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Posts posted by Tiny759

  1. 10 minutes ago, Blueandgold said:

    Except we beat nothing but garbage teams with Nichols. We got a win over Calgary that was due to Janarion Grant and a timely interception, aside from that we beat horrible teams and pissed away a huge lead against Toronto. 

    Collaros (2x), Streveler and Nichols all started against Calgary and Nichols had BY FAR the worst game of the bunch. Let’s stop pretending that Nichols had anything to do with our wins. We won a Grey Cup without Nichols, which is something we never came close to achieving with him. 

    Professional football is professional football. You can’t say how Nichols would have done in the second half without playing the games but only speculate. But I think a lot of people would disagree with you on the fact that I don’t think we win the grey cup if it’s not for Nichols being this teams starting qb.

  2. 1 minute ago, JCon said:

    Yes, but the warning (and it's played out many times) is that what the bottle says and what's on the inside are often different. Even buying from reputable dealers does not always mean a consistent and accurate label of ingredients. 

    Sure then that can lead to trouble on the supplements part. But players still have to take responsibility for what goes in their body. A buddy of mine on a university sport team was told by his coach to not take any supplements at all because of the small chance it’s banned.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Fan Boy said:

    On another note I am not so sure about Canada (media domination) but in the U.S. there almost no regulation of supplements compared to food and drugs. Why? politics of course. I heard of a case where a "natural" supplement that was supposed to act like viagra actually had a broken viagra pill in it. Everyone not just professional athletes should be very careful when using supplements.

    Always know what you put into your body and if it is what you want 

  4. 17 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Hill isn't really a qb either with the Saints. He also lines up at FB & Slot. The Saints just try to find ways to get him the ball. 

    True but I do believe before Brees got injured and after he came back, only hill and Brees were the qbs on the active roster. I could be wrong in that though.

  5. 39 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Streveler ran through and around Calgary's D in a playoff game with a broken foot.

    He's going to the NFL.  Even before that he was going to the NFL.  They missed him and they are kicking themselves for it.  He has a place on a NFL team as a football player.  They don't need him to be a passer.

    He will get some looks but what position is he gonna play down there? And I know you’ll say wherever they want to put him like taysom hill, but hill is listed as a qb, and I can’t see a team willing to take strev on as a backup qb.

  6. 2 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    At least I gave alternatives as to why getting rid of the ratio would be a bad idea. You didn't with your opinion. If you don't want this to continue then quit trying to put in the last word. Let it go. 

    Well I mean I did with saying best players available playing would make the game more interesting. Usually a better quality is a good thing. But fair well then my friend! Enjoy your weekend.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    Much too simplistic. Part of the reason the young generation is attracted to the CFL game and it’s many intricacies is the diversity shown in the rules and the Canadian aspect. Did I care when I was young whether a player was Canadian or not? No, but when I found out how it worked, I was in on it. They were Canadians playing a Canadian game. What’s not to love?

    I would argue the younger generation, when shown our game, will grow up to love the game no matter who’s the who behind the line of scrimmage.

    I agree. I think over time they will grow into it. But you have to get them in the seat some how. But I don’t believe the game will grow based off the fact of a Canadian identity and they would still be competing to gain young viewers attention from the nfl. But I ya I agree with you for the most part.


  8. 14 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Arguing with a kid? Oh, I wish. By this time next year I could be collecting my pension, if I want to. You haven't said anything to sway my opinion. You haven't proved your point. If you want me to change my mind, then convince me why I should. Throw me a bone. You can't. If eliminating the ratio was a such good idea it would have been done by now. It hasn't been because the negatives of doing so would outweigh anything positive. 

    That’s fine I don’t have to change your opinion. I said before let’s agree to disagree. But you kept on. The same could be said for you that you haven’t proved your point whatever that may be.

  9. 13 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Some bias? More like complete bias. Very few Canadians would be starting in the CFL if any, if there are no ratio rules. So, you'll get your wish with no Canadian qbs. As well as no other positions played by Canadians as well. 

    It’s like arguing with a kid. It’s not my wish for no canadian qbs to ever play.  And you are really over exaggerating. Coach’s will put in the player that gives them the best shot to win. I mean Canadians play in the nfl right? And I would think those coach’s are more biased then the coach’s in the cfl. If the goal of the cfl is to grow internationally, and nationally then I don’t believe this mandatory Canadians is going to work. The younger generation doesn’t care where the player is from, they want the best player available playing that will give them the most excitement. That player can be American canadian, global. You can’t say taking the minimum number of Canadians out will ruin football in Canada, because you don’t get to speak for the hundreds of thousands of kids and what motivates them.

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