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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-06-20 in Posts

  1. blue_gold_84

    US Politics

    He's absolutely lost his mind. And it's so fun watching him go completely off the rails in unhinged lunatic fashion.
    3 points
  2. do or die

    US Politics

    Someday, given mankind's ever increasing medical and scientific powers, we will have a cure for all maladies, even cancer. But stupidity is simply another matter
    3 points
  3. Mr Dee

    Black Lives Matter

    Bravo for calling her out like that! That’s what’s needed.
    2 points
  4. bustamente

    Black Lives Matter

    This is how you torch stupid people that think they are better than you and don't have a clue
    2 points
  5. do or die

    US Politics

    Six members of Trump's Tulsa advance team test positive for Coronavirus https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/6-trump-campaign-members-tulsa-test-positive-coronavirus-ahead-rally-n1231647 Watching the lineup for the rally - people shoulder to shoulder, round the block....very few wearing those unmanly masks. Like watching the Titanic, where crew and passengers have advance notice of the iceberg What next? Barrels of colored Kool-Aid at the doors?
    2 points
  6. Mr Dee

    Canadian Politics

    I can’t believe this is happening. I thought they had all gone to Tulsa for the weekend. 😁
    2 points
  7. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Another bombshell from the Fake president.
    2 points
  8. Khari Jones Dad was my facebook friend years ago. On more than one occasion we had some long late-night chats about football. Great guy.
    2 points
  9. Tracker

    US Politics

    The Trump campaign’s Nazi symbol scandal just got a whole lot worse Yet another controversy involving President Donald Trump and his allies came about this week when Facebook removed some campaign ads that used an infamous symbol from the 1930s: a red inverted triangle, which Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime used to identify political prisoners ranging from communists and liberals to members of opposition parties. Trump’s campaign has, in essence, responded that it didn’t use that symbol to promote Nazi ideology, but to smear Antifa. Nonetheless, Trump’s critics have asserted that using that symbol in the first place was clueless and ignorant. And according to Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent, a leaked internal document from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security makes Trump and his allies look even worse in this controversy. “After Facebook removed the ads amid an outcry,” Sargent explains, “the Trump campaign continued to defend use of the image — which was used by Nazis to identify political prisoners — by claiming it’s a ‘common Antifa symbol.’ The suggestion, of course, is that the image is justified by the idea that it’s associated with Antifa, so it’s merely a warning of a continuing menace to the country. ‘STOP ANTIFA,’ the ads say, warning of ‘dangerous MOBS of far-left groups’ that are ‘DESTROYING our cities.’” https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/the-trump-campaigns-nazi-symbol-scandal-just-got-a-whole-lot-worse/
    2 points
  10. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    The Village Idiots.
    2 points
  11. Mr Dee


    YES! It’s a no no
    2 points
  12. bustamente

    US Politics

    Trump is going to be pissed tonight, the massive crowd was a figment of his imagination
    1 point
  13. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    America under Biden would be vastly better than 4 more years under trump... leg shooting comment or not. Biden was never in my top five candidates for dem nom, but a ******* potato would be a better POTUS than trump. Biden is not a strong candidate, but- here we are. a ******* potato...
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. TrueBlue4ever

    US Politics

    This is the USA, and it always has been. Maybe not the majority, but pretty close to it. And it is not any different than it has been, it’s just more overt than ever before and being called out more than ever before. “Ugly American” exists for a reason, and I have very little respect for the entire country any more. Maybe this next election will soften my views, but I’m pretty disgusted with the country as a whole right now (and I do have a number of individual American friends).
    1 point
  16. Tracker

    US Politics

    The GOP's strategy of voter suppression is in full view now and they are not even trying to disguise it.
    1 point
  17. bustamente

    US Politics

    So apparently Bolton's book is full of classified lies, so say supporters of Trump, nothing in the book is true but all of the untruths are classified, and yes they think it can be both according to stupid people that kneel before their stupid God.
    1 point
  18. Tracker

    US Politics

    Trump faces avalanche of criticism after his rude behavior is caught on video President Donald Trump was excoriated on social media after turning his attention to Twitter during a roundtable Thursday afternoon on the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic as one attendee detailed the hardships faced by her small business due to the outbreak. “Get off your phone and pay attention!” tweeted author Jason Cranford Teague. The president began scrolling through his phone as a business owner described how the pandemic has affected her company’s operations, including the need for added runners and phone operators to handle social distancing requirements. Trump’s focus instead was apparently on composing a tweeted threat to China referring to Ambassador Robert Lighthizer’s comments Wednesday to the House that it was unlikely the Chinese and U.S. economies could “decouple.” https://www.alternet.org/2020/06/trump-faces-avalanche-of-criticism-after-his-rude-behavior-is-caught-on-video/
    1 point
  19. Oh, oh..trouble’s a brewing...
    1 point
  20. bustamente

    US Politics

    Re elect Trump and this is what you'll see
    1 point
  21. Brandon

    Black Lives Matter

    I assume she wasn't around back when New York was extremely dangerous and had a corrupt police force. This pic best represents that era:
    1 point
  22. Back when the Bombers held training camp in Brandon, I wrote to Cal Murphy begging him to let me help out (Would've been '94 or '95?) I was 11 or 12. It was the thrill of a lifetime, the team let me essentially be the "water boy," I got to miss school, ride my bike over to Kinsmen 'stadium' and hang around my heroes for a few weeks. I got a lot of pics of that time with Cal, Dunigan, Wilcox, Walby and the boys. What a time! I was also there for Reinebold's first training camp in Portage. I have nothing but fond memories literally everyone in the organization treated me extremely well and I'd get a practice used J5V at the end of each camp lol.
    1 point
  23. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    If you listen to O'toole's statement yesterday- that he fully beileves that Trump will rebound to win the November election and that he (O'Toole) will be there to congratulate Trump, it will give you a better insight into O'Toole's mindset. Fellow travelers.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    The knives are out in the new-old PC party once again. OTTAWA — Conservative leadership candidate Peter MacKay’s campaign team is dismissing an allegation of theft of campaign materials levelled in a late-night press release Friday by rival Erin O’Toole’s team as a “desperate, last ditch strategy.” O’Toole’s campaign issued the release late Friday, saying it had filed a formal complaint with police seeking an investigation into MacKay’s organization. The complaint involves the theft of confidential campaign and strategy data and alleges the O’Toole campaign’s systems were hacked earlier this week.
    0 points
  26. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Yep, the Republican’s campaign strategy is being revealed...
    0 points
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