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Posts posted by GCJenks

  1. I am not surprised by but for sure not in favour of this move. Willy will be lucky if he doesn't come out of this season with a serious head injury. He's already suffering and not making the quick decisions he needs too to stay upright.


    Would love a look to see what Marve can do when he has the reps in practice and a game plan to his strengths.

  2. Apparently Pinball was at the BC game last night.  Someone in the stands asked him if they could see his Grey Cup Ring.  So he tossed them the ring, something he apparently does all the time when people ask.


    But this time, the lady ran off with the ring when she got it.  They are searching video footage to see if they can identify her.










    So let me see if I got this right. The site admin starts a thread, a site mod starts another thread on the same topic, another site mod then has to merge them together. Something about this just doesn't seem right...


    Back on topic, I have tried a few GC rings from a few sources. Most will let people they know or meet in a controlled environment try them but a stranger in a 30 000 person crowd what was he thinking?


    As if, Penton is the best CFL guy in Wpg...  Tait is already thinking about the Jets.

    Which is pretty damning when it comes to the guys on the beat isn't it? When the guy who only covers them part time knows more about what's going on than the guys on the beat full time. This is why we complain about the papers so much. 


    I have given up on the papers. If I need Bomber news or a football fix I come here.


    I have never liked Kuale, always thought he was a D-bag. When he was signed my only positive thought was "At least he won't be taking cheap shots at our players anymore." I had hoped O'Shea was going to be develop the positive side of this player but doesn't look like he has had any success just yet. That being said, I don't think a player giving fans that have hassling him all night the finger is such an egregious act that media is still talking about it 5 days later.

    Sounds like it was a lot more than that. He was pretty over the top with lewd crotch-grabbing gestures and swearing.


    If that is the case I stand by my first statement. Such a D-Bag.

  5. I have never liked Kuale, always thought he was a D-bag. When he was signed my only positive thought was "At least he won't be taking cheap shots at our players anymore." I had hoped O'Shea was going to be develop the positive side of this player but doesn't look like he has had any success just yet. That being said, I don't think a player giving fans that have hassling him all night the finger is such an egregious act that media is still talking about it 5 days later.

  6. Apparently the "rule" is that he didn't give himself up because he didn't slide feet first.


    I don't know how it's written, but to me a slide is a slide and I guarantee you if someone had buried him, it would've been a 15.


    Definitely not the stupidest call by an official tonight though, which belonged to the guy who flagged Washington for belting Stamps in the end zone. Flag the play, not the result. Thought Odell Willis got tagged for one lame one too on Drew Willy. You can't hit a guy low, that doesn't mean you can't pull him down by his leg.

    I think I was more mad about this than almost anything else I saw last night. If anyone had done more than touch him they would have been flagged for 15 yards yet if they let up on him he can get up and keep going? He gave himself up to avoid contact, feet first or sideways it's the same thing.

  7. The refs don't create the penalties the players do. They have the hardest job on the field and are the lowest paid ones out there.


    Anyone hear how the Ump that got taken out last night is doing? Would really suck to not be able to work at your real job Monday after getting hurt doing your part time job.


    You want better refs? Find the money so these guys can train and do this full time not part time.

  8. man is the first game there going to be interesting, I used to live 2 blocks away on Fulton avenue and it will be tight getting people through there.  It is such a gorgeous area though and has so many great little pubs and restaurants on Bank street.  I do envy that there is stuff around it instead being on an isolated land island in the middle of suburbia..... 


    I look at those pictures and wonder where will people park, how do they get in and out? As someone that has lived there do you have any insight?

  9. I watched an interview with Wade Miller today and he explained a few initiatives the Bombers have done to improve fan experience and traffic outflow after games:

    - Wade said there will be a Rum Hut 2.0 but didn't say where it'll be.



    I heard in a previous interview that this Rum Hut will be portable. Will start the game in the Tail Gate area outside Gate 2 and then move to the smoking area at the North End. You will also now be allowed to take your drink with you when you go to smoke.

  10. Just finished reading the article on the Free Press site, decided to come here and see if there was any discussion on it yet. I thought it was well balanced (not negative) but nothing that hasn't already been discussed here. It is reassuring to hear such high praise for guys like Peach and Thomas, Monday had me a little worried about the D-line but I am a little less concerned now. Well, concerned less about the people, the scheme still has me nervous.

  11. I checked in here a couple of times today and expected to see some ranting on Doug's CBA related column this morning, couldn't even find any new action in the CBA thread (mods feel free to join this with that if you feel it should be). Is Doug intentially being an alarmist or is there actually a real chance of job action by the players? Just when I was starting to get excited about the season...




  12. It pains me to suggest it but I like what I know about the Rider's ownership model. As I believe it, the team sold shares and the shareholders vote on the board of directors. The board of directors doesn't have a say in day to day football operations, just responsible for putting the right people in charge and managing the business.


    If WFC sold shares that money could pay off the debt and we would truly become a community owned team.

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