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Posts posted by J5V

  1. 1 hour ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I'm going to say Nichols injury (which happened around the same time) was a much larger factor. Especially since Harris has basically been himself since coming back, argument could be made that he's been better.

    I agree about Nichols. I'm just thinking it didn't help and may have bothered some players. Maybe not. Maybe players don't care if their teammates are getting suspended for juicing. Just part of the business I guess. 

  2. 1 hour ago, JCon said:

    I notice it's colder outside since he was suspended. So, not only are the Bombers doing worse, his suspension has made it colder.


    He says he's working to have the sample tested. That takes a while but no recent updates. 

    Yeah, because it wouldn't bother clean players if their teammate has been caught cheating but I see your point because thats the same as it being colder outside. 

  3. 37 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Burnham plays on a crappy team, that hurts him, and further to that neither Begelton or Burnham have tremendously eye popping stats. Yes good and been good all year, but milt only won MOP as a receiver for setting records. 

    Andrew Harris is the obvious answer to west MOP, but like i said, the people on their high horses decided he was out of the running because of the suspension. 

    I wonder how his "proof" that he took tainted supplements is coming along. I'd sure like to see that. I hate to be the one to say it but am I the only one that has noticed that Bomber fortunes took a huge nosedive after Harris' failed drug test and subsequent suspension?

  4. 7 minutes ago, JCon said:

    I'm not saying he played it welll, I'm just saying you can't see what he did for the first half of that play, until he comes into frame for a half second before the ball gets there. AFAIK, he blew coverage and was just getting back to Begelton before the ball got there. I don't know. 

    FWIW, Here's a different angle.


  5. 2 minutes ago, JCon said:

    *He never looks back in the half second we see in the gif. 

    Well it's more than half a second but anyway, if he looks back at all, he sees that ball coming and knocks it down. Sorry but, to me, a fan, that's awful coverage. Just my opinion. I never played pro ball. What do I know?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Mr Dee said:

    I’m not blaming Rios at all on this play. Rios has coverage. That throw is beyond ridiculous. You can try that throw 10 times into that very tight space and not be successful. Not to mention a very good catch by the receiver. There is only one spot to throw that ball and Mitchell hit it. He’s a very good passer. 
    Sometimes, the other teams make plays. This is one of those times.

    Huh? What am I missing here? Rios has his back to the QB and never looks for the ball. If he simply looks back he easily picks off that ball or at least knocks it down. That ball should never have been thrown. It almost hits Rios. Sorry, I don't get it.

  7. 8 hours ago, Brandon said:

    This makes me sad ....  it's also envious seeing a team attack 30 yards down the field.....

    Watching this gif in a loop ,   he has 2 guys wide open to dump off.... and 2 guys open down the field.....  I dream of this. 

    You can also see the fullback stay in for protection and then release late. He is also wide open.

    Is this a case of Calgary scouting our D and developing and running a set of plays to beat it? Or is this a generic offensive setup designed to pressure a D by having lots of options for Bo to throw to?

    In either case, it's WAY too easy. It gives the illusion of Calgary having twice as many players as we do. LOL!

    But the question I'd really like answered is, at this point in the season, in a game of this significance, should this be happening?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    It changes game to game so not sure how you could say this

    You've got a point. Streveler has been drilled many times with head shots and rarely gets them called. I've seen several occasions where he has gotten up from a head shot, absolutely furious about being drilled in the head. No call. It's one of the most disgusting things our officials do and I really don't understand it. TSN never mentions it but Bob and Doug sure do. But if it's BLM, out comes the flag.

  9. 2 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I'd trust Ottawa's offense to make 51% of 2 pt converts over a whole season...so yes.  I'd expect most to be in the range of 70-75%

    O'Shea's logic is really off on this one, it's indefensible.

    He said, paraphrasing, "They're trying to get us to chase the points. I'm not falling into that trap". smh

  10. 7 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    I say it before the game and you accuse me of 20-20 hindsight? Na... that's 20-20 foresight.

    Nope. You said my positive take didnt age well. Thats easy to say after the game. 20-20 hindsight. You may as well have said, told ya so. What are you, 12?

    It was a 4 point loss so you can gloat all you want. They damn near went into hostile territory against the best QB in the league and won. Had they done do you would have been eerily quiet or full of ridiculous excuses. Hard to believe you're a fan. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, M.Silverback said:
    According to Ted Wyman form the Sun. Most of the beat writers said Streveler was really limping. It borderline negligence by O’Shea

    Did they say he did the same thing with Drew Willy? 

