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Posts posted by J5V

  1. 4 hours ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    I actually dont mind Lapo as HC (only) as long as he has a legit OC calling the plays. Not sure if he relinguish that tho. Expect Pierce as OC if Walters make Lapo as HC.

    Still, would like Condell as HC.

    Oh man! Not me. I couldn't stomach Lapo as HC. Seriously. I think I'd vomit.  LOL!

    Willing to give Condell a chance though. He'd have a good team to coach and I doubt he would do worse than O'Shea.

  2. Just now, wbbfan said:

    Alot of mix zone match zone and generally some one is in covered due to our blitz and drop schemes 

    We really didn't blitz much until the second half and even then, still a lot of 3 or 4 man rushes. Bo went largely untouched again and put up 350+ yards again against Richie Hall's D. 

    Suitor was commenting on how Richie Hall's D works by relying on the offense to make a mistake. If it doesn't, it's not uncommon to march the field.

  3. Just now, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Okay, you got me. You win the Prize.  

    Some how, some way these kids made it to pro ball. With a guy like Khari in Montreal he could bring Pipkin along as he obviously has some athleticism. The same with Streveler. With the proper guidance he could be a fine QB in this league. They're not very good right now, I'll give you that, but there's potential there. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Dustin Nielsen comments about getting Antonio Pipkin some playing time. Dunigan says there's no needs because the chance of him ever coming in because of injuries to Adams & Schilz is practically nil. I agree with Matty on this one. Besides, every time Pipkin does play he screws up big time so why put the game at risk? Surprised Khari still has him on the roster. 

    Man you can be negative on QBs. Streveler was obviously very banged up last week but you dumped and continue to dump all over him and now this. Khari must see something in him or he would have released him. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    I had wondered why Chris Jones had made that comment to Dickenson at game’s end one year something about winning with class. Here I thought Jones was out of line. It turns out he was the innocent one and Dickenson was, well, being Dickenson. I wouldn’t have guessed it back then, but now I know what Jones meant..


    Dickenson is a smug, smarmy, little POS. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Stickem said:

    O'Shea looks stunned on the challenge...He does not re-act quickly enough and misses many opportunities..What the hell is he saving the challenge for ...The one at the end on Adams wasn't going to get called and many others were far more valid in the game...You just can't miss those ...especially in the playoffs

    I've never seen him look as stunned as he has this year. For some reason, he just seems lost out there a lot of the time. He doesn't even try to hide it or cover it up with the smirk. I really wonder if this is his last year with the Bombers. He could be just riding it out before taking off for Toronto.

  7. 3 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    I can’t make up my mind which was the play of the game, so I’ll include them both.
    The zig zag scamper by Collaros with the TD throw to Adams, who put himself in position to make a very good catch on the edge for a TD.

    Janarion Grant. 2 point reverse convert return. That’s twice Grant has put his signature on Bomber wins over Calgary.

    I vote for Grant's 2 point reverse convert run. 

  8. Morning Big Blue!

    Had to watch the game this morning as I couldn't view the game live yesterday.

    Calgary with the 3rd and two gamble early, Bo thought he could throw for 2 yards, and the play gets called back for holding. Made me think, if a team gambles on 3rd down, and takes a holding penalty, they should lose the down too. Anyone agree? Too radical?

    On the first Zack INT, he is throwing to Adams and Adams takes himself completely out of the play. Geez, I wish he'd at least try to go get the ball. So soft.

    On the hook-slide by Zack early on, it sure looked like a targeted head shot to me. Zack is down and sliding on his butt when he gets drilled. Glad the defender missed and Zack's shoulder took most of the collision. Definitely had me whincing. Suitor saying the hit is legal because the head shot was launched before Zack slid. What a moron that man is.

    The 3-man rush is just crazy. Bo with way too much time (as Suitor told us ad nauseum) and if his receivers had had a better day, he eviscerates us.

    Cuthbert channeling Black today, "Calgary receiver with a great catch! No, he dropped it".

    Zack looking very comfortable out there. Demski having a good day.

    Oh man, Calgary getting away with all the late stuff, particularly a hit on Demski after he had brought the ball well into the end zone, yet Exume gets flagged for a borderline hit out of bounds. This reffing crews doesn't like the Bombers, do they?

    Jefferson gets tackled from behind on the rush. no call. Calgary getting away with lots of holding.

    Mayala with the scoop off the turf on the 2 yard line. Osh should have challenged that. Next play, TD Calgary. Damn! Calgary with two, long TD drives already. 14-10 Calgary.

