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Posts posted by GCJenks

  1. 3 hours ago, mbrg said:

    That's an interesting question.

    The whole notion of Saskatchewan propping up the league is laughable garbage, and there's not an ounce of truth to that.  But how it actually works?

    Let's start by not talking about that other moldy team at all.

    When I buy something from the Bomber store, they get all the cash.  But do the Bombers keep all the cash, or does a portion go to the CFLPA?  Note that I did not say the CFL.  And when someone buys Bomber merch from the silly little rack at Walmart or Kandahar Tire, how does the pie get sliced then?  And how does that change if I buy Bomber merch off the CFL website?  There will be three different answers to these questions, and I could only guess at them.

    Back to the total crap Rider fans are suggesting above, there is only one economic value they add to "the league", and that is other teams experience a bump in ticket sales when the Riders are in town.  None of the other nonsense suggested results in revenue for anyone other than the Riders, and to continue to suggest simply cements their status as the league's most insufferable fans.


    Having spent some time in the sporting goods industry I would expect the breakdown to be something like this.

    Each team that operates a store or any other store buys their products from a supplier. Whether it is Adidas, New Era, the BBQ Covers etc etc etc. These suppliers would pay licensing fees to the League to be allowed to use the logos. That would be where the league would get revenue from store sales. The Bomber Store or any other store would not return any portion of their profits to the CFL.

    Does the CFLPA get any proceeds from any of this? I wouldn't really expect so, they are a union and should be funded by their membership. I understand that the CFL and member teams contribute to the benefits of the CFLPA but I would be surprised if they funded the operation through licensing fees.

    Proceeds from merchandise sales at CFL.ca site? It would depend on the deal the league has with the teams, I expect these revenues would be shared between the CFL & Teams or the teams would be against the league having a store and would rather all traffic be directed to their own site.


  2. I'll miss BT JR, but even more so the class of his entire family. A few times a year his entire family would some to watch him play. Had a few conversations with BT1 and always raved about the city and how well they were treated everywhere they went.

    I understand the need to get better sometimes has a cost but I sure wish there was a way that the new guys could actually prove they were better than who we had before. Oh wait there is that thing called training camp...


    ***AH Crap wrong thread***

  3. If Mrs Ladd is pregnant does the issue of her thriving practice become a non-issue? You have to think taking time off to have a child will hurt business, is it as much as starting over in a new city? Does it matter is your husband is getting 400 or 500K more in a different city?

    I'm sure many wives work to keep themselves busy but after she has a child will she want to leave it with a nanny while she goes to the office? I know if I made $30K more my wife would rather stay home with ours...

  4. 9 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    Not sure how that could be? The kitchen is literally right in the middle of the boxes. It couldn't possibly be placed any better for them in my estimation. I have frequented the odd game in the boxes and the food service was excellent.

    Except that that location is not the kitchen, just a staging area for the food before it goes to the suites.

    Food service in the suites is a major cluster F. Orders for the Grey Cup had to be in 3 weeks in advance and still not delivered to well in to second quarter. Everything that this food service company screws up in the stands they do it in the suites but the price is 3 times higher.

  5. Other than Wheeler's scoring streak is there something up with him? It seemed to me that he was moving a little slow and usually the first of his line to peel off and head for the bench. Is he nursing something that no one is talking about? Conditioning a little behind the pace of the game?


    Just checked his ice time stats and he was right between Ladd and Little so maybe he wasn't short shifting but it sure seemed like it to me.

  6. I wonder how much the season ticket drop off will be?

    I think it will be less than it should be. Didn't most people already commit to next year (possibly the year after as well) to get a discount on their Grey Cup ticket?


    What really stands out to me is that if I am not using my normal seats (company also has a suite) I can't even get a sniff when trying to sell them on Facebook. First couple of years everyone wanted any extra seat they could get. This week I had to work hard to give them away.


    Last night we took our 2 1/2 year old for his first game, if I didn't have the distraction of keeping him some what entertained I would have been even more disgusted with that display. There is no longer any part of that 3 + hours spent on the UofM campus that can at all be considered good entertainment value.


    Montreal play tonight. Can anyone find a depth chart for tonight's game? You'd have to believe if he is left off a second week that something is up and he'll be moving somewhere else soon. Would love to see him here, even if it's just so he can't get to any more of our QB's.


    He's not on the depth chart. I believe.




    Thanks I found it too after I asked (should have googled depth chart instead or roster D'oh), on the 1 game injured.

  8. So, after this fine season is over there should be some flotsam and jetsam from the sinking of the good ship Riders floating about for the taking.  Anyone think Jacques Chapdelaine would be a good replacement at OC if the Bombers decide to part ways with Marcel?  Any other coaches on the Riders staff worth considering?

    I would love to see us bring Bobby Dyce home again.

  9. Before you go to bed tonight, say a little prayer that Duane Forde doesn't eventually implode and murder Rod Black at the mic.

    Can you imagine what it must be like working opposite that guy year after year?

    After the TD pass where Rod announced "Cato to the (SJ) Green Hornet" the silence from Forde was palpable.


    I'm not too sure on this. I think Forde is settling in to the role of Rod's Straight Man. I am pretty sure he fed Rod the "Green Hornet & Cato" line a few plays before the TD.

  10. Here's some of my thoughts from being at the game last night. Marve brings excitement and flair to the game. Would be a great change of pace when Willy is struggling. I thought Jhomo Gordon looked pretty impressive for such a young kid. Returning punts, kick offs and a nice catch or two. Just needs some more time to learn to run sharper routes. Addison Richards looked horrible in the couple of balls thrown his way, Tayman is probably choking on his Subway laughing so hard at us with our "revenge" pick. This didn't look like a team ready for the play offs and a Grey Cup appearance, let's hope the other teams are as slow in their development too.



    How does park and ride work if you need to leave the game early? Is there some place to park within walking distance the game? (even if I have to give my son a piggy back ride)


    Victoria Hospital has always had parking available and in my opinion not having to cross Pembina with a child is key.


    It is an official place to park? IE they have people taking money for game day parking?


    or what?


    Yes, it's "official" parking for the games. Someone will be there to take your $$. I don't remember what they charged, I had left my stadium parking pass in the other car and was already grumpy.

  12. Just read the Lawless article on the Freep website. He really should credit this forum and this thread for writing his article for him. Every salient point he makes has been discussed here in the past few days. He likely copy and pasted much of it.

  13. Unbelievable to me that Shawn is gone so young.


    We first met some 25 years ago at the UofM when I was working for Bison Sports and he was writing for the Manitoban. Our paths crossed many times over the years and I always respected his ability to remember the name of anyone he met. My fondest memory will be of Shawn showing up at my wedding social at 12:30am after whatever event he was working and wanting to by auction tickets etc. We had a good laugh and a quick visit as things were winding down.

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