    BTW, I wonder if we're going to find out that Streveler also has a fractured arm. 

  12. 7 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You can't compare Streveler to Mitchell as it isn't even close. I've seen enough of Streveler to know things aren't going to change. He isn't improving throwing the ball. He's played enough now for me to see it ain't happening for the guy. In 13 games, he's thrown for 1,564 yards. That is 120 yards per game & stretched out over 18 games that amounts to 2,166 yards, 11 TDS & 16 INTS  in a league where qbs routinely throw for 5,000. We can't win with those passing stats. 

    You're just taking it out on Streveler and throwing stats around when you know he has a crap OC and consequently no open receivers to throw to. Do you remember Nichols saying he had no open receivers to throw to last year? It wouldn't matter who was playing QB on this team the stats wouldn't be there. 

  13. 2 hours ago, do or die said:

    Like the way we simplify the O in these 2nd halfs.....

    But seriously.....Streveler is a warrior.....but less than 150 passing is simply not going to get it done....especially against the big boys.    Lapo is still a 30 minute OC.

    On D...a couple of guys standing out and a couple of gift turnovers.   That covers the good news..

    Until late...Stamps OL did a number on our Dl. 

    We also used our useless blitz packages, yet again...to leave the flats/hash areas wide open. 

     Bighill must have some serious physical ailment - he can't pivot or change direction or wrap up on tackles.  Completely ineffective.

    As far as defending the two pointer.....less said the better.

    The Toronto and Montreal choke jobs really loom large now....as the Bombers keep failing to make it happen down the stretch.

    Back to gin and Laotian massages...

    Good to see you have maintained your sense of humour.

    Calgary's D laid a beating on Streveler just like Dickenson told the officials they would. 

    Note to Walters: Lawler, Demski, and Whitehead < Rogers, Begelton, and Mayala.

    Lapo with nothing to surprise the Calgary D in the second half, as usual. 

    Hall's D unable to adjust to shut down Calgary in the second half, as usual.

    O'Shea with no answers, as usual, although I did like some of the questions the media had for him.

  14. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Because I don't believe Streveler can complete the throws we'd all like to see. That is why it's not game planned. Our dumb ass HC never gave any playing time to McGuire this season  to see what he could do under center & now we're hooped. 

    So McGuire comes in today and because he's such a great thrower he overthrows Lucky on a deep shot down the sideline but last week, Streveler hits Adams in the hands on a deep shot which he drops and it's Streveler that can't throw so now we're hooped. I'm struggling with the logic in this. I saw Lawler and Whitehead each with drops today. Is that on Streveler too? 

    I saw Begelton and Rogers with drops today also. I guess that means Mitchell sucks too and Calgary is hooped.

  15. 6 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You also need a guy who can complete passes all over the field. Which we don't have as a starter now. 

    Again, how do you know? He's never been given such a game plan. Not once. 

    I hope I get to see this young man play for an intelligent, creative OC that recognizes what he can do and isn't afraid to throw the ball downfield. 

  16. 42 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    J5V, the kid can't throw downfield. He's throwing curls to flats on the field for the most part under 10 yards. Yeah, that throw to Lawler was nice but he has to do much more as a qb passing than that & he's showed us nothing. other than he can run. To me, it's becoming more & more apparent that he just doesn't have it as a passer & never will. Big heart, strong, tenacious & a warrior. Switch him to slot or running back. Let those traits work for him at those positions. 

    How many shots did he take downfield today? His entire play set was from -5 yards to 10 yards. He hit Lawler on one pass up the middle that surprised Calgary on second-and-one. What is he supposed to do? Turn off his headgear and start freelancing with his receivers to push the ball downfield? Yeah, that'd be a good career move.

  17. 1 hour ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Other than Nickthesizz no one hates Streveler. He has lots of heart & yes, he's a warrior. But I don't want a warrior at qb. I want a qb that can read a defense & throw the ball with success. Someone who actually gives us a chance to win. 

    In the CFL a QB is only as good as the receivers he has to throw to and the offensive play calling to get those receivers the ball. 

  18. 1 hour ago, AKAChip said:

    As far as Streveler goes, let’s be clear. He wasn’t great again tonight but put up the standard 220 yards of offence. If anyone thinks Nichols puts up appreciably more than that, or the result is any different, I don’t know what to tell you. 

    Even Mike Reilly needs someone downfield to throw to.

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