst the quick to judge crowd. (present company excluded of course)
  21. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal.. Oh sorry I missed that. Other then it being mentioned in this thread. Which is of course the same as official confirmation. no but i would believe this could constitute offical enough eh? Darrin Bauming ‏@DarrinBauming 18m Tim Burke confirms #Bombers let running back Bradley Randle go because he still has NFL opportunities and didn't want to lock up a contract. sorry if it contradicts your "bombers are such a mess!" bashfest..
  22. Bad sign that people get a whiff of this poo show and bolt. This season cannot end fast enough. not too swift on the uptake? he apparently has am NFL sniff and didnt want to commit to a 1 + 1 deal..
  23. no kidding.. oh well. c'est la vie
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