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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Once again in the Blue ... Jyles had 19 tds and 7 ints only and over 100 qb rating.... while he's no superstar... those stats are light years better then anything we have had since then.... my god.. stats really are for losers cuz i still wouldnt want jyles back even with those very nice numbers.. looking at them, i almost dont believe them lol
  2. Elliott had more wins and more pow then anyone we have now. He also could throw more then 300 yards ints and not. Elliott had one more win last year than Goltz and the same number as Buck. Not sure why you guys love him so much. Especially when actual facts are introduced. Because last year Elliott had 5 games with 240 or more yards passing... and 2 player of the week awards...... This year Goltz has yet to throw for over 200 yards!!! Funny that the arbitrary number you chose was 240. Let's break it down then:Those 5 games: HAM: 33-43, 406 yds, 1 TD, 0 int BC: 20-42, 256 yds, 0 TD, 1 int SSK: 19-33, 241 yds, 0 TD, 0 int MTL: 17-25, 335 yds, 3 TD, 0 int CGY: 22-33, 284 yds, 0 TD, 4 int If those other three non-POW games are your idea of a good game, I don't know what to tell you. So he's a guy who can rack up great stats against laughably terrible defences. He also had 134 rushing yards and 1 rushing TD all year. And in his 10 appearances in 2012, he threw for zero touchdowns 7 times. His TD-INT ratio was 5-12. That's MARGINALLY better than Pierce has been in 2013 (he's at 2:6 right now). He was 0-7 against teams not named Hamilton and Montreal. I try to be neutral when I look at stats and draw my conclusions based on the numbers I see. I never hated Elliott, I never really liked him. I've always been sort of meh. But wow, outside of his two great games, his stats are just awful. And two great games is only one more than Troy Kopp and Ryan Dinwiddie had. thank you for doing this... i did recall outside of his pow games, he was either average or bad... i didnt realize just how bad mind you but knew the elliot fan club really have been deluding themselves..
  3. so where do we get the NI spot? On the DL? 3rd Canadian receiver? Swiston/Pencer tandem at tackle? Kohlert returned to practice today, possibly there? wouldn't mind that unless its at the cost of seeing the new guy..
  4. me too.. but i always thought ford was the better blocker and seeing that either was a backup at that point, blocking was probably more important...
  5. exactly... we all guessing otherwise and some are really adament about it too..
  6. they are funny.. stop trying so hard to find fault in everything bombers..
  7. wow.. next your going to tell us you listen to the cure and depeche mode while putting on eyeliner and wearing a trench coat..
  8. Why with each passing week? What is happening here that is making you think this way? That's what I didn't quite get either. What were people expecting? A weekly presser to update fans on the goings-on of their GM hunt? well duh.. how else are we gunna know what to whine about or whos resume to go over with a fine tooth comb and ***** about?
  9. around and around this conversation goes and yet no one refuses to understand that hes been cut from two teams and been called out for being uncoachable and refusing to listen.. sounds like he isn't a team guy or that hes willing to listen to coaches to improve himself or to work with the offense.. why again does he have such a fan boy club? sometimes throwing a pass into coverage works out for ya... other times it ends yup with repeated back breaking ints..
  10. good luck Garrett, ya kinda got a raw deal here but thats football.. question is tho... ford or garrett?
  11. I think we already know. The question is will we or the Eskimos win more games this season? And by losing the most games, we win the race to see who gets to draft the first guy that ends up going to the NFL and getting injured/PR'd next year, aka the CFL draft. Geez, I hope we don't have that same dumb argument from "certain" posters who think we should lose gracefully in order to secure that 1st pick. you and i both know its gonna happen again.. hell, if we were in a tie for second, some people would choose to lose to get a better pick... its an odd mentality i tells ya.
  12. yeah that was it. He cut himself. its funny when guys do that.. oh wait, that was hamilton... we cut him when we went with hall..
  13. seriously, Edmonton is trying their damnedness to give us a run fer our money fer most dysfunctional team around...
  14. if wally b says he is a lost cause, who are any of us to say otherwise? im pretty sure all of us here are in agreement that BC is a qb factory and wally is one of the best judges of qb talent.. can we put this baby to bed now?
  15. welcome to starting in winnipeg mr.goltz. it wont stop even in victory...
  16. the hype balloon for that guy deflated real quick..
  17. id doubt it.... i think that ship has sailed, unless neg listers don't work out..
  18. we sign a guy who lost his 3rd string job? Yeah those coaches in Sask really musta loved the guy, cut him and everything. Yeah. That would be like harping about how good someone is when they are 3rd string for the Lions........... and boom goes the dynamite..
  19. meh a younger steve morley is a better steve morley then the one we have now lol. maybe delmonico can work some magic with him..
  20. i recall a few people clamouring to get ahold of levi before. they got their wish lol. I have no clue about.this guy personally but any qb is a good qb at this point..
  21. which one seems so nutty to you? Morley might have a sliver of trade value for a team really in need, although he's got a decent knee injury that could end his season. Denmark and Suber have nil. Most likely a deal for Rottier would be for a draft pick.the going rate for either nichols or rottier is probably pretty cheal after Herveys meltdown.. not that nichols stock went up or down but his back to back injuries must be a concern..
  22. which one seems so nutty to you?
  23. Too true sir. I actually think Ricky Ray is underrated.best qb in the league = underrated? huh. Okay, maybe under-appreciated works better for you. lol yup, sure does...
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