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Al Bundy

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  1. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Jacquie in Riders release; Bombers sign Dominic Picard   
    Ironically he was named their Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman for 2014.
  2. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to gbill2004 in Bombers make $4.5 million payment on stadium debt   
    You couldn't be more wrong in your assessment. The new stadium has so many revenue streams. And the stadium debt is a fixed cost, so as the years go by when revenue goes up due to inflation etc, the debt payment goes down proportionally, as a percentage of overall costs.
    The Bombers are in a very healthy financial position going forward.  As part of the debt repayment agreement, the Bombers put $500,000 in the bank before paying down the stadium debt.  And where do you propose spending more on football ops?  We had the highest number of coaches last season in the entire league, and each team has a salary cap, so you can only spend so much on players. 
  3. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Atomic in Bombers make $4.5 million payment on stadium debt   
    Without the new stadium that money wouldn't even exist
  4. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to gbill2004 in Hall most likely to be new DC (Now Official)   
    What grade education do you have...seriously?  I'm done with this conversation. 
  5. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to gbill2004 in Hall most likely to be new DC (Now Official)   
    You said "OC/DC will no longer have any say on players going forward".  That's just not true and is not what O'Shea said. 
    O'Shea said they won't have full control.  Big difference. 
  6. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to gbill2004 in Hall most likely to be new DC (Now Official)   
    No that's not what you said.
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    Al Bundy reacted to TBieber in Hall most likely to be new DC (Now Official)   
    Richie Hall doesn't get the respect he deserves. Never has, never will.
    Only reason he was let go was because Chamblin had to save face somehow.
  8. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to gbill2004 in Bombers extend JFG   
    @Wpg_BlueBombers: Pleased to announce, the #Bombers have extended the contract of WR Julian Feoli-Gudino!
  9. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Rids in Remaining Bowl Games   
    Went through the remaining Bowl games and listed off the Canadians left to play (or at least their schools will play in a few cases)
  10. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to DR. CFL in Brandon Stewart won't be back with Ticats in 2015   
    You missed the point....in either case why the need to trash them?
  11. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Zontar in Brandon Stewart won't be back with Ticats in 2015   
    Tiger-Cats beat reporter isnt as convinced Stewart is leaving as the human car alarm (Madani) is.
  12. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to holoman in Marc Trestman fired   
    Post made one hour after thread created...... I guess that's considered all night at your age
  13. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to GCn20 in Poll: Who Should be the Bombers' New DC?   
    Couple things ISO, mentioning race is not racism. Also, I at no point suggested that we hire a black coach for recruitment purposes. Let me clarify. My belief that a black coach can benefit a team is not my own. I attended a coaching seminar about 10 years ago in which Herm Edwards was the keynote speaker. At this time, one of the hot button issues was the lack of black coaches at every level of football. He spoke at great length about how an increase of black coaches could benefit the NFL and other pro leagues because many of the black players came from backgrounds where racism was rampant and how he has seen many young black players "wash out" because they could not get past the racial barriers (his words not mine) that are prevalent in pro sports. He said that many young black men come from hard backgrounds and need guidance and will feel more trustful of a black coach they perceive as more understanding of their problems.
    What's ironic is that there was a Q&A after his speech and one guy asked, " Isn't discussing this issue also racist. Isn't it wrong to look at the color of a persons skin when hiring someone?"
    Herm's response was along these lines and I am quite sure that I am pretty close with his words because his speech that day really made me think differently, " In a perfect world we could all walk around and not notice race. This isn't a perfect world. Trust me....a young black man from Southern Alabama does not see the world the same way you do. That's just the reality. If a team is smart they will definitely look at a black coach as adding value to the dressing room if all things are equal....and no that's not racist."
    Also, ISO you decided to put words in my mouth even though I had clearly qualified my statement. I said in my initial post on the matter that it should not be a big factor in our recruitment of coaches. Just one that shouldn't be ignored. You went off on some ridiculous diatribe accusing me of racism and suggesting that I advocated hiring Hall solely on the color of his skin. Both being grossly incorrect interpretations of my post. All I said is that it could be an added value if we were to go with Hall. I am not alone in that opinion. Many, many black athletes in all sports have advocated for more black coaches. I guess they are racist too.
    Guess the outreach workers are racist when they send a native worker to a reserve, guess the police are racist when they send a Pakistani officer out to patrol Pakistani neighborhoods. Racism is rampant I tell you. There is no good reason other than bigotry to do such things.
    You asked me why I brought up racism? I'll tell you why...because it's real and the effects of it exist....yes, even within the Bomber locker room.
