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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Too true sir. I actually think Ricky Ray is underrated. best qb in the league = underrated? huh.
  2. So do nothing is your answer? Surely you realize no one is trading a starting OL from a winning team at this point in the season. Sometimes a change of scenery can make a world of difference. yup. one mans crap is another mans treasure. even if it just begins the change of direction on the o-line, im all for it.
  3. yaaaaaaaaaaay.. OL help! hope hes the next goodspeed
  4. IMO it wouldn't hurt to take a look. Doesn't sound like it would take much to pry him out of Edmonton. i think so too.. worth the gamble of a morley and denmark or some such.. maybe morley, denmark and suber for rottier, nichols?
  5. seriously? you think this was the best way to handle this? you saw nothing wrong with it?
  6. To be fair, drafting guys who go to the NFL is a bit of a crapshoot. If Oakland didn't have such a horrible D line, and if Dezman Moses had a better camp, we'd be giddy over the prospects of a Bilukidi/Mulumba/Hall/Peach/Turner rotation. At least Mack had the bullets in the chamber to fire, even if some were off target. I think this is more correct in what was said about draft picks. It is the fact that we were keeping picks rather than pimping them away for nothing. At least you have a chance to hit a target if you have arrows in your quiver. and to be fair to mack, his picks that are here, are contributing..muamba, etienne, stephan, swinson, woodson and watson (did mack draft watson, i thought so) while pencer may or may not contribute this season.. thats a decent average of picks playing and doing something.. even the te/fb we drafted made it into some games..
  7. so rottier is available you say.. but yea Herveys an idiot and ******. him and reed have driven that team into the ground.. sounds like another OC to bite the bullet.. tho, no mention of consequences..
  8. You're not allowed to use the word accurate for awhile. Goltz threw only 2 picks. doh! i stand properly chastised..
  9. If one of the bombers qbs tossed 4 ints we'd have them hanging in the town square! It's the double standard with regards to qbs across the league from Bomber fans that always kills me. Goltz threw 3 picks and people are anointing him as "the next one.." so dunno if your 100% accurate on this one.
  10. yup.. need more option stuff and even just Goltz taking it himself... IF Goltz is the guy we wanna roll with.. make the defense respect the run a lot more...
  11. Wasn't Douglas hurt on the 2nd play of the game? something like that yuuuuuuuuuup.. story of our season...
  12. You make it sound like he was always away scouting which isn't true. He was at every practice according to Penton. And most teams have others who look after those things as well so I don't know what your point is. you haven't noticed what the point is with every post? Everything he posts is trolltastic. this.this. this. this. this! i often wonder, who was this guy in a previous forum life cycle...just so i can go... "aaaaaah... makes sense.." lol
  13. no, hes been told not to talk about bucks "injury" and said hes starting due to max not being 100%.. you misplace your spectacles again? Same thing. WHO told Burke not to talk? And since when isn't a coach not allowed to talk about an injury? walters and above... due to either a trade concern or genuine concerns of opposition targeting him (if he gets back into games..) and since the dawn of the upper and lower body injuries, lolol... thats basically the whole reason for upper and lower descriptions... to limit discussions on said injuries...
  14. come on back vega.... mainor or peach can step down..
  15. charles to catch on elsewhere mebbe?
  16. no, hes been told not to talk about bucks "injury" and said hes starting due to max not being 100%.. you misplace your spectacles again?
  17. Because Burke said he was told not to talk about it... I hope you're not serious. If he actually said that publicly he is a complete moron. He is serious. That did happen. One of Burke's many blunders we all shake our head about after. It's not a surprise to me anymore. yup.. came out just like that. "uh, we faking a buck injury to get goltz in.." "cant tell you the injury cuz people who know its fake dont want me to tell you.." smh. he said "its an undisclosed upper body injury.. people dont want me to talk about it so i wont, we dont want people to target it.." if your going to tell a story, do it right.. burkes guilty of much this aint one of em.. (and spare me the "do you reaaaaaaaaaaally believe bucks.hurt, blah blah blah.." posts.. dunno, dont care.. just saying burke was unfairly portrayed here)
  18. RIP Mr. Lewis.. condolences to the family..
  19. You might want to consider using a different term than "nips". This sentence could be read a completely different way if you were a red neck. I laughed real hard about him using that. He means NIs or NIMP's...but NIP....that's something else altogether... I wonder what his abbreviation is for a non-import guard. NIPG. ya racist.
  20. x 2 yer nuts (don't wear blue and gold, you might get hit by combines or pilsner bottles)
  21. You're going to have to explain. I don't see how this makes any sense. Yeah I'll second that. What? Flutie was a freakin freak of nature. He was an AMAZING QB. I've never seen a guy look like he's about to fail and succeed nonetheless. The guy had rabbit feet and horseshoes coming out of his ass. And Elway was a great QB as well. see two posts below this.. i agree flutie was a very very good qb.. but like khari, i dont know if you put him on an average or bad team, that we al still be a very very good qb..
  22. Dude Elway was one if not the hardest throwing quarterbacks of all time... see post.before this, i wasnt comparing arm strength.
  23. You're going to have to explain. I don't see how this makes any sense. Montana or Marino were QBs that could win a game on their own all the time, you always got elite level stuff from them... elway and flutie could, on occasion but more.often then not needed.greatness around them..
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