    Rogers with the ****-move running up the stairs to show off to the fans. What a knob.

    Our D doing the same things as last game and getting the same results. Really? No adjustment Richie?

    Mayala interviewed at the half, in a very even game to this point, delusional in saying the Stumps should be blowing us out. Is everyone on this team a tool?

    Medlock having a great day kicking giving us a very short field. Lawler with the quick TD. Very nice. Courtney Stephens with the late head shot on Lawler in the end zone. No call. 17-14 Bombers.

    Bomber D starting to send the heat and gets a sack by Bighill. Wow. That only took a game and a half for Hall to adjust his D. Impressive. There's hope for this game.

    Calgary with the clothesline on Grant. Flag thrown. Calgary doesn't handle adversity very well. It seems if you push back on them they get rattled and start playing dirty football. Go Blue! Keep it coming!

    Adams finally goes after a ball and saves an INT. 

    My gawd, Claire Hanna is  b a d.

    Begelton absolutely destroyed by Maston with a completely clean hit. Of course, the flag is thrown and Dickenson is lobbying for an ejection. What a whiny ***** Dickenson is. Terrible call by the officials.

    Calgary with the ref-aided drive. O'Shea looking bewildered on the sideline. Not sure why.

    Maybe that's why. Rogers with the easy TD. Pulls the ****-move again running up into the stands. The fans push him back onto the field. What an ass.

    HA HA! Paredes with the miss and Grant with the 2-point return! Awesome! Take that Mr. Rogers! LOL! What a tool! 20-19 Calgary.

    YIKES! Zack throws what should have been a pick to McMannis. Whew! Glad he dropped that.

    Richie Hall keeps sending numbers and it's paying off. However, Calgary over 300 yards passing now and it's not even the 4th quarter yet.

    Hall back to rushing 3. Bo with all day back there. Easy TD throw to Mayala. Why Richie, why? Now Calgary throws the easy 2-point conversion. 28-19 Calgary. Not looking good.

    Zack and Demski with some chemistry.

    Zack with the scramble and beauty throw to Adams deep in the end zone. TD Bombers! 28-26 Calgary.

    Richie Hall sends the blitz twice and forces a Calgary punt. Bomber D mixing it up.

    Adams lucky not to get flagged there. He broke off his route. O'Shea challenge? WTF? Nothing there, lost challenge. Don't understand that.

    Lawler emerging as the #1 receiver on this team.

    Hall sends the house again. Bo spots it and hits Begelton in the hands. Begelton drops it. Dickenson challenges and whines that Maston was early. Loses challenge.

    Hansen having a good game.

    2:00 left. Harris sets record. Congrats Andrew! 28-26 Calgary.

    Bombers driving for a FG. Bailey with a clutch catch. 3rd down gamble. Yes. Bailey again. 3rd down gamble. Yes. 1st and 10. Hand-off to Harris ... he rips off 11! Harris with the bobblehead! Yes!! I love it! Harris runs it in front of the uprights for Medlock. 00:03 left. Medlock with the kick ... Yes. Bombers win.

    Good way to end the regular season. Bombers 11th win. Go Blue!

  9. 1 hour ago, deepsixemtoboyd said:

     Hey, maybe Mike will surprise me and get us a birth in the Grey cup game…which would represent actual progress. Miracles do happen. If he does that, he absolutely gets another year. If he doesn’t and I am the fake GM, his ass is absolutely gone. 

    Hmmm ... I was actually thinking after reading this that, even if he had won a cup say, in year three, and we were now watching the team play as they are presently, I'd still want him gone. Since he actually hasn't won a thing, yeah, see ya.

  10. 7 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    But that never happens with this coaching staff. They stick with a qb until they absolutely break him. 

    Y'know what? Lapo used to say and do EXACTLY the same things MOS says and does now regarding QB play. When Pierce was getting the tar beat out of him Lapo used to keep throwing him out there for more punishment. When asked about it Paul would say, "he told me he was good to go so I sent him out there."

    I'm wondering now if Lapolice is responsible for a lot of what goes on with the Bombers. I'm wondering if O'Shea is so enamored with Lapo that he is basically letting him run the team. You may be more right about Lapo than even you realize.  :-)

  11. 15 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:


    There were plays made all around.

    The DB did disrupt the receiver’s vision, the receiver knew about where the ball was coming, so, when it hit him in the chest, he closed his hands around it. But, the real playmaker or luck, was the ball thrown by BLM  that managed to miss Rios and hit Begelton, all within a couple of seconds.


    I get that you don't think Rios played that poorly. I disagree but hey, sports is hard. 🙂

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