  14. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to SPuDS in Around the CFL Offseason Discussion   
    It's the offseason, there is no company line to tow here ISO. Sorry I don't question every move, consider everything through angry, bitter glasses and assume that our team season in and season out is ran by a bunch of idiots. I try to look at things positively.. I don't think we will be a grey cup contender next season either.. Shocker, right? I agree, a playoff berth would be awesome. Trained seal tho ISO, really? That's excessive. There is lots of things I've questioned and things I've felt negatively about.. I just choose to look on the brighter side of things unlike yourself who seems to love to pontificate about all the negative stuff you seem to find going on... I'd hasten to point out how hard you whinied about the bombers not keeping you..er, sorry, the fans in the loop and how stupid they were for not firing etch.. Then you had the audacity to suggest the team was wrong for doing it how they did!
  15. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Mr Dee in Burris restructures contract with REDBLACKS   
    More like fixing their original    
  16. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to KBabijGesell in Etch Fired   
    Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle?   That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that.
  17. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to max power in Etch Fired   
    Anyone hear anything about Davone Claybrooks being in Winnipeg for a meeting? I've been hearing from some sources...
  18. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to kelownabomberfan in Etch Fired   
    Yeah, a more traditional defense that actually sacks the QB, makes picks and stops the run.
  19. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to blitzmore in Etch Fired   
    If there was one in the first place...it was all rumor.
  20. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Mr Dee in Grey Cup 2014   
    Timbits and tidbits from the West Coast:
    For those who missed it…Grigsby had the oddest answer for K Penton as to why he asked for his release:
    “That's none of your concern,” he said. “If you want to go ahead and talk to (GM) Kyle (Walters) and O'Shea, they can answer those questions. That's not my job to do that.”
    You would think that he should probably know the reason better than anybody.
    View the full article
    Walters and O'Shea on H & L in Vancouver
    - Walters is spending time trying to extend some players and FAs. He says it's nice to sit face to face with some of the agents in Vancouver in doing this.
    - And to spend time just talking football with MOS
    - MOS was asked if player evaluation is finished and the Coach said it is not. He explains that they are not taking it lightly and since it's first time…he wants to get it right. It's a process but he does want it finished sooner than later.
    - Both Walters and O'Shea would like to see the PI reviews abolished next year and just let the refs…ref. Put those resources into better training.
    - Buono says that unless you walk in a HC's shoes…you don't know what it's all about (in reference to Garcia saying he could be a HC right away) 1st year HC MOS agrees. Even Walters piped in, it's similar in GMing for the 1st time. Both say it's a daily learning process.
    - Walters says he is learning something every day and his project is to sit with scouting, the operations dept., and with MOS and evaluate everything they have done this year - what they did well, not so well, and what they can improve on…kind of like a working document to follow.
    - The GM's top priority is FA and the draft and they are fully immersed in the names and salary numbers and the projected salary cap and matching all these projections with the current roster, pending FAs and the next draft.
    - MOS believes they need more toughness next year, in the players, in their practices and in their football IQ.
    - Asked about Jordan Yantz, Walters said Yantz IS in his draft year and someone may take him for his abilities…"he's looked like a CFL QB this year".
    - They have a strong working relationship with the Bisons and Rifles.
    - Walters says it's not hard to pick Calgary to win and Mike says he wants to see the game decided on the last play to entertain the fans.
    (They both said they did this interview to appease iso_55 and the lack of information forthcoming) 
  21. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Tracker in George Cortez won't be back with Riders in 2015   
    Heck if Cortez managed to survive in Regina, Winnipeg ought to feel like heaven by comparison.
  22. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Mark H. in Barker out as Argos GM?   
    Just the fact that he pulled off the Ricky Ray trade should keep him there for a decade or so.
  23. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Rids in Former Bomber QB LeFors   
    He's coaching in Louisville and they finished 10-2 this year reaching the State quarter finals. They were 6-0 in district play. 
    I always felt that he got short changed in the CFL working with OCs that didn't adjust for a left handed QB. 
  24. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to mbrg in Mo Price   
    Calvillo was done like dinner in 2007.  The masses felt he needed to retire.  In the following 5 seasons he threw for approx 25,000 yards, went to the cup 3 times, won the cup 2 times, won MOP 2 times, won divisional all-star all 5 times and CFL all-star 3 times.
    Was 2014 the beginning of the end for Stamps?  Maybe.  But when a guy has 5 1000 yard seasons in a row prior to this most recent one, I'd be more than happy if the Bombers found a way to get him in uniform over here.  And it helps that Stamps has been nothing but a total class act during his CFL career.
  25. Like
    Al Bundy reacted to Mark F in Lawless - Attention O'Shea: Fire Etcheverry   
    so, when Lawless  and you agree, he's actually pretty good?
    I wonder if Etchevery thinks the Free Press and 1290 should fire Lawless?
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