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  2. Apparently sticking with the NFL for a few years and even making it onto the highlights a few time somehow equates to diminishing in talent? Maybe people question if he's a "CFL" qb... you know how people always prefer the CFL having a mobile QB rather then a slow as molasses drop back passer that the NFL favours... oh wait.... I think some people are just looking for reasons to complain. Strev is fine, I would hope they would play him here as a normal QB and not the gadget crap that LaPo had him doing in his last year with us. In his first season he dropped back and ran a normal O and was clearly able to make passes and escape the rush for the big runs. The gadget option plays should only be utilized a few times, it's predictable and dumb.
  3. Final drive: 1st and goal on the 7 with a chance to win. This is a classic Chris Streveler situation. Some misdirection and then you run run run. Why didn't they do that? Totally mystifying. I hope the media asks Buck/MOS about that this week. Can't let them get away with play-calling such a pansy-a** finish.
  4. No I am expecting him to be part of the passing game when collaros is stinking up the joint. Last time he was here they used some packages where he got to run a real offense. Feels like he's just got the prukop package right now which is stupid. Streveler can play qb. He's shown that in the past. He is a weapon, use him rather than treating him like a running back.
  5. At least two games this week past have been competitive and worth watching. Am happy for that despite my disgust with The Big Blue.
  6. A little bit of both, Lauther clutch for hitting his kicks, but luck because Tim White knocked it up.
  7. Never seen it done and look ok.
  8. Sask opponents sure know to give away games. Still have to give Riders credit for hanging in and capitalizing
  9. Don't understand your take, you're expecting him to inherit the starting QB role without demonstrating he's earned it?
  10. Current standings below. Picks for this week need to be in by Thursday @ 6:30PM
  11. Man, BLM is kind of a jerk but I feel bad for him this game, some drops from his receivers and that last play hit White right in the hands
  12. Maybe Strev does have the talent to do it. Current coaching doesnt seem to think so though... he still hasnt thrown a pass yet this year.
  13. Things change over time, he was good enough to hang around the nfl for a few years and always had arm strength, so until he gets a chance to prove himself in game action now I think it’s unfair to base opinion on a few poor outcomes from 4 years ago
  14. AJ Ouellette is built like a fat fullback, he's gotta be the slowest RB in the league
  15. Is Hamilton going to piss this game away Ti Cats get the ball back on a technicality and score
  16. So far 8 teams have looked competent at a minimum and only one has looked completely inept.
  17. Indeed. Makes the current situation a bigger head scratcher.
  18. Well Nichols was also basically injured to the point of retirement... that's what this team used to do, bring in depth. Not like collaros was a one man show in 2019 either, streveler played half the games in the playoffs despite a busted ankle.
  19. I just can't envision a situation where he's accurate enough as a starting QB. He was given the reins in 2019 and they ended up bringing ZC in. Dude plays hard and has heart, but just cant seem to make the throw when the chips are down Also, i think it was in the 2018 West Final he had Andrew Harris wide open and he just sailed it. Just my two cents.
  20. Yeah, it Brady’s out more than a couple of weeks they need to get an American signed. There’s a hundred backs in the states that could come in and offer more in terms of running the ball.
  21. Hamilton’s going to be a really tough out this year at minimum.
  22. Bo Levi may have lost some zip on the ball but he hasn't played this well in 2 years or more
  23. Yesterday
  24. I can confirm that Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut is delicious.
  25. Marcus Sayles is now a Rider, BLM just torched him
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