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Posts posted by GCJenks

  1. 3 hours ago, Ripper said:

    You are correct. But it isn't because the front four is making plays against the run. The 6 guys on your depth chart at front four positions has combined for 19 tackles. our same 6 players have 42 tackles. 

    My question would be in how many chances? Our defence has spent less time on the field and fewer offensive plays against. 

    That had to figure in your  “reasoning” somewhere doesn’t it?

  2. 8 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    With Chris Jones gone & replaced by Craig Dickenson it's harder to hate the Riders now. Craig is one of the nice guys in the CFL. The Rider fanbase are still morons though.


    As nice as Craig is he is not a HC. Looks completely lost on the sidelines, almost a shell of his former self and we are only 2 games in to the season...

  3. 20 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    I feel like the Riders using a Harker/Fajardo combo should have them lower. Can we put them say 11 behind Sarnia and the U of T?


    19 hours ago, Tracker said:

    And the St. James Rods. Maybe even the Oak Park Raiders.

    I don’t know why I have the desire to watch two green teams but would love to see a game between the Riders and the Regina Rams (once Rams start camp of course) ...

  4. 2 hours ago, Ripper said:

    It would be very exciting for you guys if all the other teams don't game plan for Harris getting the ball.  Its like it was a surprise. 

    Are you trying to insinuate that BC wasn't prepared for Harris to run? They of all teams understand what a weapon he is, he was theirs for years.

    The key is that no matter how much a team schemes to stop Harris he finds a way to succeed. The surprise comes in when he busts past your best run blockers and stacked 7 or 8 man box...

  5. 9 minutes ago, Wideleft said:

    TORONTO — The Canadian Football League announced Monday that it has issued a two-game suspension to Hamilton Tiger-Cats linebacker Simoni Lawrence.

    The suspensions comes after the veteran linebacker made direct contact to the head of Saskatchewan Roughriders quarterback Zach Collaros in the Ticats’ season opener on Thursday at Tim Hortons Field.

    As a result, Lawrence will miss matchups against division rivals Toronto Argonauts in Week 2 and Montreal Alouettes in Week 3.

    In a league-issued statement, Commissioner Randy Ambrosie said the following:

    On play #4 of CFL game #10, our regular season opener in Hamilton on Thursday, June 13, Hamilton Tiger-Cat Simoni Lawrence made direct contact to the head of Saskatchewan Roughrider quarterback Zach Collaros after Collaros had “given himself up” by starting his feet first slide. This dangerous and reckless hit has no place in our game.

    After a careful review of the play, which was called for unnecessary roughness on the field and assessed a 25-yard penalty, and a hearing with Lawrence, we are imposing a two-game suspension.

    We want to put this supplemental discipline in its proper context by making the following important points.

    1. Player safety is the top priority for CFL. This point was stressed yet again as recently as June 12, the day before the game in question, in a league memo to all clubs which clearly stated: “Any player who performs an illegal act that creates a substantial and unnecessary risk of injury to an opposing player in a reckless and dangerous manner and outside of the acceptable standards of play will be subject to a suspension.”

    2. In our recent discussions with the Canadian Football Players Association (CFLPA) that led to a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA), and in its public statements, the players association has said many times that player health and safety is also the players’ top priority.

    3. Several individual players have continued to echo that sentiment on social media, during and since those CBA talks, including this past weekend.

    4.We all need to walk all of this talk in a meaningful way now, at the outset of our season, by sending and supporting a clear and unequivocal message on player safety.

    5. The precise circumstance that occurred on this play was identified this Spring by our Rules Committee, which includes the leadership of the CFLPA, as one that requires urgent and strong action. It passed a rule change that increased the focus on such a play and the scope of what is considered a penalty. Our supplemental discipline needs to mirror this emphasis.

    6. We want to stress that this discipline is the result of this player’s actions on this play and this play alone. In fact, he has never been previously fined or suspended for dangerous play since joining the league in 2012. In addition, he has expressed contrition for his actions and concern for his opponent and former teammate’s health and well-being. However, dangerous and reckless play must be disciplined, not simply for the sake of punishment alone, but to deter such play in the future . All of us, league and players, need to take and support strong action to promote and protect player health and safety, and we need to work together.

    – Randy Ambrosie, CFL, Commissioner


    I think the wording of that statement is excellent. Pretty much dares the CFLPA to appeal and know they will look like heals if they do appeal.

  6. 5 minutes ago, bustamente said:

    What did everybody think of the blind side penalty we got on one of our returns, coupled with another penalty on the play it really put us in a hole, personally I didn't think it was a blind side hit.

    Best booth commentary of the game was Forde explaining that was a clean hit and that he didn’t agree with the call. Totally clean and proper play. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    Without fail here are the worst pre-season predictions in the league from the one and only Rod Pederson

    West Division

    1. Calgary Stampeders

    2. B.C. Lions

    3. Edmonton Eskimos

    4. Saskatchewan Roughriders

    5. Winnipeg Blue Bombers

    East Division

    1. Hamilton Tiger-Cats

    2. Toronto Argonauts

    3. Ottawa Redblacks

    4. Montreal Alouettes

     I could have sworn I heard him on the radio talking about being sober and doing motivational speaking about addicitions. Maybe being drunk wasn't his issue? (As scary as that may be).

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